The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2727
  • Lol @kathy if I set my goal to 95lbs I'd have to chop off a leg, at least!
    Do you like nuts and dried fruit? Loads of protein, good stuff, and calories. Eat up, girl!
    Like the sound of sitting under the umbrella with hot weather and gentle rain....
  • Oops, I stole The Crown!
  • Lol @hunnybunny unfortunately no i don't care for nuts and such, but ive been eating peanut butter, eggs and fish all high in protien also:)
  • And The Bunny borrows the crown upon her EE victory: D
    Gone to bed this early @hunnybunny?
  • No, @kathy watching Olympics, might fling some more.
    Where is my green friend @Gumby might we actually meet up?
  • idk where the green guy is @hunnybunny probably working:\ i haven't watched any Olympics but I'm shocked at the conditions over there!
  • I'm off, fed up of flinging Boomer at Crumb!
    Nighty night @kathy expect to see you #5 in the morning....
    @rat is there anything that helps at all?
    @bernersenn WOW what an amazing view you have got.
  • @hunnybunny sure stay awake later on the night that I got stuck working late due to the Pearl Jam concert at Fenway
  • Sorry @humnybunny I was eating my last meal before Dday...
    Nighty night Sweet Dreams :)
    @gumby Waaasssuppp! !
  • @kathy busy day today :) not much flinging, Im still in SC anyways trying to improve some scores
  • i actually didn't get much flinging done today either @gumby, ,lots of pm's to answer, and eating, shopping,and laundry I'm ready for a nap, ,ohh did i forget 3 sinkful's of dishes? everytime i clean them the sink mysteriously fills itself up again:/
  • Ha ha ha Using my dust method eh Mrs. Bunny? It works best at dusk and dawn. Or you can recreate the lighting at night. Definitely one of my better flinging tips. Good luck entering the correct scores though. he he

    @bernersenn No incident I can point to for my injuries. The surgeons just lump it into the category of degenerative disc disease. It may be genetic. My sister has the exact same problems. Coincidence? Not likely. The only thing that seems to help is horizontal time. Sometimes referred to as sleep. I use nine pillows to contort into a position that doesn't allow for movement while I sleep. I use to have two positions that allowed for changing my position once during the night but I lost one about two or three years ago. Boy do I miss the ability to shift once during the night!!! I don't know what changed but I started temporarily losing total use of my left arm, severe headaches, and increased neck/upper back pain when I tried sleeping in position number two. So I'm down to one sleep position which doesn't work all the time. And when it does work it's at best for two hours. I know it sounds like I'm complaining but I'm not really. Until I found my current sleep position I didn't sleep at all for over ten years . Actually that's an exaggeration. I'd go for about three days without sleep and then basically pass out for a few hours. Repeat times ten years. I lived it and don't know how I survived so don't ask. The brain is pretty good at blocking bad memories.

    Sorry @bernersen, but you did ask. I know you, Charlotte, Heidi and Wolfe are enjoying the mountains. I'm jealous. Did you know when I travel I must take extra suitcases full of pillows? Only certain types pillows work in the different positions. I shrink then down with vacuum bags. I have fears of an overzealous custom's inspector thinking I'm trying to smuggle bricks of heroin into their country. ha ha

  • Well @Ma, I'm off to overeat. I hope you do as well.
  • @pa eat something for me:)
    Have you tried the 'My pillow' i love mine, it supports my neck and head comfortably and i don't toss and turn anymore, unless i choose to turn,, is 100$ for 2 well worth it:)
    I know you've tried everything under the sun And moon,, guess ask doc for stronger meds:(
    Actually lately my neck is bothering me from bending to look at my tablet so much:( so i can understand why flinging is uncomfortable for you:(
  • Yeppers @Ma. I could open a museum for pillows with everything I've bought over the years. I've tried em all, including neck pillows, braces, tens units, heating pads, traction devices, etc.
  • Ah @Pa i figured as much, jeesh have you ever seen the show 'American Pickers'
    Should have them come to your house for vintage pillows and pain relief stuff that didn't work!!
    Not trying to make light of your pain, just trying not to harp on it and\or keep it the focus of discussion , we enjoy your company always and it must be frustrating to always have everyone asking and giving advice.. Rather you just be you.. And ya funny I use a sticker, you use dust,, and Mrs. Bunny has adapted the fallen crumb method lol!!!
  • Ha ha ha Recoup some of my expenses huh?
  • Ironically the wife went through out closet just today and threw away ten pillows I haven't used in years. She wants more space for her stuff.
  • yep @Pa you could make!!
    oohh and Now she needs more room lol,because she's not traveling as much and carting all that stuff with her!!
  • Gotta Go to dreamland
    Nighty night @Pa
  • I'm scared; /
  • What's got ya scared @Ma?

    Night nite @Ma
  • Good morning guys.
    @rat I'm speechless about your suffering, happens not that often.
  • @rat hate to be rude (not really) have you tried losing weight? When I retired I slumped into lounge lizard, and put on a huge amount of weight. Two years ago, me and Mr Bunny started serious walking. I lost weight, my painful knee got better, my legs look fab(!)
    Just thinking that your frame might be carrying too much weight. Unfortunately i think that it's not a solution to your problems, just a way to make them less painful
  • Happy to report i survived the dentist!! The numbness is worn off, I'm not really feeling any pain the swelling is down!! The only thing years driving me nutters is i can't smoke, of drink carbonated beverages, so I'm having a Twisted Tea :)
  • Yeah @kathy good news!
  • Are you calling me fat Mrs Bunny. Not nice!

