The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2817
  • To win a puppy you must beat the top score @PATZ. In this case @Sglouk had the high score. The score to beat doesn't change during the challenge.
  • BBFNIMCBLIDK But just in case,
    Nighty night @Ma♥ and sorry bout the crown.
  • Yes @Pa comex and Gumby got a puppy and bernersenn and patz.
  • Ohh darn.. Now gotta go back a page!! Nighty night @Pa maybe i said the wrong level..
  • @karen68 @Gumby help me out here , since i didn't really pay attention to the challenge high score tonight.
    @Patz there's a top score before the challenge begins, it's being challenged.
    Say the top score before the challenge starts is 100k , that's the score to beat.. If someone scores 101k they win a puppy provided that they show the proper proof. The score to beat remains the same 100k as it was the score to beat before the challenge began.
    Hope that makes sense?
  • No worries about the Crown Again @Pa lol , it seems you really like it hee hee.. But!!! Next time your in trouble , Big trouble..
    And yes lots of puppies tonight.. Not quite a puppy parade but

    Ohh and @Patz did you upload your screenshot to the walkthrough with a breif description of how you got the puppy attention to @sweetp ? Otherwise you won't be awarded the puppy, is not automatically awarded..
  • @Pa a screen protector is a piece of flexible type thing plastic material, really thin that keeps your screen from being scratched up..
  • @pa. I said screen shots - not screen protector. Is that the one you are asking me about??
  • Nighty night @Pa mncbt..sleepy sleepy nighty nighty ♡♡
  • mncbt (me no come back tonight) lol. I couldn't leavr you guessing lol..see ya tommorow
  • You gave me the wrong number for the challenge @Ma. Nobody got a puppy in Brass Hogs 9-21.
  • Nevermind @Ma. You didn't say it was in Mirror Space. Found it.
  • Ha Ha @Ma MNCBT I thought it was "might not come back tonight". I was close.
  • Sorry @PATz but the screen protector question was for @Ma. And I ain't yer Pa @PATz.
    Only Ma can call me Pa. I'm The @Rat, King of all Space.
  • Ok @Kathy and @pa: I wasn't asking FOR a puppy; I was asking ABOUT HOW it was awarded. Thanks guys - now I know that the score is SET before the challenge started. I'll have to read those instructions and FAQ again.
  • No worries @PATz. You'll figure it out.
  • Ok. Somewhere during my myriad of writings the @rat didn't take, that's why I used pa there. Must have been another forum out there. So don't be concerned, I won't address yer again.
  • You can still address me @PATz. Just not as @Pa. My liege, your majesty, or the King of Space show the proper respect and are all acceptable. I am a very approachable King.
  • @Patz is @rat9 for to get @Pa notification
    Ok. @sweetp awards the puppy , if you provide a screenshot of the tally screen and a breif explanation of how you obtained the score. Sorry if we misunderstood. If not keep asking and I'll keep trying lol..
  • @gumby Waaaassssuuuppp???
  • Have you put the snow removal equipment in storage yet @Ma?
  • Pity @Ma, @bernersenn. Using the new strat after the challenge I got a puppy worthy score within twenty minutes. gets me back in the top on that level. I might need to revisit Mirrors Space to see if all the scores are still top ten. It's been a while since I looked.
  • Snow removal equipment not my responsibility @Pa lol
  • I'll be in the dark booth in the back @Ma. I need some time to come to grips with my Mirror Space scores. The horror!!! I have eleven scores not in the top ten. Seven 11's, and five 12's. Whaaaa!
  • Happy to hear you Fling a few @Pa.. i gotta revisit All of Space cuz @Gumby has my tablet with the scores.. My new tablet has no scores: (
    I'll check out that level again though, sorry I gave ya the wrong Level :(
  • Ooohh @Pa that's terrible news , should i direct the blues to deliver you anything?
  • It didn't matter @Ma. I was too late to the game.
  • Maybe a box of tissues.
  • Ok @pa but congrats on getting the puppy worthy top score !!
  • Lol .. Hey blues wake up and keep @Pa supplied with tissues..
  • Thanks @Ma. You know me, I don't need no stinkin badges!

    Edit: Except maybe a top ten badge.
  • I was gonna say that @Pa and you don't need no stinkin' tissues either lol !!
  • That'd be nice ,, if @Birdleader created a new badge for those who maintain top 10 in certain episodes.. i was surprised that I'm still in the top 10 of a lot of Space!!
  • ! Headphones going in,, gonna listen to my book for a little bit,, need to go to bed early.. busy day tomorrow..
  • Nighty night @Pa @♡♡♡
  • But it's the weekend.
    Oh well, nighty night @Ma
  • Mornin' @Kathy! I presume the nighty nights noted previously does mean you are in sleepy time right now - my time 9:10 PM. So you will be in tomorrow AM.

    Another question: can I see the previous challenge? I was busy flinging and forgot to check the standings before it timed out. I think i placed somewhere around the bottom of the improved list.

    Thank you.
  • Hello guys,
    Happy Easter.

    @rat such a shame, 20 minutes...
  • Hi @bernersenn. I evidently got lucky. I tried to improve on the 104k for over an hour with no luck. I see you got a puppy. You'll have to bring him to Amsterdam next week so I can pet him. Btw, what's the weather like the first few weeks in May?
  • Happy Easter to all.
  • @Patz you can find past challenges here
    But only if someone won the challenge
    There's no point in going back to a challenge. After 24 hours the challenge is cut off. No prizes. No dog. No cigar. You cannot win, so enter your scores as you go along.
  • Happy Easter Everyone, that's some crazy dessert @hunnybunny lol, thank for answering @Patz question , I had no idea you could see past challenges:/
    @Pa ya i went to be early, wanted to have a good night's sleep, going to my daughters today for Easter dinner..
  • @rat next week? I saw your comment about the birthday party 27th. I hoped it would be in may, because I am involved in a huge project, running for about 10 weeks. This means a lot of weekend work, will last at least 4 weeks more. So, unfortunately, I can't manage April 27th. Now I am sad, very sad.
    How long do you stay in the Netherlands?
  • How long are you staying in Amsterdam @Pa? From when to when.. I'm sure @bernersenn could find time to meet up with you?? After all it's a once in a lifetime.. I'll always treasure the time I spent with @Lesleyg and @Mumsie..
    And of course @Gumby but i can see him anytime lol..
  • @kathy WASSSSUUPPP
    @hunnybunny its not nice to bite off a bunny ear LOL
    @rat 7 plus 5 equals 12

    Hope everyone had a nice Easter :)
  • @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp??? Just woke up from a little nap lol!!
  • @kathy I could use a nap
  • Lol @Gumby what else is new?
  • I know @Gumby. But I hit a top score on one of the levels before I left so there were only eleven. Even less now. I finished updating FMttM. ha ha
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