Angry Birds Friends Page 1
  • When I opened a gift from a friend in Angry Birds Friends it showed:
    Oh no! A pig ate your gift!
    I haven't seen that before. Have any other seen that?
  • No, that was weird.
  • I think I've got it once and I thought it was because I was away for a week and didn't open the game. Haven't seen it since.
  • FastDannej, did you open the gift the day you got it?
  • I have been on that account yesterday and today I got it.
  • @FastDannej When I got that same I really couldn't figure out any other reason than being away for "so long". But maybe it wasn't because of that then. In that case that is really weird.
  • Hm, could it be a funny thing that Rovio made that happens sometimes?
  • I have seen it from time to time.
  • I have never seen it.
  • It's weird. I think it's a funny thing that Rovio made, that Carrot-master think.
  • But it is not really so funny, because you do not want a pig to eat your power-up.
  • Haha, no. Your right Carrot-master. I want to use my power-up to beat anyone. Not that an pig eat it.
  • @FastDannej This is a perfectly normal occurrence that has existed since the inception of Angry Birds: Friends.

    Gifts are awarded via a random number generator. There is a small sliver of that generator that chooses the hungry piggy eating the gift. While it is rare, there is no glitch or bug. It's perfectly valid.
  • Oki Slim. I have never got that before so i was very confused and disappointed that the pig ate my gift. Ok, then i know. :)
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