AB Toons&Monster University annoucments Page 1
  • What two have in common? I don't know why are Disney Pixar movie annocements are in AB Toons. Any explanation?
  • Probably cause they teamed up with them to make the Croods.
    And also Disney owns Lucasfilm.
  • @theanonymousesomeone The Croods is Dreamworks not Disney. The other movie they did was Rio which is a Blue Sky production. So it is very interesting that Monsters U is in the Rovio Toons section. I really hope that they stuck a good deal with Disney here since the Lucasfilm/Star Wars acquisition. If this is the case then we can only hope for a Marvel/Rovio mashup. @DrOmega we need some sleuthing.
  • Sorry, I knew Dreamworks made Croods, just got mixed up. :P
  • Because they just want to make money and are willing to put in any advertisement they can. I hate it and really want them removed. They're not announcements, they're advertisements. Nothing in common with AB Toons.
  • @angrybirdsspacemaster sorry I can't see fine line difference between announcements and advertisements in English (of course I DO understand difference in meaning). Simply, I didn't choose right term but anyway it is strange for one company to advertise work of it's competitor. Imagine that you can find Newsweek ads in Time?
  • @cosmo2503 I don't think Rovio sees Disney as a competitor, since they specialize in different industries (Rovio: gaming, Disney: film). It may not stay that way, with the Angry Birds movie coming out and all, but for now Rovio seems perfectly willing to give Disney some space on AB Toons for advertisement. (Interestingly, Disney doesn't place ads that appear before you watch a toon.)
  • And @cosmo2503 no problem about the "announcement-adverstisement" thing. I was a bit harsh on my opening statement.
  • I wonder why Epic trailer is also in AB toons. I can see Rovio cooperate with Blue Sky while making ABR but is Rovio participate in the making of Epic?
  • @lostgreybird
    I WISH I had contacts at Disney.. Sorry, nothing to report on this. No leads, no trails, etc.

    @angrybirdsspacemaster -
    >I don't think Rovio sees Disney as a competitor, since they specialize in different
    >industries (Rovio: gaming, Disney: film).

    Rovio has said repeatedly that they are now an Entertainment company- Games, Films, toons, theme parks, etc. So they ARE technically competitors, but Disney is so huge that Rovio really isn't on their radar as a threat.

    >It may not stay that way, with the Angry Birds movie coming out and all, but for
    >now Rovio seems perfectly willing to give Disney some space on AB Toons for
    >advertisement. (Interestingly, Disney doesn't place ads that appear before you
    >watch a toon.)

    Rovio makes a LOT of money from Ads. I have no doubts that Disney either paid for these Monsters U ads, or they were part of the licensing deal for AB Star Wars.
  • ABSW was made right before Lucasfilm sold out. Now it's just Disney with the new SW movies coming out. I don't think the lucasarts logo will stay on ABSW much longer.
  • And also it's Disney-PIXAR movies, so maybe they have something to do with it.
  • @absm Yes, actually, now they DO have Monsters U ads!
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