Leaderboards Question Page 1
  • 1. does PC users can add scores to leaderboards?
    2. If YES, how can we prove that we got the score?

    3. or maybe, we can write any score without any proof?

    coz right now im planning to add my scores.
    btw~ im PC user.
  • You don't really need to prove any of your scores, but if you end up with a high score on a level, you may be asked for some proof then.
  • i actually got highscore, but im in PC, dont know if it differs with other angry birds platform
  • it should be the same.
    the leader board is open to pc as well
  • You mean you are using the PC app from download.angrybirds.com? Or the online chrome version?
  • @hell911 you are entering ALOT of highscores. Please enter legitimate scores, or you will not be allowed to compete on our boards.
  • @AMslim
    im inserting correct scores, i can send u proof?

    also, where can i report a misleading link in this forums?
  • @hell91 It doesn't matter what you send. You have posted:
    10 in Poached Eggs
    12 in Mighty Hoax
    6 in Danger Above
    11 in Big Setup
    39 through 4 episodes

    Regardless of your "proof", either your scores are doctored, you are using a torrent app, or your app is corrupted.
  • no dude, i bought the game from http://download.angrybirds.com/

    either way, i guess newcomers are not allowed to be high-scorers, i just entered few, maybe i was best at those, you can still find out my scores in other levels. maybe i wont even get high scores in other levels.

    ok, i will go to sleep now, dont ban me or something, i know my scores i legit, i will continue this discussion tomorrow.
  • People who compete legitimately are allowed to compete. But your scores are so inconsistent that there is no way it is legitimate. You have 10 top scores in Poached Eggs without even cracking the top 100 and are below average in many levels. This indicates that you aren't a super-elite player and so you should not have such a large number of top scores.
  • @hell911 No one else in this site has as many top scores as you do.
  • Hi there,

    I had some scores flagged in Rio: Smuggler's Den because the were incorrectly entered. They are clear now, but I can't seem to add the correct scores. I can enter them and they look fine, but when I refresh the page, they are gone again. Any ideas?

  • Have you replied to the admin with an explanation ?
  • @RunDMC I don't see any issues with you user status or anything. Try clearing your Internet cache and giving it another try.
  • @RunDMC There were about 9 that were indeed flagged. The flag has been removed and the socres reset to zero. Please update them at your leisure.
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