Is my score with or without Power-Up? Page 1
  • As a new member of ABN I started entering my scores and I can´t figure out if I have used Power-ups on certain levels. How can I tell?
  • @orree07

    Welcome here in the Big ABNest!!

    ... it is really difficult to answer. In AB SW you have under the Normal Score The PUp Score. So you can see it well. But in the other games it is a little probleme!

    You can take a look in the Leaderboards. Maybe you can find out the Score when you look to the Highscores. If you are far over it it will be a PUp Score. In the Leaderboards here you can see the Normal Highscores!!

    Sorry for my terrible english but maybe it helps you a little bit.
  • @CC Jolly
    Thanks. I generally don´t like to use Power-Ups but in one level my score is a lot higher than the highscore so that is what got me thinking in the first place.

    So is there really no way of knowing your if you have used Power-Ups?

    And if you have used it, is there no way of knowing your best score without it?

  • What game are you playing ? Is it has any lightning bolt icon in the level ?
  • @Orre07 In the app? Well, in ABSW you've two bars: one score meter for normal game-play, the second with Power-Ups equipped score meter as stated above.
  • @orre07

    Yes only in SW you see different scores. But maybe Rovio will fix it also to the other Games!!
  • There are visual distinctions in Star Wars, Space, and Seasons (yay for the S's!!!)

    The original Angry Birds has distinction in the data files.

    Rio has none whatsoever.

    @Orre07 Which app are you referring to?
  • I´m using my iPhone and play most of the AB games (AB, Rio, Seasons, Space and Star Wars). I´ve been playing for a long time and have no clue if I have been using Power-Ups or not.
    I can see the Power-Up scores in Seasons,Space and Star Wars.

    @AMslimfordy: What data files, and where do I find them?

    Thanks for quick answers!
  • Unfortunately the data files are encrypted, so the common user can't view them, even if they find them.
  • Thanks for all answers! Guess I won't post any scores from AB or AB Rio. :(
  • @AMSlimfordy -- What is the distinction in Seasons? Granted, I haven't used PUs in any game, so maybe I can't see it. Also, the only thing I see is a total PU score for an episode. Is there any way to distinguish your individual level scores?
  • Updated my last comment to include some pictures, illustrating the distinction.
  • Thanks Slim -- That explains why I'd never seen the distinction!
  • On the subject of power ups, @amslimfordy in Rio I've all of a sudden started getting a TNT drop automatically at the beginning of every fifth game or so. This is terribly annoying as I don't play power ups and the option to USE is exactly where I tap the screen so I'm wasting my supply (if I ever decide to play them). Once you tap the use option, it reduces your supply, even if you reset immediately. I can't find anywhere to turn it off so could you please tell me how to get rid of it. Thank you.
  • @Redzym Rovio has received many complaints about this. We will have to see whether they disable this "Power Up Pop Up" in a future update.
  • Thank you very much @AMslimfordy
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