Cant See trajectory Line Page 1
  • i just bought a nexus 7 and in angry bird i cant see the trajectory lines i cant see them in angry bird space but not in any of the other games what happen is this a bug or what not sure need help i am on version 4.2.2
  • @pochi, the trajectory line is currently available in Angry birds space and star wars, not in other games
  • It's because the Space is more confusing, however in regular terrain for ABSW it makes it easier.
  • I find them hard to see in the SW games due to the fact they're so light they tend to wash out with the terrain of SW unless it's the SW space games or the darker terrain where the trajectory lines show up easier. Like the guys said, only SW and space have them.
  • I think we're getting off topic here. FBB answered the question.
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