i have got golden egg 25 Page 1
  • i have got golden egg 25 by editing 1.5.2 pc save to 25 egg stars then updating to 1.6.2 (also golden egg 20 is called 22 the original 22 was the super bowl egg)you can only do this in old save type after 1.6.2 the save language is changed to Rio like
  • egg 26 can be found using same method
  • paste this http://www.mediafire.com/?yhfqpt52z8y0k75 to
    C:\Users\GAG\AppData\Roaming\Rovio\Angry Birds
    for all golden eggs including these it wont do any thing with your high scores
  • do you mean this:
    C:\Program Files\Rovio\Angry Birds\data\levels\goldeneggs1
    there is only 23 golden egg files but there are 5 more files from LevelIntel_1.lua to LevelIntel_5.lua but only 26 can be found using my method
  • also please add these eggs in your egg guide and leader bord
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