The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2569
  • @kathy For a good sleep:

    "Sheep may safely graze", piano version

    Nighty night
  • Thanks for the compliment @bernersenn. I thought I might try to get into the top ten when I get home from the holidays but see you are in tenth. I don't want to put forth the effort just to bump you out of the top ten.

    Congratulations on blowing up the train Mrs. Bunny. Good score.

    Hi @ABcrazy. Teaching a child to make beer? Shame on you. Tsk tsk tsk
    You should have stuck with three stars on this one. Ugly, ugly episode.

    Always good to hear from you @TomPuss. Keep those videos coming. You save me a lot of time by giving us the cream of the crop. I hate scouring the web looking for a gem.

  • @rat9 And I'm soooo happy you enjoy them! I have no scores to talk about so this is the best I can do! You may have gathered I'm gearing up for an update, in order to get Seasons 2, and am quaking at the very thought of it! -:(

    If you make it to my side of the pond next year, don't forget you'll be able to watch all those SNL episodes - Mr Robinson's Neighborhood, Gumby etc.

    Had you heard of Tama, the Japanese station-master cat? Check this out:

    She died in in June this year and was greatly mourned:

  • @rat, a 'child' only in the eyes of the ATF. Even you wouldn't call him a child if you could see him. It's 'science' see? :-)

    I kept wondering why I kept playing as it was just frustrating. I must be crazy....
  • @tompuss thanks but I've Googled. And tried some suggestions. None have worked so far

    @rat @kathy @abcrazy most of those levels are nasty, very nasty.....

    I'm off to be disappointed, yet again, by S or S, but have a new approach. Avoid the terrible ones, just make more points on the " easier" ones. Not going to work, I know. Wish me luck, I need it
  • @hunnybunny your so right, this is a terribly tough episode, I've adopted your strategy and am ignoring those that i can't get into the top 100, and trying to improve on the 'easier' ones which are still terrible, there's too many sit and wait for collapse in my opinion, my battery isn't that patient lol and to many one bird ' fling and pray '
    good luck and OB keep the drinks coming as we aren't through with this one yet !
    Team BP will prevail!! Dammit Gumby!
  • @kathy I told you this challenge was a tough one, so far only 2 peeps have broken into the top 50, and no puppies yet.
  • I gave up on the challenge @gumby , I'm still working on SoS, improved to spot 46 on the board:)
  • oohh @tompuss Loved the Tomasa the cat video: D amazing so sorry to see his funeral but oh my , imagine that cat was so loved by so many!
    the sleepy sheep one was another not available in this country that also amazes me, i know there are countries that censor their media content but it's strange to actually see it in action: (
  • @kathy thats a lot better than my 160 :)

    but for ski or squeal golden eggs I am ranked 2 on leader board for now
  • ahhh yes It Is Tuesday!! Thanks OB for putting out the baskets as I'd asked, you have such a good memory that's why we have you:)
    put them in now I suggest;)
    @hunnybunny help on 23 please, i saw your strat but can you remember anything else,, any little tidbit like how high you threw stella how far you pulled her back I'm desperate

  • @gumby i didn't really try the golden egg levels yet But Woot #2 great flinging:)
  • maybe I'll try the space challenge Cosmic Crystal, i could use a break from SoS
    @Pa Space challenge
  • @kathy thanks and I might try the space challenge too
  • o.k gumby good luck Let's go:)
  • never mind I'm all set with the one bird fling and pray challenge, just about time for bed , one more beer, one more smoke (maybe) back to SoS torture ;)
    good luck with CC @gumby ;)
  • @kathy thanks, first I have to unlock it lol
  • aww sorry @gumby what do you mean 'unlock it'? have you never played space before, if that's it definitely look at walkthrough comments me and pa left quite a few tips there, you just gotta 1star each to get to the challenge level.
    nighty night I'm beat, vacation wears me out lol
  • @kathy I have zillions of levels to re- unlock after I had to get a new phone
  • Arggh @gumby i know that feeling , have you done a backup? I've had to replay lots of time due to new phone or tablet upgrade until i started doing regular backups
  • I finally got back from the Holidays late last night. Because the weather was nasty this morning I stayed in and cleaned up a few levels in the Advent to support "Team BP". I was amazed when I saw I had made it all the way to 8th place. Sorry about bumping you out of the top ten @bernersenn. I'm not that far ahead of you so you can catch me and that will give us two Team BP'ers in the top ten. Good luck.

    Go Team Go!!!
  • Hi @rat. I'm a little sad to hear about the nasty weather. About bumping me out of the top ten, no problems with that. Although I am playing each day these games, none of them gave a better score. You will notice when I will be back.
    Nice day to the all of you, guys
  • Don't forget to get your votes in one more day for voting for your favorite Avatar!!
  • Hi @bernersenn hope all is well with you, I'm still having a tough time in this episode, can't wait for a good update where we can all fling together again as team BP:)
  • Hi @Kathy I'm doing well. My wife has some problems at this moment, she is suffering with her thyroid gland. This is taking a lot of my time and brains. No issue, my ranking is still pretty good compared to other years. It is like all this snow and ice isn't good for my birds. Think they like more tropical temperatures. Lol.
    I'll try this games until this weekend, then returning to the eggsnatchers. And the finals of baseball - from which I played only 1 game. That game was the challenge lately.