    I fought a good battle on weight Mrs. Bunny. For the first twenty years I stayed within ten pounds of my optimum weight for my frame. About five years ago I put on about a hundred pounds in a short period of time. It might have been due to a medication change. Ironically it was about the same time I started getting better sleep. Two to four hours a day but not all at once. Go figure. Don't get me wrong. I hate the way this weight makes me look and feel. It's literally killing me. But I haven't had the will power to fight through the pain to take it off. Every time I start trying I lose a few months of my life to the pain instead of losing the weight. It's not good mentally and I've about given up. Maybe SWDNF will be able to motivate me. We've joined a gym together. Now if we'll use it instead of just paying for it... ha ha ha

    Poor @Ma. No smoking. No sodas. No real food. What's left to get up in the morning for? Hang in there Ma. It's got to get better.
  • Lol @rat at least you wasted your money, joining the gym. We've never got that far. Our 10,000 steps per day does us very fine. If we turn right out of the house, it's hilly so more aerobic....
    Did you get my Baltic Cruise PM?
  • I still find it crazy how many people think that ABN is run by Rovio when the Rovio logo does not appear a single time on the main page. XD
  • Hi @smwforever45 Totally agree
    @kathy glad to hear you survived the torture of the dentist
    No " breaking news" today, on my part, anyway. Crumb tactic failed to work, miserably!
    @gumby how the heck am I supposed to know when you are working? Although I can't claim that Sunday is a day off, worked too many for too many years. And I once had a shift pattern that gave me Friday and Saturday off, went back 2pm on Sunday afternoon. Yuk!
    Nighy night, an early one for me, stayed up too long last night, watching Olympic tennis, as you all know, I love a good tennis match (although the US supporters shouting "U S A " continually really annoys me)
    As Mr Bunny says, if that's the only thing you have to worry about, it's not been a bad day!
  • Nighty night @Hunnybunny Sweet Dreams, better flinging days tomorrow!
    Totally agree @smwforever45 I've seen members argue with admins to fix the bugs in the games lol.. they don't realize this is a website for helping flinging nothing to do with Rovio.!!
  • Bumped the Bunny!! Not buy much @hunnybunny only 480 ahead of you,,c'mom girl,, seek and ye shall find lol;) actually level 7 finally managed a decent score, could still use improvement and I really don't understand how that got me ahead , because you are still way ahead of me on that one:/
    I'm off to bed,, very tired and sore:(
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • I did get your Baltic PM Mrs. Bunny. Thanks. I passed it on to the trip coordinator. he he

    You're ahead of the Wabbit and I'm ahead of Romo. It was a good day.
    Nighty night @Ma
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPPP
    @rat any chance that what you have could go into spontaneous remission, some things do and they don't know why.
    @hunnybunny yea it just figured that the night you stayed on late that I ended up getting home late from work :(
  • Sure @Gumby, why not? I could win the lottery too. They both have about the same odds.
  • Hello guys, good afternoon.
    Loosing weight? Get a dog
  • But @bernersenn what is if the dog has to loose weight too? ;-)
  • @trishohara lol. There is a special diet for these dogs, it is called "fütter die Hälfte", or in English "feed the half". I hope that it is written well.
  • you mean: "feed the half and ignore the looks and other methods to beg for food". That is difficult. lol @bernersenn
  • @trishohara indeed, ignore the looks. Our little guy has a special talent for this. It's hard to ignore.
  • You might be on to something @bernersenn. I didn't put on weight until after our dog died. Hmmmm???
  • @rat I spoke a guy in our neighborhood, he had two dogs. One died, he didn't get a puppy. Then the second one died also. So, there was no need for walking, hence, he didn't. Suddenly he got the one cold after the other. Even got the flu. And, more important, gained weight, much weight. Suddenly saw the guy (retired) with a puppy. He said "something had to change"
  • Loving the "Feed the Half" it works on humans as well! There's a BBC programme called "Trust me, I'm a doctor" they put controlled groups on different weight control regimes for a number of weeks. Exercise made you lose a little weight, and your body looked better, fad diets did poorly, eating smaller portions won, hands down!
    After my "lounge lizard" four years, it's exactly what I did. Eat less, walk more.
    Now, if only I could give up smoking and drinking. I won't live any longer, it'll just feel like it! Sorry, old joke.....
  • @kathy well done on the "BunnyBump" don't think I'm even going to try to bump you tonight, but you never know, I might get inspired....
  • thanks @hunnybunny, @Pa Get a puppy! !! actually a dog already trained, so you can take it slow when feeling when to walk, you dont need one that needs to go every half hour,or early morning. .
  • I think I'm out of birds tonight, Olympics, here I come!
    Nighty night xx
  • And, before I go, (((hug))) to my green friend. You never know, one day, we actually meet up here!
  • Nighty Night @hunnybunny enjoy the Olympics, ,then Sweet Dreams :D
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