Switching between Games and Nest must start from scratch Page 1
  • I am accustomed to adding my scores to Nest easily by switching between the game I am playing and the internet Nest site. Since Star Wars II every time I go to Nest, no matter how fast I post my score on the leaderboards I must open the game from scratch instead of returning to the game level I was playing at that time. Wasting lots of time. Anyone have a fix?
  • @Plaistergal Star Wars II requires far more RAM and resources than other Angry Birds titles. Your best bet is to restart your device before opening either your web browser or the app. But this is not a "bug" persay.
  • @Plaistergal -- Your profile says you use an iPad. If so, you need to hard close all apps, not just restart your device. Start by double-clicking the round button. What you do next depends on which IOS you are running.
  • I found that since ios7 update changing between games, apps, etc. (I tend to flit between things) means that going back into AB games invariably means they have to be opened from scratch. Very annoying. It never happened before, but I'll try the hard close.
  • @Plaistergal, I found switching between AB (any version) and the Nest to be too time consuming even if the game does not close. (which it does not for some versions). I usually have a laptop that I use for the nest. That way I can have one tab open to the Main Nest page, one tab open for the Forum and one or more tabs for my leaderboards. This way, I never have to close AB, regardless of which version I'm playing.
  • I've noticed that on my Kindle too. The way around it for me is to restart the level, then exit to the browser. After entering my score, I can return to the game and continue playing.

    Try that and see what happens.
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