Attention Kindle Fire users! Page 1
  • This is not a game play issue, just a word of caution:

    If you want to remove any downloaded app from the carousel, be careful and don't do what I did. While taking a break from playing ABS, I thought I was only deleting the app from the carousel, instead I DELETED IT FROM MY TABLET. There is not much of a break between the areas when the window pops up. The Kindle also does not confirm any deletion before it gets removed!

    Considering I had 3 stars on 205 of the levels, I got really (insert any unpleasant word).

    Play it safe, and you won't go through what I did.
  • Hmmm. Sounds like you must want to blow up a telephone pole, huh? I guess I'm more glad to have a nook color now.
  • Once all my progress on AB on my PC was gone so I understand how it feels. After that I made a backup, and I would recommend to everyone that they should do a backup.
  • The Kindle does not give you the option for creating a backup. Your purchase is only tracked by Amazon, so you can re-download the app from the cloud if you have to. The good side to this is now that I am getting better at the game, my scores have drastically improved.

    In the Easter Eggs Golden Eggs levels, I am currently ranked 22 out of 799 players, with 2 top 10 scores (Eggs 13 & 14).

    Right now, I'm trying to out beat all my old scores so I have every current high on my tablet. Mooncake level 1-10 will be rather difficult to do though, with a rank of 5th place in points.
  • @Xanadude i am buying a kindle fire..switching from Android Samsung galaxy S2 i have a backup program i got from google play store..with all my score saved..
    Do you know if that will work if transferred?
  • @Kathy -- No option for a backup sounds bad, considering your bad luck with electronic devices.
  • Oh boy!! @Kathy knowing your Hoodoo Voodoo and the fact if seems to follow you no matter the choice you make I hope for your sake this google thingy works! If not uhhhh looks like our quest will be starting all over again *shacking in my boots, on my knees praying the Hoodoo Voodoo doesn't strike the kindle fire thingy!* sigh...........
  • Kindle Fire is my biggest reason for wanting the Rovio account to come online. It is a great platform for playing the game, not too big like an iPad, not too small like a phone. Updates come slowly, but the no backup is the biggest drawback.
  • You could just do what I did. I'm too afraid too say it. *cough*cheats*cough*
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