The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 6
  • *kathy kicks jukebox to eject feeebird* loads in the comes the sun?. o.k. with everyone?
  • wtg Iamangrybird...;) what new badge? ..did I get a new badge?
  • @Kathy, thanks, lol haha :)
  • I meant for rd, @ Kathy.
  • am I lost oor really acting up bad ..real quick OB bfore I lose pig killer please:)
  • @Iamangrybird lol..I figured that after I posted:)
  • Sorry I was gone for so long, everyone. Had to spend time with the family. Anyone still around? I see you guys finally changed the music. Have I missed anything? How's everyone doing with EE 1-8. I had one round that would've netted me 104k if I had gotten the egg.
  • Thanks @Imanangrybird!! I appreciate it.
  • @Iamangrybird lol..I figured that after I posted:)
  • @rdnzlrips82.. I been trying to hold down the fort..browser inand out aee
    s o.k. now:) glad you got in some family time:) so much needed especially noww;)everything hete is well, no complaints, no hostility, only happy patrons enjoying..OB is doing a great job... not sure but I didn't see E-Star leave..maybe still resting in cornerbooth..I changed the musiic. you can change if you want
    I am going to play one for blue bird she has been workin hard!..k think its by bob marley:) woke up this mornin to the risin sun.. 3 lil birds sittin on my doorstep
  • I haven't seen E-Star in here all day. We've been messaging back and forth about some things, but that is about it. Maybe she's busy working on a special project. *wink wink* The music is fine. I just have a slight Radiohead addiction right now. It's always good to change things up a bit.
  • Alright, party people. I'm out for the night. Have a great time here without me. Enjoy yourselves. The drinks are still on me. Which reminds me...I should probably take my badge off before bed. I would hate to wake up with a badge sticking out of my forehead. Thanks again, everyone for your support. You guys make it all worthwhile. Be sure to check in the discussion description tomorrow for the menu and daily level. Good night, everyone!!
  • @rdnzlrips82 good night! put that badge in a safe place! all is safe here:) I've called big red and put him on call, not that we need, but just in case;) sleepp tite:)
  • is anyone experiencing an error message when trying to post a comment?
  • good night all! enjoy: orange bird will take care of all your needs:)
    @sunshine if iits not too much trouble, could I get a baccon, egg, and cheese on an engllish to go for the morning?
  • Good Morning @all!
    Wow you were busy last night :-) I now read it all, @rd I love the updated description. The pig bios are awesome!
    My commuting train has an unexpected stop right now, hope that takes not too long.
    @sunshine can you make me some ham and green eggs for breakfast please? And some strong coffee, 7 hours of work ahead with no time for flinging some birds into Pigs ;-)

    Have all a great Monday!!
  • Good morning. Or night. Or whatever the clock is now in Sling Town. Such a great coincidence with that level of the day, I have room for improvement in Easter Eggs 1-8. :) I'll try it later.

    Can I have one of these, please? (check also the Paradise one) Has this great drink from Finland landed in Sling Town yet? :) I'll also take green eggs and ham, please. :D

    After having my breakfast, I'll go to smash some pigs in Wreck the Halls. :P

    (by the way, what a great idea. This is awesome! thank you so much rdnzlrips82 and Kathy!)
  • Goodmorning to you to Mikkor, I guess the clock is the same for us :)
    Love the drink idea, but I have to translated them haha, or you know what, suprise me!
    Woudl really love to see the drinks land here in the Netherlands :)

    I tried to up my score for 1-8, but got side tracked **wink wink** to Rd
    Sorry for leaving without saying goodbye the last time, but you where all busy playing pool. Didn't want to bother you.

    Has anyone checked White Vial today?
  • Good morning to my early risers. I assume you guys are from Europe? The menu and level have been changed to reflect the new day.
    @trishohara I'm glad you like the new bios. Just wait until you read the actual story I'm working on. I have a lot of work to do on it, but the outline looks great.
    @Mikkor Welcome to The Bloated Pig! I'm glad you enjoy it so far. Feel free to take the tour.
    @E-Star I'm glad to see you, as always. Sorry you got sidetracked yesterday. ;) How was your time in the garden? White was sleeping when I checked.
    It's only 4am where I am so I'm going back to sleep. Enjoy your day, everyone.
  • The time in Australia is 7:09 pm
  • I guess everyone is in their Nests sleeping, I think i'm going to check on White Vail my self.
    I will go an do some pigkilling today, so I won't be back untill tonight.

