The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2394
  • O.k @kelani to me is 6 to you its 5 but Sunday is the 7th day which makes Saturday the 6th or did i miss when they changed it to a 6 day week? I think is just a matter of looking at it differently.. I Test on Thursday ;) and no I haven't blown up the town 'yet'
  • When SW2 was in the rotation there were 7 apps so every 7th day ..
  • @Kathy Seven apps? name them.
  • @Kelani There are 6 apps now
    Yes now without SW 2 there are 6 only one removed 7-1 =6 so now every 6th day

    Edit : Kathy mistake on that. .not 7
  • No sorry meant 6..@kelani when Sw2 was in
    Now 5 one a day so oh never mind its an endless converstion there are NOW 5 apps one a day for 5 days. .on the 6th day the rotation begins Again. .agree to disagree. .
    Day #1 space
    DAY #2 Sw
    Day #3 Abo
    Day #4 Abr
    DAY #5 Ab season
    DAY # 6 tada back to Space
    Like I said every 6th day :)
  • Sorry @Kelani. I have to agree with @Ma on this one. A new Space challenge every six days.

    Edit: TaDa!
  • Thanks Pa :)
  • @Rat Like I said, there are 5 games in the rotation. It is exactly five days from the midpoint of one space challenge to the midpoint of the next space challenge. You can't get six days from five.

    By that logic, the week is 8 days long. But hey, that also means your weekends are three days long, so bonus!
  • And Kudos to @Comex666.
    He may have beaten my RP 5-26 top score in the daily challenge, but he did it with a better strategy.
  • But she's saying the next Space challenge is every six days @Kelani. That's a true statement. But as she also said, "Let's agree to disagree".
  • @Kelani But it will be 24hrs, 24hrs, 24hrs, 24hrs, 24hrs, and one minute before the next repeated challenge. SIX DAYS!
  • @Rat which I did, and then you brought it up again. :) Anyway, dis/agreement is moot since we're talking about two completely different things (six days apart vs. five days from now).
  • Its the same thing 5 days apart start on the 6th day. .:/

    OB a PigKiller please Stella is calling..
    @Kelani question .. does the timer in Stella keep on ticking ? Like if I'm in here chatting am I getting closer to the next Wall of Smoke? Or does it go by levels completed?
  • @Kathy Yes, the timer keeps counting down. I think even if the game is closed. Funny you should ask that right now, because the way the timer works, when it says 5h it's really 6.

    edit: but the next smoke wall doesn't start counting down until you actually reach it.
  • Thanks @Kelani hmmm that is a funny coincidence:/
  • Where do i see this timer Kel ?
  • When you reach the wall of smoke it's a dark screen, has two clouds, One says Time til smoke clears and has the timer. Beneath that is another cloud with Watch Video for 20 coins.

    Weird. In Seasons, after the bonus birds are tallied, if something starts falling, does the level cleared always get delayed? I just had that happen. Birds tallied, some big thing collapsed over the next 10 seconds, then the screen popped up.
  • Uhmm ya isee that on thecloud of smoke @Kelani but is there a way to tell When the next wall of smoke comes is it a time limit thing?
    What level in seasons did you see that? Most times its a quick time out and you dont get the points for debris that fell as the birds are tallying?
  • @Kathy I think it happens when you get to each wall of pigs, or maybe it's every other one.

