The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2666
  • oooh what a beutiful picture @hunnybunnycrownthief !! hee hee
    @jlz -666 nice to see you pop in:D I've no clue who is Sir David but I'll wish him happy birthday, is he the baby in the bathrobe?
    @bernersenn rusts great news about the breeders, hopefully that will give you time to relieve the loss of Wolf and look forward to a new pup:) Is it the same breeder where you got Don ,Heidi, and Wolf? Again I'm sorry about Don, he was a very handsome Dog!♡
  • @kathy hoodoo voodoo keyboard still exists! "Is he the baby in tune bathrobe". LOL LOL LOL
    what on earth....
  • Oh @bernersenn I'm so sorry,I hadn't picked up on that. My apologies and condolences :( You've really been through hell :(
    Well @hunnybunny I will admit to being clueless when it comes to art. Haven't heard of Simon Schama. I know what I like when I see it but can't tell you who did it. Each to there own I guess! Me love the animals!
    Ermmmmmm @kathy??? WTH? Haahaa!!!!!!! Has to be the best yet!
  • @kathy Sir David is a Great (absolutely great, magnificent, wonderful) British TV presenter who travels the world looking at animals. Hope this clip works
  • @jlz666 no need to apologize. This can happen, certainly because I'm not regularly here.
    @kathy no, this breeder is breeding for 30 years and we even didn't know about her. She doesn't even have a website. We heard about her via via. You even have to be introduced to her by a known someone from here before she even will give you a puppy. Of course I will inform all of you
  • @hunnybunny Hubby is giving me serious evil eye right now so I'll be quick. For all the beautiful albeit limited places I've visited in Europe,I've sat in chapels,cathedrals,churches and museums wondering who has created these amazing works of art or sculptures. I appreciate the beauty but (forgive me) don't want to learn more.
    I know it's an old view from your home but it's still amazing! Tomorrow looks like a stonking day for us all so enjoy! We plan to take advantage by painting the shed and oiling the decking ;)
    Really going now
  • Darn @hunnybunny I edited that, but i guess it didn't take:( haha yep hoodoo voodoo phone!
    again another beutiful work of art!
    haha @jlz -666 idk lately I've been typing on my tablet ,which isn't As bad, but we are out doing laundry so I'm trying to catch up on my phone, now no I've never heard of Sir David What is the new Royal baby name?
    @bernersenn sounds like a very reputable breeder, hope you have much luck in selecting a new pup:)
    btw @all not only am I typing on my phone I'm in a very bumpy truck while doing so :/
  • see ya soon @jlz -666 uhmm what's stonking?
  • Umm I'm kinda lost @kathy! Are you being serious about not knowing David Attenborough? It's ok if you don't but noooooo it's not a new Royal baby! I tried to find some Attenborough footage but I could've been here all night and divorced ;) Think Hunnybunny found some above.
    Oh sorry,"stonking" is a stupid British way of saying fab ;)
  • Thanks for defining "stonking" Jules. I was just about to ask when you posted. It sounds dirty. lol
  • @jlz my tiny decked balcony needs a good scrub and an oil. Luckily no room for a shed in the courtyard garden other side of house. So more time tomorrow for taking advantage of sun, sun, sun!

    @kathy We have a Queen, her husband is called a Prince. If we had a King, his wife would be called a Queen. Can't work that one out. They have children. When born called prince or princess.
    The Queen (or King, if we had one) can then defer "honours" on others: Earls, Dukes, etc. These are "Royal" titles. Like the Duke of Cambridge, aka Prince William

    But other titles can be awarded to anyone: like Sir David Attenborough, Dame Helen Mirren (the actress). And indeed Sir Van Morrison

    You must have heard of him

    But if man is knighted, ie made "Sir" Michael Bunny in our case, I would be known as "Lady" Jacqueline Bunny. If I was made a "Dame" the equivalent of "Sir" Mr Bunny would remain poor old Mr Bunny . Can't work that one out either.