    (we have a national holiday here in the Netherland, Queensday, everbody that wants to sell stuff can sit in the streets of the town and sell it. Like a huge fair I guess, don't know the propper English for this phenonenom. Sorry for the bad english, IPad is on dutch spelling)
  • Ah, you are here Rd, didn't think anyone on the otherside was awake yet, here its 11:11 AM
    So your time must be somewhere in the middle of the night?

    @ harrystar, you up earlie, going to work/school today?
  • ** walks out the door ** and *waves back to the folks
  • Wow everyone is up.early(6 am here) @ E-Star I checked on white vail she is still sleeping. my fault I gave her a lot of work yesterday. wil let her rest.. gotta get ready for work:) wish I could go back to sleep.
    @Mikkor welcome :) jope you enjoy The Bloated Pig we will try to accomadate all your needs if we don't have something you like we will order it:)
    @ sunshine..I will have whatever your cooking up thus a.m. havenylt had a chance to look at the menu! os o.k. I trust it will be delicious:)
  • It's night time time here
  • E-Star, Finland is one hour ahead of the Netherlands. :)
    We in Finland also have a special holiday tomorrow, First of May. You can read it from here:

    @Rdnzlrips82, (I'll never remember that...) I'll take the tour. So far it seems really nice. :)

    We also have these: Angry Birds candies!
  • @Mikkor, we here in Germany have that holiday too
  • @sunsine on second thoughgt I checked the menu..I wil definitlet try the bangers and mash later on for lunch :) for now ill.have the green eggs and ham;) and strong. coffee.
    @ Burbman not sure I can play the level of the day airfield. chase. 9-13. at work maybe you can suggest a no -birder for me? ty:)
    @ rd :) ty
  • Morning @all!

    Another day of flinging, is the level for today Rio's Airfield Chase 9-13?

  • @all - do you know where/how I can report a spam message?
  • Good morning!!! Breakfast is on the way!!! More coffe and oj?? :)
  • Contact @amslimfordy or BL!!!!! :)
  • Trishohara, you mean GIFT? I already contacted AM. :)
  • I got GIFT too!
  • Googled that email, several sites including the same message. Some kind of scam.
  • Yeah, GIFT. I contacted Slim as well.
    Maybe he/she is a Pig in disguise?
  • What's GIFT?
  • @Imanangry bird Some of us got this message from a user named GIFT on this site. We suspect it's some sort of scam.
  • what form does GIFT. come as email, message, or message here? I want to be on the lookout fot so I don't open it accidentelly.
    anyway how's everyone doing this fine morning':)
    @sunshine breakfast was scrumptious ty so much:) can't wait to try the Bangers and mash for lunch! althouugh. I have no clue what that is! lol could I have more coffee please :)
  • Private message. It's not dangerous to open the message, just don't reply it. :)
  • And don't send an email to the email address mentioned several times in the message
  • @Kathy, it is sausage and mash potatoes!! :)
  • I got a GIFT this morning, as well. How's everyone doing on the daily level? @sunshine I'll have the usual and a coffee. I need something to get in gear. I'll be in and out today. I have to go to work for a short time. I'll probably hit it pretty hard this evening, though. I plan on beginning writing tonight. I have the beginning and the end, I just have to come up with the meat.
  • Regarding the daily level: my starting points are 105000, looking forward to improve this while commuting home in about an hour.
    @sunshine could you please make me a snack? Lunch time was too short for a proper meal in the Bloated Pig
  • @kathy I think we will hit page 7 today. That's kind of a big deal! I never thought it would take off this fast. Thanks for taking this journey with me. Also, thanks to @sunshine for the wonderful food she makes!! And thanks to all if our wonderful patrons. You guys rock!!
  • I'm starting today's level at 109,760.
  • @rd, I started at 110k, I am now at 123240!!! :)
  • A cyber drink, I love it! You have quite the imagination. Mine isn't nearly as good... or maybe it is and I'm just more reluctant to share it. Thumbs up if you've quit eating chicken because of Angry Birds, which may explain the absence of it on the menu.
  • @tishohara, absolutely!!! Would you like some pickled pig's feet?? :)
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