The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2431
  • @Kathy you forgot to cc mumsie on your screenshot post. Also fixed. Now sit on your hands so I can get the last 90 points for this blanking puppy! :P
  • Thanks @kelani :( sorry it's only my second puppy I'm not up on the protocol lol
    Ty for fixing me up:)

    *flinging in space not sitting on hands*
  • @Kathy really? You've been here 10 years and only #2? ;) That's surprising. Anyway, congrats on it. Long overdue :) :)
  • @TomPuss I envy you. I haven't been able to recline or lay on my back since they reattached my head after my first cervical surgery. They put me back together wrong. It might have something to do with the fact that they dropped me off the table during the middle of my surgery. They actually had the gall to blame me. They said my body was to long for their equipment. lol I had slept the first thirty-five years of my life flat on my back. Sure, I snored. But I slept like a baby. Now I can't lean my head forward or back. I must keep my head and spine in line or I suffer dire consequences. For example: This means I can't sit in an airline seat and read a magazine or an iPad. And I definitely can't sleep. I'm trapped, bored to tears, until I get off the plane. My wife sez I have dolls eyes. If I lean back in a recliner, my eyes roll back into my head and I immediately go to sleep. But I wake up five minutes later in horrific pain with a severe headache. So yes, @TomPuss, I agree with you. Hunching over an iPad is hard for your back. But for me, so is reclining. That's why I only fling when I smoke. I have a special setup outside, (tall table. taller than normal chair, and a slightly inclined platform to rest my iPad on), that allows me to stay flatfooted with my arms supported and stretched far away from my body. I have to get a special prescription on my glasses to allow for focus 20 inches away from my head. Luckily I have long arms. Otherwise I end up hunched as you said. But even with all my contraptions, I haven't been able to fling much since my Blossom River days. I suffered through Beak Impact at a very slow pace and somehow have been able to stay ahead of @BeautifulVVorld. Although I don't know how. He's ahead of me on two thirds of the levels.

    P.S. Liked the Fred and Ginger music compilation, but we love Gene Kelly.
  • Puppy for me too
    @kathy I couldn't get the link to work either, thought it was my upgrade to the hateful iOS8, but perhaps a ABN problem

    Go @kelani go!! You can do it!
  • Sorry TMI I ran everybody off.
  • BTW, I've been feeling a little better over the last four days. Fingers crossed.
  • @Hunnybunny I hope so. My track record on mass-puppy days is literally 0 for 12.
  • @Mumsie Just to keep you in the loop, MSU is still ranked #1. I know this won't mean anything to you, but four of the top five ranked teams are from the SEC West. MSU, Alabama, Ole Miss, and Auburn. It's historically a tough division.
  • Mrs Bunny shakes her cow bell, as she leaves the BP

    Goodnight @rat

    Good luck @kelani

    Goodbye @everyone

    Psst OB you better have Mumsie's favourite beverage waiting and the Blues on overtime knitting dusters. Twenty two puppies and counting. She's going to be one busy woman.....
  • @Hunnybunny Not just her! If any are their first, who do you think has to award the badge? :P
  • @Kelani -- Sent you and other admins a PM about administrative issue. Don't know if you can take care of it or if it requires BL.
  • @All does anyone remember seeing gladvold in the most improved yesterday during the Cosmic Crystals challenge? They say they got a puppy, and posted a screenshot in their album (but no link), but I don't recall seeing them in the most Improved. It would've been in the last 2-3 hours of the challenge.
  • @mvnla2 I'm not an admin, so it definitely requires someone else :) I replied to the PM. I saw that last night, and sent a note to BL, but no reply.
  • @kelani - just sent you a PM. He got a Puppy yesterday.
  • @Kathy using the aiming points everyone's describing on PC, I have less than a second to aim and trigger blaster. Not easy with a mouse. That's why I asked uncle-b what he used.

    @Karen68 thank you, Alert Lady :) I'll take care of it.
  • @kelani you're most welcome :)
    As for the challenge - I'm not on PC so maybe a different aiming point, but the way I played it I didn't tap until Lando was way up in the left corner. Still not a lot of time but enough that I could play it with one hand.
  • Twenty-four puppies and counting. I've heard horror stories about these puppy mills.
  • @kelani -- Thanks for the reply.
    Decided to try the challenge. Was 10 points away for the longest time, but managed to get a puppy, my 3rd, I think. If I can do it, you can! My other puppies were purely accidental, i.e., I got them the first time I improved my score.
  • @kelani -- I suppose you can't play it on your new iPad? A great shame. Playing with a mouse would be difficult, I think. It took quite a while even on iPad to get a consistent aim point and time of activation. Not to mention that even when I got a 1 birder, there were a huge number that weren't puppy-worthy. I think it took me about 1 hr.
  • @mvnla2 don't have SW on 'pad yet.

    FINALLY. Beat the blanking score by 10 points. I think. lol.
  • @kelani -- Congrats on the puppy! 10 pts above is several orders of magnitude better than 10 pts below, which is where I was for a very long time.
  • @kelani finally! Congrats on your 10 point victory :)
    We're so close to breaking the Underdog record of 29 puppies..
  • Congrats @Kelani I knew you could do it:)!!
    *back to my book*
  • 29! Wow, I missed that one on the list.

