AB HD Page 1
  • So I have been an angry birds iPhone user since day 1. Now I got the iPad 3 and I don't know if I should download the normal AB (all series) or repurchase the HD versions.

    Is it worth it?

    Also, if I download the HD versions, can I still move scores from iPhone to ipad as detailed in the main page?

    Ideas and expertise please .....

  • No, I think only AB Space is retina display right now.
  • The HD verisions are worth it. But Im still waiting for rovio to make a cloud system so that the game can sync my scores from my phone to the ipad
  • Hi you guys up-there. Bigbrotherbird97; Peatree2,sal9, Pjng and Sethuhlu. Some time very near I got my iPad 3 ; very happy with this device . I Downloaded this pas Saturday the AB O ; I just finished episode 7 on Danger Above . I have some question to you all: Do you thing so ROVIO will enter to iCloud system ; how far or near it will be!!! I have not a lot experience fo transfer my progress from my iPod 4G to my iPad 3 then if! Will be iCloud ...will be easy to transfer easyli my progress . Really enjoy to replay again and again the game ABO : but!!! Take too longer to achieve the whole thing .!!! So I will keep going or wait for ROVIO. For sure I do not want to lose my progress on my iPod but I want the same or better progress on my iPad...!!! Waht I shoul do...!!! Your friend player. Nacho18
  • @nacho18, it's really easy to transfer your progress (took me less than 5 minutes)... even my mighty eagle purchase got transferred, from AB regular to AB HD! Check here... http://www.angrybirdsnest.com/how-to-transfer-angry-birds-progress-between-ios-devices/

    I think the iCloud thing will be a while off, so this is probably your better bet.
  • Hi all,

    Thanx a lot for your help and support, I did the transfers and it was all working great, except that now that I want to update AB Space, I get an error saying "this is not a test account" :( something with sandbox.

    How to fix this:(
  • sign out from itunes, clear your multitask bar and restart your device.
    When you sign back in all should be back to normal.
    This routing has worked for many users with this issue.
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