The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2185
  • @Hunnybunny -- Does Ginola still play. I did look him up, and he is married. Too bad.
    @Kelani -- Looks like Slims question scared Vortex away, but not his scores.
  • Quick update on my Bonney Patty Cat: The biopsy results just came in. As I expected, it is Small Cell Lymphoma.

    The good news is, this is the most treatable form of lymphoma in cats. Not terribly expensive to treat, and could buy her a couple more years of good quality life. The prednisone and other possible drugs will also help put a few pounds back on her, which she could really use now. She starts her treatment tomorrow. No icky IVs, just easy to administer liquid medicine and a once a week injection.

    So, not a perfect situation, but it is good to know I'll have my sweetie around for a while yet.

    @Rat, so sorry to read about your pain and loss of A/C! I live in the Pacific Northwest where most live without A/C, but I still gotta have it. I remember well when I didn't have it, escaping to the mall, the grocery store or a movie theater to escape the really hot days, if even for a short time. When I lived closer to the coast, I could make a quick day trip to the ocean with the dogs. During one particularly hot heat wave, I couldn't take it anymore and order my first central A/C unit. I am so spoiled now! Anyway, fingers crossed you get your A/C back ASAP!
  • @kelani who retired? Vortex or Slim lol.. so i take it nothing has been done about the score?
    @bonneypattycat Good news thanks for the update♡♡
    @mvnla2 yes i know the news is sometimes hard to avoid.. but lol honestly i wouldn't have even known about these soccer games if not hearing in here:^
  • @mvnla2 my brother had a cat who loved a nice, warm rinse under the kitchen faucet. He didn't care much for the sudsing part, but could sit under that warm stream of water all day.
  • @BPC Glad to know the news wasn't all bad, and that you have lots of time left to spoil your sweetie. Hopefully that'll make those next few years extra special.

    @Kathy on the same S-23 page and a day before Slim asked for screenshots, Vortex said he was retiring now that he'd topped the leaderboards for a half-hour, or something. But no, I saw nothing done about the score(s) yet.
  • Ohh i see @kelani I'll have to have a look"^
  • @RodentRangers How much did you guys pay the Witch Doctor for my voodoo doll? You got your money's worth. My cable and internet are on the fritz, limited AC, and I'm dealing with pains I've never had before. Good thing I'm not superstitious.

    Not the best news to get @BPC, but definitely not as bad as it could have been. I'm happy Patty Cat will have quantity and quality.

    I'm not into soccer and even I let out a groan when Portugal scored with only 25 seconds left in extended time. Drats!
  • @kelani -- Very interesting cats. Isn't Swipe mostly black? I guess that means he got his coloring somewhere else, and his love for water from his Turkish Van ancestors. Love learning something new. Doesn't he also own the house and teach you how what he wants?
  • @BPC, hope your cat will become healty again. The waiting and the fear for the results are bad evil.
  • *rush in.. place baskets of earplugs on the bar and booths*
    Welcome to WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee Tuesday everyone! !
    Have a fun day; )
  • Hello guys, whinies? No, not today I think, nothing to whine about - or am I wrong? Hi @kathy, let's fling those birds
  • Good morning @Kathy. Have a good day at work.
    Good afternoon @bernersenn. I'm playing in BI #2 with you now. See you at the top.
    @Kelani It's not that I don't see the 15k on the 22's. I'm just waiting till I feel good enough to move my fingers quickly and have some use of my brain cells. A little cooler wouldn't hurt as well. I'm cleaning up the other levels in the mean time. Plus there's the added anticipation for you of when will he make that large jump in his score. Ha ha! Even without the 22's, it's starting to get close. BTW, I couldn't touch your score on #38. I'm still impressed.
  • @rat, give me some time, it's going very slowly. The games are fun to do, but have less time myself. I'll come, just wait
  • @BPC -- Best wishes for you cat and many years of playing together.
    @kelani -- Must have gotten your cat confused with someone else's. Does Swipe have the bottle-brush tail also? What fun to have a different cat.
  • @all -- Off to golf shortly, BBML.
  • *poofs in at lunch* B2 8-24 WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee. .stubborn little bacon bit!!!
  • @Rat oh, I know you see the 15k. Probably long before I noticed it. :) I hear ya about #38 being impressive. That's exactly how I feel about @burpie's #34 and your #40. I can't get within 8-10k of either score. Something worth a lot of points in a few of these levels. I'm tempted to start a new project to find out what it is.