    It's funny how many people who don't usually play the challenge come out of the woodwork when they smell an opportunity :)
  • Sniff, sniff. It looks like the record of twenty-nine puppies will stand.
  • @bernersenn & @Kathy, somewhat late you're welcome re:the puppy head's up
  • I feel sorry for @Flo. She was in first place yesterday. When she looks again, she'll be in twenty-ninth place. Imagine the shock.
  • @Rat Flo will be OK. S/he was in 2nd place. The original high scorer king (I think) improved their score today as well, although both may be bogus scores, since he hasn't posted proof, and has just that one posted score for all of the games.

    lol. Whoops, I forgot about his Stella scores:

    Your Rank: 0 out of 135
    Total Scores Entered: -3 out of 131
  • @Kelani I would have bet that @Flo was a female name. I would have been wrong. @Flo is male. I'm not sure you can be caviler and say he will be OK. His second place score in the challenge was his only claim to fame. He only has a handful of scores in the top 100. So dropping to 29th place may be devastating for him.
  • @Kelani One of these days you'll have to explain to me how you can have a negative 3 scores entered. Some of your new math again?
  • I gotta go to sleep :(;
    Night Pa
  • Night Ma
  • Hello gents, @Kelani & @Rat, I don't mean to butt I into your conversation, but because I was involved in the massive puppy adoption very very early on, I'll add my 2 cents. I'm pretty sure when the Challenge started @wrm had the #1 spot at 74450.

    I'm not sure where Flo was with 74290, but when when I went to bed I had not improved my 73980 & I'd started in the #5 spot; I was #7 in the morning when I checked (perhaps 8 EDT ..... am I addicted or what??) & King was #1, having entered over 75k with no comment, pic, etc. A few hours later, I requested a proof pic from him/her & notified Admins (s/he had #1 spot at the time & for hours I believe,) however there's been no response from King or the Admins & the score is still listed.

    Kelani, seriously, does that -3 under King's Stella appear when a member removes their own scores? I actually think I saw that on my Stella board at 1 time.

    Nite's run on puppies was exhausting. My puppy was early on, but trying for 75k & to keep my rank (failed) took almost all day.

    GL to anyone on this PE 1-9 Challenge. I don't even know how the TopScore is possible.

  • Unbelievable. I spend a week convincing a very enthusiastic member to stop posting one-sentence random comments all over the site, and finally succeed!

    Then a new one shows up and does the exact same thing.

  • @rat Oh, I felt for you so when I read your post. . they sure mashed you up dreadfully and I'm so sorry nothing will relieve your pain. Your set-up sounds as good as it can be, short of living in a buoyancy tank or floating in zero-g. My problem is as nothing compared to yours, but it precludes me ever having a lap-top, I have difficulties with Hubz' desk-top too. Pad is perfect as long as I lie back, take my specs off, prop pad on tummy. Thanks to a lumbar corset, I've managed to avoid the violent back spasms that took to me hospital screaming in pain a couple of times. But I hate wearing it, yuk. . specially in hot weather and during the night.
    I hope you have good day regardless, dear Rat. . .
    BTW Another big difference is that I have to stop flinging to go outside for a ciggie! Playing Pig Days and Ham Dunk just now, but am not really au fait with the niceties of basket-ball -:)
    And I'm glad you liked the video - even if it wasn't Gene.

    @bernersenn Thanks for your good wishes too. Ummm, I missed a few pages, glad to hear you got new pad!
  • Thanks for the kind words @TomPuss. The good thing is that everything still works most of the time. I still have use of all my fingers and toes. I like the buoyancy tank idea. I really miss sleeping.
  • Good day to you all. Almost finishing work, then got time for the Challenge.
    @Tompuss I don't have a new Ipad, @Kelani does.
  • @bernersenn Oops, that's what comes of whooshing thro' the pages without paying attention, very careless of me, so sorry . . And a bit of wishful thinking for you on my part as well.
  • I just got a notice from Google play store for a season update?
  • @Tompuss if @bernersenn had gotten another ipad (making his third? fourth?) while I was doing without, you would've seen one hell of a kel temper tantrum :)
  • @kelani pal, slow down. I have two Ipads, actually I have one and my wife has the other. When mine is loosing power - the new games uses much energy - I switch to the other. I cannot play with an ipad with a cord plugged in.
    About the IOS 8 and the videos in the walkthroughs: since last week this worked suddenly. This must have done by the nestadmins (thanks guys) cause the Ipad isn't updated in that time.
    @tompuss, I don't look forward to a new Ipad. The last time we bought a new one (and then of course the new wife for mrs. Bernersenn, hers to me) we also have to switch content.
    Lets see if we can get a puppy today. Played for weeks Ham Dunk and suddenly, I think about a week, I don't have angry birds but sweet birds. They are not that destroyable as I wished.

    My slogan for this week:
    I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
    Douglas Adams
  • By the way, any one noticed that when you pull the screen from the left side to the right, the previous page of the BP appears? (on Ipad)
  • @BeautifulVVorld I know how much you love Space so I gave you something to shoot for. You love a challenge and are skilled enough for the task. I now have 1st place in eight of the eleven Space worlds. Come and get me. Enjoy!

    BTW Don't forget @Burpie. He has 1st in the other three worlds.
  • @bernersenn I'm just kidding with you :) You talked before about switching ipads to play, and I'd never heard of anyone doing that before. I could see you there with an array of ipads, ready to pick up a new one when the current one needed a break. :)

    btw, there was an ABN walkthrough video issue two weeks ago, that was fixed after a few hours, but the problem you mentioned was a bug in the Youtube player for mobile devices. It caused lots of problems for iOS and Android.
  • @kelani an array of ipads, funny
  • @bernersenn Great Douglas Adams whooshing quote! I'm in good company there, I think. .
    @kelani How about you guys getting some R&R in a device-free environment? West Virginia is the place to be:

  • @TomPuss Until Google built a data center here, my town was one cell tower away from being the town in that video.

    No need to get away. I'll post a pic when i get a minute. Sure, I have my ipad, but I haven't had a cell phone in 10 years. :)
  • @tompuss right
    No puppy today, I need another 64 hours to get it.
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