The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2475
  • Sweet nighty bawbaws @Jlz666 stay safe tomorrow please♡
  • i didn't try to share mine @burpie cuz my battery low so I turned off wifi.. I'll try tommorow and see what happens
  • @Kathy, @burpie, @JLZ, @catsnbirds et al…I installed Space on both my android phone and my Mom's android tablet -- "Share your gameplay" appears on my phone but not her tablet (it's a cheap low-res screen Acer tablet, not sure if that matters).

    So when I click on "share" button, I see the replay of the last attempt, but like @burpie am having trouble actually sharing the video. It goes a little further for me as *something* does happen -- I get to the Everyplay account sign-in screen where it gives you the option to sign in to their account directly or through Facebook, google+, youtube, etc. However when I try to login either way, Angry Birds crashes.

    It sounds like a really cool feature but it looks like they need to work out some kinks first.

    Edit: I do see a bunch of replay videos on both youtube and site, so it's obviously working for some people.
  • @JLZ666 @Ma No share button on my iPad. Y'all got me all excited. I've always wanted a replay button so I could watch the interaction of areas my old eyes aren't quick enough to see. Whaaaaa!!!
  • Hi @Funikus
    I didn't see you there.
  • Thanks @fenikus yes it sounds like this new feature needs some work indeed. as i haven't actually tried to share I'm not certain. but if you and @burpie say tis so.. well i believe lol
    Sorry @Pa maybe they will work out the bugs before updating to ios. .
  • @kathy @Jlz-666 I'm on an old iPad 2 running IOS 7, and I haven't seen the Share Your Gameplay button.
  • @Ma @Funikus @Burpie I'm not as worried about these newfangled features as I am about Space crashing. I'm crashing at least once per session.

    @Mvnla2 Do I need to report Brass Hogs as an unstable platform? lol
  • @Pa i haven't heard of many crashing issues, have you tried clearing cache and shutting down the app?
    yes lots of unstable , glitch level in Brass Hogs !
  • @mvnla2 i guess is just a feature on android and by the sounds of it has issues.
  • it seems in the Fruit Loop levels The mighty Eagle (Toucan Sam) is a given! but the leaderboard is not up as of yet..
    Nighty night all
  • What do you mean he's a given Ma? You can clear the levels without an eagle power-up. Just pop some Fruit Loops.
  • Good Night Ma
  • i just mean that you dont have to pay for it @Pa like you do for the Mighty Eagle; )
    nighty night
  • Gosh, how long ago did we first discuss this @burpie? It's been a year! And I still haven't paid for that app to record gameplay videos. I wish there was a way to save it locally, too!

    I'm going to do a little research on this @Kathy and @JLZ666.
  • @SweetP, If you've purchased a new phone since then it probably has a recording feature built-in. The added that in Android. I know that my phone can do it.

    @Rat, I see that you're on the move again in Brass Hogs. Be gentle with my highscores towards the end of the episode ;-)
  • Oh noooz, you already took 9-19 from me. I worked 8 minutes for that highscore!
  • @Burpie Did that really take you 8 minutes? You must be slipping. lol
    Top scores are easy in the upper levels because very few flingers have flung yet. I currently have top scores on my last four levels. They won't last long with "LUCKY" flingers like @JLZ666 out there gunning for em'.

    Edit: To be truthful, it took me about an hour on that one. The first shot is a little unconventional.
  • @Burpie I looked at your leaderboard in Brass Hogs. Whoo hoo! You've got six top scores in the last nine levels. I'll apologize now because as I get to them...well, you know. ha ha ha
  • Hi everyone Just a reminder only a couple more days to get your January nomination in for the 2015 Avatar contest! ! let's keep @E-star in Business:)
  • Nice to BP full! Haggis, snow and Brass Hogs seem to have done the trick.

    @E-star WOW! All those videos. How do you it?

    Brass Hogs. Well, like everyone, those missions are driving me nuts. Still taking me longer to complete missions than I normally play every day. My ten point missions are always a previous "Challenge" that I'd played hundreds of times before, and therefore are difficult for me to beat my highest score (don't laugh @rat). Big (Rovio) Brother is certainly watching me :-(

    @fenikus is it worth buying the iPad air? I'm still using the old faithful iPad 3.

    Anyone who is interested in my newly found (and sadly dead) half brother may like to know that I have a copy of his death certificate now. Death reported by his wife! Did they have kids? Do I have half cousins? Or whatever they might be called.

    Hope those on the path of blizzards are safe and well. But, smug time, I'm off to the sun tomorrow. Yippee......