    Seasons was SH-19. that whole right side started falling after the tally. Never seen any level do that before.
  • Hmm I'll have to check that @kelani. .I don't remember seeing anything like that. .butthen again I'm on Android your on Pc may be the difference
    Wow all of a sudden my phone is responding very quickly to everything. .idk what is up but I did calibrate the battery per the instructions @fenikus sent. . Doesn't seem to be helping the battery but response time is much smoother.. plus I uninstalled Twitter idk something has changed
  • @Kathy there is no '? on the pause screen' bird tutorial in Stella that I know of. The only bird tutorials are those levels where the little fireflies are in the air, and you're forced to do the shot the game wants you to do.
  • Ohh @Kelani ya cuz this new bird with the stocking cap I have no
    Idea how to make it work:( it seems to only go up idk I'm hoping fir another smoke screen so o can go to bed lol
  • Its Stupid! I just hate that word but its o.k to call virtual birds stupid especially when they are wearing stocking cap !! Its silly! Its still Tuesday
  • Night Pa ♡
  • You gotta be kidding me. comex666 got consecutive puppy #3 three hours after the challenge began. Tying justpast40's two-hour puppy, no less.
  • OMG you guys are driving me bonkers with the rotation days thing! LOL

    You're right @Kathy, it still IS Tuesday! Wwhhhhiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnneeeee!!
  • @SweetP That's one hilarious picture :D
  • . Oh forget it lol..Happy Hump Day !!
    Have a Fantabulous Flinging Day everyone! !:)
  • Off to work. Hi @Annifrid .. sorry gotta run ..bbl
  • @Sweetp @Kelani can someone check the high score on abracabacon ? Level 2-5 ?
  • @justpast40 maybe for y'all, but I can't get above 87k. I'm missing something, clearly.
  • @kelani -I've only improved my old score by 600 and that's only meant I still haven't reached avg! On the other hand I'm now 4th on PigDays Hobbit! Oh & BTW thanks for the notifications in Challenge levels - much appreciated!
    Candy Crush 655 is still driving me insane - coming close to deleting the game!
    Real life is also a tad intense at the moment but I'm off to Portugal on Sunday with hubby so that will be nice!
    Mumsie decides to pull up her rocker and sit back and knit some dusters She has a very special one to design and knit for a certain @comex666!!!
  • Oh OB thank you a lovely long G&T with ice and a slice! What more could a girl want!
  • @Mumsie comex definitely deserves a little extra specialness. The man's a machine. He posted a helpful screenshot for my benefit, so I hope to join the pack eventually.
  • Hi everyone:) OB I'll have the usual please; )
    @JustPast40 so nice of you to pop in thanks:) please join us more don't worry about keeping up as its not really 'live' chat your always welcome.
    Hmm OB hel me get @Mumsie knitting put away and I'll poof her home ;)
    And agreed @kelani @comex666 is most helpful all around the walkthroughs:)
  • Who was that masked @fenikus ?
  • 9.24.14 = the day everyone got a puppy but me. Even people playing for 20-30 mins near the end.

    I'm so embarrassed.
  • Whine Tuesday? Perfect! Have I got a whine for you all!

    I finally got above average on all levels of Seasons... except for one.

    Nope, it was not in Season's Greedings. Yes, it IS possible to get all above average, even the Santa Hat Glitch levels.

    The evil level is Trick or Treat 3-3. Turns out there was once an instability that resulted in nice 1-birders. The best one can hope for now, so it seems anyway, is a 2-birder, and not a very good two birder as the little red bird isn't very helpful. So, I am about 5k below average. ARG.

  • An easy puppy @Kelani? What level was it? I guess I missed out again!
  • @BPC SW MoE-10. I think 10 or more people got one. I missed by a few hundred points. Just like the last one. :)
  • @Kelani One of these days I will return to SW. Maybe tomorrow ;)

    I'm torn between improving scores in ABO and Rio, my favorites, or making a second pass through Seasons. Or return to Star Wars... decisions, decisions...
  • @fenikus, get your arse back in here. We could have a bo... dacious discussion about what modem/router I should get to replace the one I am leasing from Comcast :)
  • Lol @BPC I hear ya on those tough decisions .I was in a flinging funk didn't know where to go , what to do..I decided on abracabacon .. bad choice lol.
    After that idk where I'm going I think back to abo maybe .
    As for the puppy I don't even try anymore:/ I got one once good enough for me ;)
  • @Kathy I MIGHT even try Space!
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