    And yes, flinging as team BP gave it an extra dimension.
    Happy flinging.
    Hope to pop in tomorrow, if time isn't allowing me I already wish the all of you a very happy and healty new year.
  • @bernersenn Hope your wife feels better soon, my sister also had thyroid troubles is no fun: (
    I too am about done with this episode after the weekend, agree the birds don't like the snow lol;)
    In case I don't see you tomorrow Have a safe and Happy New Year's eve and a Happy New Year ahead in 2016:)
  • @kathy correct. Our birds don't love this cold. May we conclude this for now?
  • yes @bernersenn concluded lol..
  • Beside all this - tomorrow is a new pig days game coming...
  • @bernersenn Sorry to hear that - I had it too, it was hell.
  • @kathy I'm with you triple whatever and triple
    1-25 ain't doing me any favours (decided to work bottom up, a Burpie strat) and then got distracted (again) by the gloriously difficult 1-14
    On the train level, Kathy, all I can say is "I'm a Seasons flinger, no variation in 'power' at all. Pull back, aim high, pray"
  • ohhh @hunnybunny me too!! trying the bottom up strategy, but ya 14 arghhhh Is a killer!!
    uhmm which one is the train level, I've lost track *sigh* OB fill er' up and hunnybunny also, hey at least we are in it together !! c'mon girl we can do it !
  • @Ma @Hunnybunny My secret to catching up this morning was to not open level 14. It only aggravates and depresses you.
  • abcrazy shuffles in... head hung low trying to hide bloodshot eyes from staring at a screen for much, much too long.
    Hi OB, I'll take whatever ya got handy. I don't care. Thanks.
    BTW, that SorS 21 level seems pretty evil to me. You are at the back of the line on that one. Any hints? Yellow manages to nail the stove pretty steadily, but somehow manages not to produce enough damage anyway. I know I've cursed Matilda .... well.... probably too many times, but this time it's not really her fault.
    Yeah, thanks. I'll just take a seat in the dark corner over there. Hey? You still have that soundproofed padded room down in the basement? I... uh... ahem... might need to visit that one today....

    And please send @bernersenn and his wife best wishes for her health. Thanks.
  • Hi @hunnybunny @rat @Kathy ... it seems we all have different levels plaguing us today. I thought I did pretty good on 14 even though (or maybe because) rat is only 2 ranks (& 60 pts) ahead of me on that one. OB has always treated me well as long as I can get him snugged in nice & low for maximum expansion impact. That's all I can add to that one. I'm pretty sure I used the leading strat to lob in between 2nd & 3rd buildings.
    25 is the only one of my sore levels I haven't gone back to yet. I just got too stuck on 21 and now .... my flingin mojo is gone.
  • I shoot through the cookie star to the pot-belly stove @ABcrazy. But I don't have the highest score by a long shot.

    Hot diggity!! I got 4th place on level 14.
  • Thanks for the tips on 14 @ABCrazy I'm working on 25 now again *sigh* they all zuck imo
    Hi @pa good advice on skipping 14 ..
  • OB, another round please? I WAS only 2 ranks below @rat on 14, but apparently not anymore. (sniff) Cheers!
    I have been shooting through that stupid cookie star into the pot-belly stove endlessly today. My first couple shots brought down the middle and even a good part of the right, but never, ever the left-most TNT. After the first couple shots now, it wont ever, ever even clear the bigger shack on the right. It's just time to quit for a while. (ploughs face into hands on table)
  • Ok Explain Pa you shot through this cookie on ¿¿?¿ 21 ? And how did you get 14 , thought you were ignoring it..
    OB fill 'er up !! Where am I ..hmm uhmm hmm level 25 i think , they all look the same to me hard!
  • *dances a little jig* I won't fling at 14 no more. Whoo hoo!
  • I know what I said Ma. But there were just so many points there for the takin. I thought just one more fling. It took about ten. That makes about ten thousand total. ha ha
  • Yeah @kathy I think he was trying to help me with 21. I'm quiting that one for now. Back on to 25. Oddly, I think one of my first strats was my best one (or strats dont really matter that much on this one). I aimed red at the blinky light thing straight ahead, which set off the chain reaction. Then I cleaned up with the blues by breaking through that upper level ice.
  • Thanks @ABCrazy I'll try that blinkie light thing strat hee hee;)
  • uh...huh..... well @kathy I dont know if its any good as a strat since.... well... that is one of my sadly well below average levels... ya know?
  • S'ok @ABCrazy I'm desperate I'll try anything...oh ..huh below average you say ¿ uhmm well it still sounds good, I'll try it;)
  • Oohhh no @ABCrazy no no no no.. You want to throw red at the glass house on the far right then blues to follow, that red blinkie light thing is a release boulder thingie and when you hit the glass house, red will drop down the detonator to set of the red blinkie thingie ;)
  • Goodnight fellow sufferers @abcrazy @kathy
    Goodnight insufferable but ace flinger @rat (just jealous)
    Might have one last fling...
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny better luck tomorrow; ) We can dream..
  • @kathy that level seems to reward patience. I don't tend to do well with the 'quickly mop up points before it times out strats' but that's me & I still ..... ahem ..... struggle on that level.
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