    @mvnla2 @Rat's beloved Robert was black, I think. There was a Swipe thumbnail in that last note :P Anyway, he has the full-body rabbit fur-ish coat, thus, a sleek ringed tail. A 'different' cat might be fun, but for me it's ironic. I wanted a dog, but my working 90-100 hours/week would've been borderline neglect, so I decided to get a doorstop (my term for lazy, aloof pet). I go to the rescue pet store and, of course, the only animal that notices my presence is the smart alpha kitten from the breed that thinks it's a Jack Russell Terrier. By the time I got home, I knew my work week was about to get much shorter.
  • Good evening all. Just one thing to say, @BPC glad Patty Cat has a couple of good years left. The loss of a pet is far worse than you ever imagine when you buy that little bundle of fluff
  • Jist filled in the survey that Rovio promotes on one of the startscreens of the games. Anyone detected NASA spacecrafts - they offer bonusgames
  • Hi @bernersenn how's it going in Beak #2?
  • @hunnybunny, to be honest: bad, really bad. Didn't have much time to play but what I did was aweful. Came yet to #33, argh. Ok, it's the first run, my feelings are saying "this is not going to be top 10".
    How are you doing?
  • Btw, in #33 our @lyrian said "rocks will rain down" - it's a desert here, no rain, no snow, no nothing :-) but, still funny to do
  • @bernersenn in that survey, did you complain about powerups in every answer like I did? :)
  • @kelani, no, I didn't. When they were introduced I even wrote an email to Rovio to complain about them. Never heard anything about it. Ok, it'll be as it is. What they did, as I asked in my mail in that time is to locate the PU buttons in that way that we don't use them on accident - that they did. There are games, I don't know which one, where you even can disable them - in that time @amslimfordy adviced me to. Nowadays, the PU don't bother me anymore. I'm competing here in the Nest, having lots of fun with it. Scores, gathered with PU are not allowed. And, we recognize these scores immediately - and report them. Problem solved.
    In the summary they talked about Boss fight, can imagine what this will be - didn't see them, cause not all done yet.
  • @bernersenn only gave Beak Two one pass: dreadful :-(
    @kelani always do the surveys, always say no power ups, always say not prepared to pay for any old money making Rovio scheme
  • @hunnybunny, @kelani, I also don't want to pay for PU's. Adviced them even to introduce something like a subscription. The idea is this, once I paid 4 euro to buy the game (per game). They constantly are introducing new levels - they have to be designed, programmed, etc. I think there are lots of workhours in each game. So to become new levels there should be once in a while a payment. Actually the same as the Nest did, liked the idea. We do have a lot of fun here - so it may cost some (all my idea)
  • @bernersenn, I did notice 4 NASA spacecraft "hidden" throughout Beak, destroying them transports you to bonus levels which I think are part of the Eggsteroids episode. Haven't played them yet because I can't compete in that episode without unlocking other levels, but I might -- just for fun.
  • @Hunnybunny, I don't fling much these days but when I do, it's mostly Beak 2. When you get deep into it and go back to Beak 1, those levels seem boring. They were fun to figure out but now they lost appeal to me.
  • Good evening everyone!
    @BPC Bad news and not so bad news. You pretty much knew what was coming but I'm so relieved to know its a more treatable cancer. Out of the many things that it could've been,this is the lesser of the evils ;( I sincerely hope she reacts well to the drugs and I'm happy that they're not painfully invasive. Let's hope you see an improvement soon and have some quality time with your baby for a while to come :D X
    Well I have....actually strike that...WE have just spent the last hour with our hearts in our mouths and tears rolling down our cheeks watching this....
    From now on football and flinging goes out of the window for 2 weeks for Wimbeldon! This was on the BBC last night so we recorded it and thought "yeah...that should be good! I wasn't expecting such emotion! It's "When Andy Murray won Wimbledon" but from the view,not only of the rich and famous but from his friends,family and fans. I've just bawled my eyes out!! So many stories of what people were doing that day. Some very funny but ohhh very sad :( @karen68 this is more for you! I couldn't get you the TV documentary I wanted you to see last year so I'm psyched to have this! I'm afraid it's an hour long but I think you'll like it :)
    @all Dunblane is very close to me so forgive my excitement!!
    BTW @mvnla no he doesn't play anymore but yeesh does that man improve with age :)))))) You should hear him talk.......YOWSERS!!!!
  • @fenikus, ok, I can remember that I saw now and then the NASA logo, can't remember where - so I have to look again at each level. What about the soccer today, saw all games - not the actual playing I mean? Just can say that there are really scary people running overthere
  • @bernersenn, was just about to ask you -- any of the games worth watching?
  • @fenikus, no, today it is yak. Do you know people that are bite other people? Let's see what tomorrow brings. We were spoiled, until now. I really enjoing the games
  • @bernersenn yeah, you can disable them in ABO, but no others I know of. When I got PC-Rio, I was mad it cost $5, but getting rid of ads and that "Stuck? Use powerup?" popup every 20 plays is worth it. I assume PC costs more because they make no extra money from it, so I suggested a similar version for mobile devices. $4.95, No Ads, No Powerups. Of course it'll never happen, but it was interesting how many survey questions were about powerups & IAPs. At least it's a topic they want feedback on.
  • @bernersenn, someone bit someone? Which game?
  • @fenikus I too know about the Suarez "chomping" not because I know much about football, but those types of stories are all over the British press. Not much else to report on English football!

    @Amslimfordy intrigued! You seldom pop in the BP, only when working on something. Can't wait to see how you manage IOS, android, PC, and those who use a combination.....
  • @jlz666 -- The video link doesn't seem to have any sound?
  • @JLZ666 what is it with those long haired men?
  • @AMslimfordy Sounds excellent! Since you asterisked Rio, I assume you mean a script that'll extract scores from user-uploaded .lua files? I'm sure that'll cut down on a lot of busy work. Now if Rovio would just act on our Rio DCB report, you might have actual free time :) What @hunnybunny mentioned is important. If one imports scores from multiple devices, I hope it'll be able to ignore a lower score.
  • This Luis Suarez must have graduated from the Mike Tyson Finishing School. Any adult male who bites people needs psychiatric help, an estrogen shot, or a muzzle.
  • @kelani one of the reasons I don't watch the footie, yobs are turned into heroes. I'm a bit of an old grumpy woman (never, I hear you say!) but I can go on forever about "superstars" who set no role model whatsoever for their young and impressionable fans.
    Rant over....
    Other than to say, I'm watching Wimbledon, a far more gentlemanly sport
  • @kelani here we are again in lonely Bunnyville, lonely Kelville!
    One day we'll actually have a real time conversation
    Off to the hideous SpaceEggVille!
  • Oh,@fenikus, just a pretence? You'll be back on your rodent hunt.......
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