New Powerup Ideas? Page 1
  • OK, I know I am putting the cart waaaay out in front of the horse here, but bear with me.

    Assuming that Rovio listens to our concerns raised on another forum topic and comes up with a way to differentiate between standard scores, and those achieved using a power up, what additional power up ability would you like to see in that version of the game?

    My vote would be for "freebird" - where the user could add one bird of their choice into the level lineup.

    p.s. I would also like to see a second level of one, two, and three Lightningbolt?? scores derived for each level for users who are utilizing the power ups. Might take some time, but could add a whole new level of competition to an already great game!
  • Nooooo Power UPS anymore. Thanks i saw enough of them!!!
  • I am fairly new to this site and I have truly enjoyed trying to beat avg's I saw these power ups and I was immediately upset with this idea! I look forward to working hard "on my own" to beat the avg's I DON'T ! Like power ups and haven't even been tempted to try them! They seem stupid to me and ruin the way the games are played. I truly hope Rovio is reading what we are saying and don't add them to any more games. I vote no on power ups! Thank you @ccjolly for opening up this discussion.
  • Thanks @kimmiecv for your opinion and statemant and standing by my side!!!
  • @Burbman, an interesting question. I don't "hate" the idea of power ups across the board, I have used them when playing on Facebook & have enjoyed experimenting with them in that setting. But I do strongly object to having them in ABO, I will not use them there, & I certainly don't want them added to the other games.
    I like your "freebird" idea. If they were to add more (to Facebook!) I would love to have the ability to change the order of the birds, this could change a level quite significantly.
  • Similar to "freebird", how about Bird Mix-Up, randomly changing the order of the birds? Or Reverse, reversing the order of the birds?

    Obviously, this won't work if all the birds are the same. :)
  • Some of my ideas:
    Eggzooka: Once activated, a white bird wearing military outfit and holding a bazooka appears in the slingshot. Crosshairs show up, and when you click somewhere, an egg pops out of the bazooka and heads towards the crosshairs and explodes. The egg can go through pigs and items harmlessly until it meets up with the crosshairs, and the decked-out white bird replaces the bird previously in the slingshot.
    Energy Drinks: Makes birds go faster. Here's the catch: they might get weaker when they approach the structure (sugar crash). This would be cheaper than King Sling.
    Insta-Sling: Useful for long distances. When a bird hits the ground before coming in contact with a structure, it gets picked up by another slingshot that pops up from the ground where they landed. You can now aim and fire the bird a second time from a closer angle.
    Bonus Bird: similar to @burbman's "Freebird" suggestion, except it can only be one red bird, to avoid people choosing Bomb or Terence and auto-win.
    Hope you like them! :)
  • bird-twister: when given a 'pill' to a bird, it turns into a twister and jumbles the pig's structure into a mess and might even kill some pigs, useful for better aims at pigs
  • I would really like to see a "mutant" style game. We all know the yellow bird is most effectI've against wood but what if there was a bird, or powerup that did what the yellow bird did but through stone or ice. Same things with wood. What if rather than a yellow bird slashing through wood we had a black bird with a power up that could slash though wood and blow up in slide instead of always using it for stone.
  • How about power ups from the pig's point of view, like "fortify structure", which increases the strength and solidity of the structure, making the level more difficult. I would like to see this as a one-time purchase with a separate scoring system, like the Mighty Eagle.
  • Double-Eagle: Makes it so that you get two sardine cans for those really difficult Mighty Eagle levels.
  • Zero Gravity-Angry Birds with NO gravity
    Big Fall-When you shoot a bird to the air it falls down straight.
  • bomb-there was a BIG bomb gonna fall in those piggies
  • and it will gonna EXPLODE!
  • INCOMING!!:A meteor crashes into the fort in a random place,with the strength of a blue bird, yellow bird,or very rarely,2x terence.
  • I think a cool power-up could be "Raining Birds". A few Red Birds fall from the sky diagonally towards the structure, and thunder could be heard.
  • Big Cement

    Brings down a giant cement which can crush the center of the level.
  • Red Missile
    When used, Red will appear on the slingshot replacing the last bird, and instead of aiming at the first pig to get in its radar, you just touch somewhere, it will head towards it with missile force.

    When used, the ground will shake and a hole would appear under the middle of the structure, (on the ground) then the structure will fall into it. This is most likely suitable for being similar to the mighty eagle or mighty dragon.

    Black Hole
    When used, a bottle would appear at a random place in the level. When hit by something, a hole would appear from it, sucking nearby objects and pigs and even (already launched) birds.

    Poison Gas
    When used, green gas would surround the whole level and cause the pig's health to drop by half. This makes it easier to defeat them.

    Acid Rain
    When used, an acid rain would appear in the level. The water droplets would cause slight damage on objects and pigs.
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