    There are loads of other honours, OBE, CBE, to name but two, which can be awarded to anyone. Lots of sportsmen and charity workers are recipients. Some people turn them done (John Lennon a notable example)

    Personally I'd deport anyone who turned down an "honour" but I am slightly right of Atilla the Hun (don't ask on that one, I'll be here all night explaining that British saying!)
  • Nighy night @all and @gumby who I've missed, yet again...
  • That's interesting Mrs. Bunny. He can make a Lady of you but you can't make anything out of him. ha ha ha Some of the extreme equal rights activists over here would have a field day with that one.
  • @hunnybunny Thanks for the video clip of Sir David and i looked him up,, definitely a fantastic man! And thanks for the explaining of the Royal stuff and how men get knighted and all
    But WTH is the baby's Name!! That's all lol the new prince , the kid in the bathrobe that has gone viral all over the world? I suppose i could look it up lol:) and I'll look up Atilla the Hun of course I've heard of Van Morrison and Sir Paul McCartney:)
  • Nighty night @Mrs. Bunny Sweet Dreams , enjoy the crown for now lol;)
  • Ohh yeah @Pa Didn't even think of that,, the libs would be outraged!
    Jeesh that y even want equal rights for monkeys! Crazy!!
    Laundry done .. Going flinging OB I'll have a Pigkiller please, a strong one, still flinging in Seasons Bonus,, gotta take a break soon is driving me nutters! As usual i missed all the good glitches: (
  • Hey @Ma...Got me another Space puppy.
  • @hunnybunny goodnight and sleep well again :)
    @jlz666 stonking sounds like too much work lol
    @rat hello
  • @gumby Waaassupppp??
    Congrats on the puppy @Pa :)
  • @rat sweet a shiny new space puppy for you :)
  • Hello back at ya @Gumby
  • @rat :) signs of life on here, @kathy said was sup then disappeared
  • Wasuuuppp @gumby @Pa sorry i got lost in flinging: \
  • You said was sup and disappeared @Ma? How dare you lead on that young man.
  • Lol @pa you know how it is, I'm flinging birds at pigs !! Priorities ya know! Besides @gumby probably passed out by now heehee Snort came and got him!
  • Poor @Gumby. He just can't handle working 12 hours a day, take care of a family, and still find time to fling. He'd rather sleep. What a light weight.
  • Speaking of Snort. Do I need to call him?
  • Nighty nite @Ma
  • Nope @Pa I'm going ,, got my earplugs in, listening to book going soon:)
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Good morning to you all.
    Happy mothersday to all the mums here in the Nest.
  • Morning @bernersenn. I'm out of touch. All my pets have been rescues. I didn't know certified/registered pets came with a return warranty. Does that include shipping and handling? ha ha ha
    Which costs more? A used car or a Bernese puppy? Don't answer that. I know the upkeep charges (food, vet, etc.) are more for the life of the dog. Good golly how times have changed. lol
    They are beautiful dogs though. Good luck with the future Wolf.
  • Morning g all,happy mothers day to the mom flinga's! Any body three starred the new seasons level today? Insidiously hard.
  • Power of the post, 1-birded for a 115360 3*. 113420 is 2*, it was counting through the 114s but I didn't want to stop it in case 115 is the threshold.
  • I just got 111 with three so points are there.....
  • 114260/is still 2*
  • @knicky sorry to disappoint you Anach posted three star threshold hours ago....
  • No disappointment, just helping where I can. Didn't see walkthrough, maybe need to restart browser.
  • @knichy I love finding the thresholds as well, now it seems to have got into a race!
  • Hi @rat just read your message. It's not that easy, actually it is extreme painful when you have to return a puppy. As said, at home, without visitors, he was the loveliest dog you can imagine. His focus continually at us. But, when visitors entered the house or we went on the streets, it was panic pure. During our last week together he already raised his lips. When this guy has grown up, he will be unpredictable.
    You always had rescue dogs? That is a great job you did. Respect.
  • Something weird to report. The motherday game in Seasons Pig Days, anyone got three stars? I'm stuck at 2 !! Never happened to me. Any tips?
  • Hey everyone ! And thanks for the mother's day wishes @knichy @bernersenn
    And Happy Mother's Day to all Moms , including Mrs. Rat9 Mrs. Knichy and Mrs. Bernersenn
    And any i may have forgot!
    A new seasons level? Crap Now i have to do backup before i download:/ later..
    OB an Icy Pigkiller please:)
  • It's it a new episode , or a Pig Days level @knichy?
  • Oops, forgot Mother's Day wishes. Mother's Day is in March here!
    @bernersenn Matilda just above first blue balloon, detonate, pray....
    @kathy just a Pig Days, not a whole new episode
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