Below Average Scoreboard Page 1
  • Hi, apologies if this has already been raised as a suggestion, but would it be possible to have a 'personal' scoreboard that shows all the levels that I'm below average on. As with a lot of members, I try and bet the average score for each level and it would be really useful to be able to 'click a button' that shows the levels O still need to work on. Again, apologies if it's been raised before but I've had a look at previous suggestions (in my lunch hour ;)) but couldn't see it. Oh well, back to work :(
    Thanks all and keep up the great work you do.
  • @ccman go to leader boards click on your leader boards and you can look at each episode with your score shown for each level to the left and your difference above or below average on the right. They're in black and grey type to distinguish one from the other.
    Hope this helps, but you may spend all your time looking at them, I know I do!
  • You can also click the "Off Avg" header and sort by that column.
  • Thanks for responding so quickly. The leaderboards you've created are really great and I can see if I'm below average on a given level. What I was wondering was, if it's possible to have a separate list of 'below average' levels (eg in ABO where there are 9 different episodes with multiple levels, I might be below average on 2 in Poached Eggs, 3 in Mine & Dine. Would it be possible to set-up a tab (similar to the My Leaderboards' tab that would just show the 5 levels i'm below average). I don't know if others would find this useful, or if it's just my worn out flinger fingers looking for any possible shortcut :). I'm not a programmer so I haven't a clue if this would be possible but I think it would be a 'nice-to-have' - what do others think? Am I just being lazy? :)
    Thanks again for all the work you do on making this such a great site.
  • I like clicking the +/- avg to sort it by how far off I am. That way I'll know where to get the biggest bang for my buck.

    That reminds me @amslimfordy - I was working on Golden Eggs the other day and this wasn't working. It was on the other personal leaderboards. I just checked and it still isn't. Just fyi.
  • @ccman -- There is also a button at the bottom of the game page that says something like "Don't like change, show all on same page." You can use this to see which levels you are below average across all episodes of a singe game. Granted it shows all levels, but they're all in one place.
    BTW -- There is already a forum for ideas for this website.
  • @amslimfordy, @mvnla2 & @78rpm thanks for your replies. I must admit I hadn't noticed the "Don't like change" button - must be time to get an eye test :). Using that and the sort +/- avg button I can easily focus on those levels where I'm below average.
    @mvnla2 - yeah I noticed the ideas forum after I posted this - DOH :)
    Thanks again all
  • @ccman -- The ideas forum had dropped off the 1st page of the forum. I added a comment, so it is now close to the top. The announcement forums always stay at the top. Others are in the order of last new comment first, so if no one has commented for a few days, they are likely to fall off the 1st page.
  • Thanks @mvnla - I think I looked up to about page 4 but must have missed it - def time to go to the opticians lol - thanks again everyone.
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