  • Waiting with baited breath @sweetp
  • Oops, sorry 'bout that @HunnyBunny. I was trying to upload a link to the video I just made on EveryPlay, but it's just an embed code, which does not work here in the BP. Still looking into this new add-on type app in Space.
  • walkthroughs for Beak Impact 2 mirror levels? Gaah! I have to complete this mission before I can open more levels!
    I don't care what day it is, earplugs everyone! Whhhiiiiiiiinnnnnnnneeee!
  • @sweetp just X out and get a new one in 30 minutes:)
  • @sweetp haven't even looked at EveryPlay waiting for some cleverer person to sort it out
    @kathy I have one mission Pig Bang 17 that pops up every day. I can't X its personal now.
    Repeat mantra "I will do it, I will do it"
  • Ok, I'm sloowwly figuring this EveryPlay thing out. Just an example, uploaded to YT.
  • Thanks @HunnyBunny! I'm gonna be working more on this, hopefully showing better strategy/scores in the near future, but Space is NOT one of my favorite AB games. Too bad EveryPlay is not available on the others.
  • Goodnight all
    Hopefully Pig Bang 17 will be conquered on the plane tomorrow. Like @sweetp Space is NOT my favourite
  • @Hunnybunny, your current score for Pig Bang 17 isn't even in the top 200. Those should be easy challenge points?!

    @Rat9, I added a 7th high score in the last 10 levels of Brass Hogs. I expect 7 email notifications tomorrow!
  • @hunnybunny is l I've also got the same mission more than once when i X out i think it comes back around! I wonder if they go by the persons scores individually? but either yep I've come to the same conclusion Just Do it !
    Cool @sweetp you figured it out! how'd you get it to post here though?
  • try getting 3 stars in Cosmic Crystal 7-28 Mirror world:(
    OB I'll have a Double SpacePigKiller please!!
  • Don't wait at your mailbox @Burpie. You know I always describe myself as a one-eyed fat man. Make that a one half eyed fat man at the moment. I look like I've been in a boxing match. My one good eye is almost swollen shut. Some sort of infection. SWDNF had a swollen eye a few days ago. I think she might have transferred at least one germ to me. I've been told eye germs are very infectious. They may be right. ha ha
    So it may take a while before you get any notifications. That's assuming your scores are beatable.
  • Heads up: Surf and Turf #15 for some reason is much, much easier to get high scores. Within 30 minutes I had a number of top ten scores, and even a top score. Thanks to @tmax crash for the discovery and sharing.
  • @Kathy, there was an option to "Share" it to YouTube, so that's where I uploaded the video. Then went and got the link from YT and posted it here. I believe it's basically the same process that @Estar uses, recording the video on her iOS device. Then she uploads to YT and shares the link to that video in her comments.

    Hope that made sense.
  • Thanks @BPC for the breadcrumbs! I just revisited S&T 15 and immediately improved my score by 8K! Congrats on getting the trophy, nice score!
  • yes that make sense @sweetp ty:)
    Thanks for the heads up @BPC !! hope all is well. ..
    So I'm officially i insane by definition "doing the same thing over and over expecting different results"
    they coming to take me away haha hee hee ho hoo haha! !
  • Sorry about the sheriff emails, @Rat. You know how I like to kick a man when he's down ;-)
  • @Hunnybunny, I think you'd be disappointed with build quality of iPad Airs. I'm not saying it's bad, but when you compare it with previous generation models, it feels a bit on the cheap side. Also, if you don't have some type of cover on it, it will feel like it will break in your hands -- it's so thin.

    I upgraded from iPad 2 which is a huge difference due to iPad 2 not having Retina display, but an upgrade from iPad 3 may not be worth it in my opinion -- increase in performance compared to even iPad 2 is not as drastic as you might think.
  • @SweetP, when you clicked on YouTube icon to share your video, did it ask you to login into your YouTube account or does it upload the video right away? When I try to do it, AB crashes on me…hard.
  • Well @Pa i got my first Crash when i tried to open level #15 @
  • Well @Pa i got my first Crash when i tried to open level #15 !! so you not the only one:/
  • Alright @Fenikus. Somebody to toy with...I mean play with...Play against. Yeah, that's right. Somebody to play against. Or so I thought. You only have two scores entered in Brass Hogs. I know you've played them. You had to play them to get to the levels you took my top scores on. Are you embarrassed at how low your scores are? Are they really that bad? Let me know when you get permission to play. See you then.
  • Boo!
    (Sorry for lurking)

  • @kathy have fun in the snow! :)
  • And it's bed time,
    Good night @all
  • @Rat, yes -- I only have 2 scores entered in Brass Hogs and they're both top scores…I mean do you *really* want me to enter all of them? BTW, you do *not* have to play levels in order in Brass Hogs -- as long as you gained enough points with daily missions, you can play any level you have unlocked.

    BTW, that's what I've been doing -- slowly collecting points and not concentrating much on BH (yet). It was only when I saw you and @burpie patting yourselves on the back about your "achievements" that I played 17 and 18 in earnest and now I'm after you on 19. Keep your eye out for me (pun intended, hehe).
  • @AEX10 Hi Welcome back! you can lurk all you want no need to be sorry;Sweet Dreams hope to see you soon again!
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