AB Toons: Animation change? Page 1
  • I noticed that, up until ep. 14, the AB Toons were mostly computer animated as far as the birds and pigs.
    But at episode 14 and above, the animation seems a bit choppier, as in entirely hand made.
    Why did they change it? Will they return to the old animation?
    I know it's a dumb question, but I'm OCD about stuff like that.
  • 13 is 1/4 of 52, which will be the amount of total episodes.....
  • I am exactly like you. I noticed from the start of Gardening with Terence and went like "WHAAAAT?!?" since the animation was a ton better when it was computer animated. However, being an animator myself, I think they changed it because it allows them a lot more creativity with the bird's designs. If you look at Do As I Say thru Thunder Chuck you'll notice they did a mixture of both computer and handmade. I liked that way best IMO.
  • I'm not sure what I liked more, CA or HM. But I think I would like Hand done more if I wasn't jolted by the sudden change.
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