The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 997
  • Uh yeah sorry to hear it!! LOL
  • Course I've had weird cravings like that it'll drive you nutters sometimes, especially if you don't have what you want and no way to get it!! That is the WORST!! ;D
  • @penguinlover -- Isn't it time for you to go to bed? Plenty of sleep helps PMS. Also try eating more healthy food; sounds like you eat lots of junk food-- not good for you. Do you get enough vitamins? Take care of your body, and it will take care of you. Sweet dreams.
  • Yea @kimmiecv now all of a sudden I feel thirsty ugh yyyyyyy. PMS?
  • Hi @mvnla2 my cat is keeping me up. In the morning I take a One a Day Teen Advantage. I get enough vitamins. I'd eat junk food all the time I had apples with Jiffs peanut butter. I'm going 2 bed soon sweet dreams @mvnla2
  • Not PMS @penguinlover it's all the junk you ate! ;) and mvnla2 has a super good point, you may want to lay off the junk food over do! You may find eating less junky stuff and more veggies and fruit will also help your PMS. just a thought. It's good you take vitamins, I started late and wish I had taken vitamins earlier in life! So good for you :)
  • Wow. It only took me 37 minutes to finish. What did I miss?
  • Nothing much Ripsy just more PMS talk! ;D. Glad your caught up and done! That was pretty quick too :)
  • I missed a discussion about junk food. Hmm. I finished off the Trail Mix so I am good on food for now. And My project is finished and sent off to The Bigwigs.

    Sorry about your bad news @kimmie. Hopefully everything turns out. If you need someone to vent to, you can always PM me.
  • I agree I try 2 eat healthy my mom is making me a PMS potato 4 dinner it's supposed 2 help me with my PMS I found it on the doctors show. The vitamins contain about 500mg of calcium I also have gym in skool I practice running and doing sports in gym. Yea it's hard 2 quit eating junky foods I only eat them once in a while but I like having grapes and apples with peanut butter thx 4 the tips @kimmiecv :)
  • The project could've taken over an hour, but I developed a pretty nifty system to cut some time off.
  • I think I am going to put on my party hat and grab my noisemakers and head back to Birdday Party. I don't have many levels left to improve on there, so I figure I should be done there tonight. Then it's off to the beginning of Angry Birds, Poached Eggs.
    I will be around if anyone needs me. *Pulls phone out of pocket and starts up Birdday Party 18-13*
  • Good deal @penguinlover :). I don't want you to think I'm lecturing you cause I'm so not, just saying to temper the junk with good stuff but it sounds like you do and you'll be happier in the long run! Yeay for you ;)
  • Thx so much @kimmiecv I hope my PMS doesn't act up 2morrow I think my growth spurt is gone I think my cat quited down I got skool 2morrow and I hope Dori is there she was sick 2day :( anyway ill get on 2morrow if I finish my hw lol I have art class 2morrow so ill probably b on at 4:00 ish gn guys ttyl
  • Hey Ripsy you smarty pants! Of course you have a short cut up your sleeve! :) and good for you getting it done In record time! And thank you for your offer, I hate to bring anyone down and the info I got tonight would bring a horse down in one fell swoop! I hate when it all happens at once but then I figure maybe it's over and now I can just learn to deal with it all, right?!! . Okay this is taking Forever to post! Here we go again...
  • Have a good pillow walk @penguinlover :) good night!
  • Hehe pillow walk lol thx u 2 @kimmiecv gn ttyl
  • Night @penguinlover. Have a good day at school.

    @kimmie The offer always stands if you need me.
  • Thank you Ripsy and I may take you up on it :)
  • Ok I'm getting partial old posts in my comment box! That's a new one :/
  • Hey @rdnzlrips82, @Kimmiecv, @penquinlover :) sounds like you all having a good night:)
  • Alright. I need to lie down. My head is starting to hurt. I will be around tomorrow for the 50k deal. Night @kimmie. I will check my PMs before I go to sleep if you need anything.
  • Oh shoot. I was just leaving @kathy. :(
  • I would stay, but my eyes are closing while sitting at the desk. Night @guys!
  • I been getting partial ones too!! What is up..why just is..I invited a new person..@ if anyone see's her/ him...pleaee welcome..high scorer in ham em high..actually answered my.plea for help ;)
  • Sok @rdnzlrips82 I'm not staying long;) just popping to say hi;)
  • (((( Hugs))) ripsy;)sweeet dreams..p
  • Night Ripsy and if I PM you it'll be tomorrow after I've kinda delt with the worst of my emotions! Just go to bed! :)
    Hey @Kathy I saw he/she answered your plea to and I will lurk as always so if they pop in I will say hi :) and the dots not even working on this one @Kathy which it always does! Very strange!! :/
  • I hope your head feels better Ripsy and you have a nice pillow walk too :). Thank you
  • Hey everyone I had a great day!
  • I just feel a bit tired still
  • @e-star nice avatar really nice job! :)
  • Hey @Harrystar6 glad you had a great day! :)
  • Oh and sorry your tired I read you had a rough night, maybe tonight you'll get better sleep :)
  • @kimmie I am going to try and get a better sleep
  • Bet you will sleep better tonight @Harrystar6, I'm hoping I do too! Had to be up way to late last night! Don't want to do that again for a while ;)
  • @kimmie the only bad thing I am kinda of feel guilty about is surf and turf level 1 I just used birdquake I kind off felt like I cheated unless I try and get a higher score than that
  • Ooh.@Kimmiecv sounds like you having trouble ..nothing serious I hope..I didn't read all up or previous page:( I hate to lleave ya..but its after 1am. Gotta work and stupid class in morning
    .send p.m please ya hope everything o.k tigs io.k?
  • Nice to see everyone
  • @Harrystar6 did Ee* make your avatar?
  • No @kathy @sal9 made my avatar
  • Hey @Harrystar6 only cheating if you add it to the leaderboards so you just have fun with them! A lot of us won't use them for that reason but if your not competing on the boards then well it's up to you if you use em! ;)

    @Kathy it's very serious but it thankfully isn't anything to do with my babies, although that sounds bad its got to do with family friends. Thank you too, I just hate to bring everyone down since you all don't know any of them it just doesn't seem right to drag you down too! I hope you sleep well and good luck with your test tomorrow hope you kick butt!! :)
  • I am currently waiting for a reponce from @sal9 if he doesn't respond soon I might ask @e-star to make me an avatar
  • Oh oops well @Kathy I hope your class goes well, not sure where I got a test from?? My minds kinda wonky right now with taking stuff in I guess.
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