Cheat codes for angry birds Page 1
  • This would be sweet! Any ideas?
  • There aren't any cheat codes as of now. I don't think Rovio really plans to add any either, sorry. It'd be kinda cool in my opinion to have a debug mode of sorts (allowing you to swap out the birds used, the order of the birds, speed, et cetera). But, again, I don't think that option is on Rovio's list of things to do for Angry Birds.
  • I guess I have to say that I wouldn't be a fan of cheat codes. One of the reasons I like AB so much is that everybody on every platform is on an equal playing field. High Scores are achieved with a combination of time, skill and luck and anybody could technically get some really high scores if they put themselves towards it. Cheat codes would severely dilute the time that went into getting those scores for those highly skilled players.

    Cheater: "How did you get that score?"
    Veteran: "Oh, I launch the white bird after the second tower and it toppled leaving me with the red bird for cleanup. What was your strategy?"
    Cheater: "I used a cheat code which gave me all bomb birds"
    Veteran: *Grumble

    I don't think it would be much different then how we complain about the Game Center cheats. So I hope for no cheats myself. I like comparing scores apples to apples. ;)

    Just my opinion of course. This wasn't meant to rag on you, @ABNHugeFan! We love all our fans! :)
  • I agree with fujitoast, i personally hate cheats. It takes all the fun out of the game. Already on the iPad leader boards there are scores that are completely unachievable. I wish rovio would come up with a way to stop it.
  • @dumblnd
    You should see the iPhone Gamcentre Leaderboard... Utterly crazy and totally impossible.
  • Those are GameCenter hacks. Completely out of Rovio's control, as I understand it.
  • @ghost
    I quit playing on the iPhone because of the leaderboard, I don't know what fun anyone could get out of that.
  • @dumblnd
    I still love playing it on my iPhone, it's just the scores are so obviously hacked that it makes you laugh :)
  • Just because I made this discussion, dosnt mean I use cheat codes. I don't even know any!
  • Please verify leader board scores of QQQ-Ace, there is huge gap between his top score and the second place score, some time by more than 30%. For example in Angry Birds Poached Eggs Level 1-5, QQQ-Ace score is 108,420 and second place score by snowball is 74,740. It seem that QQQ-Ace is entering fake score.
  • @bbhar Thanks for the heads up. These have been added within the past few hours, as I went through a bit of a cleaning a few hours ago.

    In the future, you can notify us directly in the Angry Birds Leaderboard comments -- as these are monitored a little closer.

    The scores have been removed, and I'll keep an eye on it.
  • I was checking AB Trick or Treat and it seems ONEDAYER has been a little busy. His scores seem a little outlandish. Are these scores possible?
  • @Gambit040706 He entered identical scores in Trick or Treat and Mooncake Festival. The former have been removed; they were intended for Mooncake.
  • Instead of cheat codes, a sandbox mode would be a lot more fun. You could edit a level's birds, layout, scores, and as soon as your done playing with it, the level would return to normal, and no scores would be affected, it would be fun, and everyone would still be on the same page as everybody else! What do you guys think?
  • Just let the game as it is.
  • The only cheat codes I'd like are ones that would make the birds and piggies look goofy.
  • I don' t like cheating there's these really high scores in game center but I think that's cheating
  • I personally am pleased there are no cheat codes.

    However, if some were to miraculously appear, then I only would want to see a level unlocker. Certainly nothing that would affect the scores.
  • Cheats would be nice.
  • As I read these comments about cheat codes I can understand that not using them keeps it on an even playing field without a player having an advantage. However there is another situation where cheats would come in handy for a player. I play video games for myself and not in competion with anyone. I have two handicaps and quite often get stuck. If I don't use cheats at some point, I am unable to continue and have to forfeit the rest of the game. So only the cheats give me access to the rest of the game. I have to use them and are glad they are there. As for cheats for angry birds, I thought I saw one. If I find it I'll get back with the website.
  • Well, what I do with most games is beat them, then fool around with funny cheats. I rarely ever use cheats to beat a game.
  • What if this was a cheat?

    Go to level 1 of Poached Eggs. Knock over the structure, popping the pig. Immediately go back to the episode select screen of Angry Birds and go to Danger Above. Go to the level with "Ethan" in it. Beat the level and then immediately go back to the episode select screen. Go to the "HOLLYWOOD" level. Beat the level and then immediately go to any level, it can even be that same level. All your birds will be replaced with Felix the Cats! Instead of saying something like "AH-hea-ha" when launched, he'd say, "righty-o!"

    It would be a weird cheat if it was one.
  • I saw this one cheat for ABO for pc where you could control where the bird goes with the arrow buttons.
  • Cheats is not the way to go. Not everyone will have them, or even want to use them. Power-ups are different. Rovio put them there for everyone to use. A level playing field is what makes the game fun. If anyone is so insecure that they have to cheat to have their name etched at #1 on the leaderboard, that's their business. Thankfully most everyone here is above that, which is one reason out of many why this site is so successful.
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