Level Glitches & Bugs (Moved to the "New Forum"!) Page 8
  • Thanks so much! I need to get to the YouTube, and Leaderscores, and I noticed that was impossible with the new screen.
  • Hello! I'm having trouble with Moon Festival in Seasons on Android. I'm 99%on sure I've got all the golden pieces of cake but my "cake pan" still shows a piece missing. Also, I definitely have 3 stars on all levels including the extra 3 Facebook levels, but my big 3-star cake isn't lit up. Anybody else having that problem?
  • Re: Missing Sice, try restarting your device and re-obtaining all 8 pieces, even if they aren't visible.

    Re: Big Mooncake, unfortunately I can't do anything for Android, but you should contact Rovio about this.
  • Okay, I'll give it a whirl. Thanks!
  • It's the bug where Golden Egg 1 won't unlock because the golden egg isn't on the help screen. That's my bug.
  • Yes, we have heard this reported for PC. @Zeebling , is that what you are playing on? (I have reported the issue to Rovio.)
  • Yes I am playing PC. No matter what I try, the golden egg isn't on the white birds help screen. I even made sure and found out what golden eggs I had, and I didn't have number 1 either. I wonder why?
  • It seems like perhaps the imagery was removed accidentally. So far I have only heard about this for the PC version. I will be checking the iOS version in the next few days when I return from holiday. I don't know about Mac, though I would like to hear from a new Mac user
  • I just hope that the problem is solved. And no, the imagery is not removed. I clicked on the egg anyway and it still didn't work.
  • That's not quite what I'm saying. Nonetheless I have informed our contact.
  • I'm not having any luck "redoing" the moon cakes. Is there a way to reset a level & start from scratch? I hate to do that, but then again, until the final Rio update, I have nothing else to do. I kicked some serious butt this weekend & polished off everything I hadn't been able to do before. Christmas miracle.
  • Hi AMslimfordy, I dun think my issue is the wi-fi connection cos for all my previous AB downloads, including the latest 'Birdday Party', all can upload and work except for ' wreck the halls'. I do not receive any update at all. Can you please send me the update? Thanks
  • @concretebrunette There is no way to reset only a particular episode. If you would like, I can sendn you an email either today or tomorrow with a possible way to fix this. Can you remind me what device you are playing on?

    @Bets I can't send you any update. You need to connect to a WiFi network to download the levels of Wreck the Halls. Once you play a level once (connected to WiFi) you will be able to play that level again without any WiFi connection.
  • I have a Motorola Droid 2 Global. :)
  • @AMslimfordy how many people have reported the golden egg 1 bug? If it's just me, I think it's a glitch with my PC.
  • @concretebrunette Sorry I can't help with Android

    @Zeebling Yes, it is a confirmed issue on PC. We have reported it.
  • OK. Now i know that my PC's not screwed up!
  • Playing Rio on my PC. I have awards but cannot access them. Help!
  • Angry Birds on Roku. Ham em High level 14 are all locked. I completed levels 12 and 13.
  • @birder53

    Re: Rio on PC. I'm not sure what you mean by "cannot access them". Do you mean when you click on the trophies (for example, the cage) that nothing happens? Nothing is supposed to happen. There are no bonus levels for 3-starring all levels or obtaining all Golden Fruit.

    Re: Roku. What does it say across Level 14? Does it say "Coming Soon", or are all levels simply padlocked.
  • On Rio, I can earn awards but when I go to the awards screen nothing is highlighted and nothing happens when you click on the golden cage, bananas or pineapples but it does indicate how many I have won. Do they work like golden eggs and have another game attached to them?

    On AG Roku - everything on level 14 is padlocked.
  • So my answer is sufficient about Rio: There are no bonus levels for 3-starring all levels of an episode or obtaining all the Golden Fruit in an episode. They are just trophies to see; nothing more.

    Hrm, try defeating level 13-15 again (the last level of Chapter 13). Can you also tell me what version number that app is? (On the main page, click the "i" in the bottom-left corner. It should say v1.x.x)
  • Not sure what's going on, but I was finishing my 3 stars on Ham 'em High last night, turned off computer, turned back on this morning to find when I go to play that is says on the main "Play"page, "Activate Full Version". I did this quite a while ago, when I bought all games opened to me. Now, I just got my code from the original, entered it and all was well. I then shut down again, and now I have started to play again, and the same thing has happened. All levels are locked, and it's asking to activate again, and enter the code. Can someone advise please. I'm on a PC. Thanks so much.

  • Well, I completed level 13-15 again and level 14 is still padlocked. The app version is V1.6.2

    Thank you for explaining the Rio awards.
  • @Barbbjb This should go to Rovio. Contact them at [email protected]

    @birder53 I'm not really familiar with Roku so you should also contact Rovio directly.
  • Thanks AMslimfordy,

    I was going to do that first, but whenever I've had to contact them before, it's taken them a couple of weeks to reply. I'll try again. Thanks, as always, for your help.

  • Thanks AMslimfordy. I hope that Rovio gets back to me.
  • Hi AMslimfordy, will try your suggestion. But how or where can I download levels for 'wreck the halls' from?
    I am using iPhone 3GS and whenever there is any new update for AB, I just update from there. So once done, I dun think we can update or download from it again. I had previously update 'wreck the halls' already. when it was first released. Pls advise and thanks a lot for yr help.
  • @Bets the levels from Wreck the Halls are downloaded when you attempt to open one of its levels when connected to WiFi.

