Angry Birds Playstation Network Differences Page 1
  • On Angry Birds for the PSP and PS3, there are a couple differences that I can't find solutions for anywhere on the internet, and I want to know if anybody can help me.

    1. There are no updates, so some of the levels are different.

    2. There is no Chapter 5 or 6

    3. There is only one page of Golden Eggs

    4. Golden Egg number 5 is just a picture of a armored pig, and you press square to make it move it's nose, but it doesn't give you the star.

    5. Same thing for number 6, but it is a long beaked bird and you use triangle to open it's beak.

    6. Golden Eggs 6 and 8 are unlocked on the same levels as the other versions, but you get it automatically
  • Very Interesting.
  • 1. PSP doesn't have DLC packs/updates via PSN. There's a DLC for PS3 ver. via PSN
    2. I saw a boy play it on his PSP and I saw there's chapter 5 and 6
    4-6 I don't know
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