Having problems with backup/restore apps? Page 1
  • There is a simple solution if you have a game backup app that SAYS it has restored your data but it hasn't, on android devices.

    Simply hit the menu button (the four squares button) then go SETTTINGS>APPLICATIONS>MANAGE APPLICATIONS then go to RUNNING SERVICES. scroll to the Angry Birds game you are trying to restore. Manually KILL said service. then run the backup app and hit restore.

    It works because like Windows and LINUX, Android cannot modify files that are used by a running service.

    Hope this helps someone out.
  • 1 Comment
  • Hmmmm - I will try this, but for the most part the issue is not having root access on Jelly Bean.

    I will have a full tutorial out soon, I have never had to cancel a process to get my backup procedures to work.
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