    For example, say you want level 1. Connect to WiFi, then open Wreck the Halls level 1. It will download that level.
  • I have another one. In Big Setup (2.0.0), a couple of the levels unlock even after you have not defeated the previous one. An example is 11-10. 11-11 unlocks after you play 11-10 once, even if you do not win.
  • No need to post twice. We see it the first time.
  • Hi AMslimfordy, I just upgrade to iPhone 4S and was elated that I am able to play 'wreck the halls' now. Though levels behind everyone else who had been playing earlier, I'm gonna enjoy myself once again playing. Thanks once again for your patient guidance and wishing u a Happy New Year for 2012 !
  • Cheers, @Bets. Happy gaming.
  • Hey really great help guys, reattempts at glitched levels can be really frustrating.
  • @birdier please neglect that website promotion.
  • Hi AMslimfordy, it's me again. I was enjoying my game for Wreck The Halls when the same problem happen at level 11 - when I load that level to play, it goes to the phone menu instead. I went back to the earlier levels , no problem & can play. Pls advise how to reload for level 11. Thanks
  • Have you checked the WiFi connection?
  • I've been trying to pull up the Leaderboard scores at http://www.angrybirdsnest.com/leaderboard/angry-birds/?worldid=-1
    and cannot get it to load. In fact it just stays blank with no progress showing. Anyone else having problems? Thanks.

  • Seems to load OK on my end
  • I don't know how it has happened, but all my plays are gone. I just opened up AB to start my daily round of games, and it is asking me for all my log on information, and I noticed that all my games that I have already completed and have 3 stars in are locked. I'm on a PC and had just gotten the newest seasons for us, and was halfway through Moon festival and now there's nothing. All levels are blocked and it asked me to "Activate Full Version" of seasons. Thank heavens I still had my code.

    Anyway, can anyone help. I know I should contact Rovio, but I'm sorry, it takes them forever to answer an email. I know they're swamped, so wonder if someone else has had this happen and what they did about it.

    Thanks so much.

  • Well, Slim. I've redone all the egg-bearing levels many times & haven't found an egg that I've missed on Moon Festival and I still haven't unlocked the big cake despite having 3 stars on everything (my original post was back in December, if you scroll up). I wish somebody else had reported this problem so it wouldn't be driving me so crazy.
    Is there anything else you can think of?
  • @Barbbjb so all levels are locked for PC? Can I get some more information from you? Which app is this (original, seasons, rio)? Where did you download it from? What happens if you open an unlocked level -- is your previous score there?

    @concretebrunette It has rarely been reported by Android users, but like I said, I can't help since I know of or have means of access to Android data files.
  • Well, in the mean time in a fit of rage I just got the final moon cake, lol. I was missing the one on 1-9. However the big cake still has not opened even after I restarted my phone. So...there's that. I wrote Rovio about three weeks ago. Still waiting for a reply (yes I checked my spam file).
  • Hi AMS,

    Yes, the orginial AB is fine. This is just the seasons that was downloaded a week or so ago. Actually I wrote you you about it, cause I downloaded it, and then couldn't find it---showed up much later... I started 2012 and it shows Wreck the Halls, and Hamoween as being started, about 3 levels into each, and then all the rest is locked. On 2011 it shows Easter Eggs, Go Green and part of Moon having 3 stars on level 1 showing that I got 3 stars on each level 1, and then all the rest are locked. Hope that makes sense. Say the game has 45 levels, it shows I have the 1st level with 3 stars, but then everything else is locked.

    At the end of one of the segments, it asks if I want to "Get" Rio and Classic Angry. Needless to say I've completed and 3 starred all of those levels.
  • So it sounds like your settings file was reset, but all your highscores have remained intact. Is that right?

    And did you get the app from download.angrybirds.com? Sorry, I reply to ALOT of comments and don't remember everyone.
  • All my high scores for the classic seem to be ok, but nothing from seasons, that I can see. Yes, they sent me the little pop-up asking if I wanted to download the latest, with the check for yes, and the x for no. I clicked the arrow, and then waited and waited, and nothing showed up. I wrote you, and you said the only thing that was "new" for PC was an glitch (?) download. So I forgot about it, and then the next morning there is was----it was seasons and the icon was on my desktop. There are 2 sections for it---2011, and 2012.

    Yes, thanks I know you're very popular and can't be expected to remember all the comments. I just appreciate you're trying to help.

  • Sorry, AMS didn't answer your last question. All my downloads have been from Ruvio, or official, assume it's Ruvio. Last download came to me while playing another segment. I just clicked the arrow saying I wanted to download, didn't go to the site.
  • I'm about to give up. OK, the latest. My problem with seasons has not been resolved, but that's ok, I'm moving on. Now I started to play Rio again, and just as I start an information pops up asking if I want to download the latest version of Rio--I clicked the check mark, and it downloads. When all the games load I find I have played them all except for the last one, which must be the new one. It asks for my "code" number, and I went back to the original one I got when I first bought Rio, and entered that. It said that failed. Is there a NEW one I need? If so where do I get that. Thanks, again,

  • P.S. I just noticed it asks for the "Code", and all I have is the " Activation Key" . Guess there's a difference? If so,where do I get the " Code" . Thanks. Barbbjb
  • Code is for the Golden Beachball levels. You are activated fine.
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