A most sincere Thank You! Page 1
  • I would like to thank all the people involved in the creation, upkeep and monitoring of this wonderful site. As some may know, from time to time, there are users that seem intent on creating contraversary by posting unrealistic scores. AMslimfordy and Birdleader do a wonderful job of making sure those scores are valid. I know its very easy for people to complain when things are not right so I thought I would bring it to their attention that all their hard work is not going un-noticed.
    Thank You for this great site and all the work you do on it!
  • Most welcome, sparty83. Thank you.
  • May I add my kudos to the ABN team also. The dedication and patience this team display are extraordinary. To provide information and assistance to so many different personalities and be so consistently calm and kind is truly commendable. Wish there were something more all of us could do to convey our gratitude to all of you, but since there isn't much more we can do, please accept these thanks as heartfelt and genuine.
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