The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2879
  • Oops stole the crown, off to Gumby’s....
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPP
    @hunnybunny You haven't been into Gumbos Place yet? :( Ice cold beer and the best wings around ( sorry OB )
    @ixan57 they stumbled out about an hour ago, hope they took a taxi because they could barely walk LOL
  • @hunnybunny about a mile downtown. See his bar sign about 30 post's back from here
  • @Gumby Waassssupppp??
    @Ixan57 Well at least they stumbled in and out again, hopefully they stumbled to the stable and are sleeping it off!!lol
    Guess I'll join the crowd at 'Gumby's new place., sincere apologies OB..
  • Had to many @Gumby's night all
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
  • @thatdrunkenhorse and drunken little rat get your butts into bed.
  • Cheers @gumby your a good man, taking your responsibilities on the chin. Think the two of them still sleeping it off. They not been seen all day
  • Oops @kathy I've just turned the page on seasonal greetings 1-14. Does that count
  • Omg there famous. They will be on BBC television on Christmas Day
  • @hunnybunny there is a rabbit in it
  • @ixan57 And with David Tennant doing the voice!
  • Lol @ixan57 they didn't quite make it to the stable i see!!
    and no pagechanging in walkthroughs doesn't affect my princess status heehee!
    Thanks @Gumby for sending their drunk arses to bed lol!!
  • Talking of drunken arses that me hitting the sack.
    @kathy can you get BBC iPlayer online if so you should be able to watch the highway rat.
    Goodnight @catsnbirds @kathy and @gumby where are you getting that moonshine. Everybody running about with a glow
  • @kathy WASSSUUUUPP
    @ixan57 in order to get moonshine you must know the proprietor of Gumby's Place ;)
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp ??
    Nighty night @Ixan57 I'll try to see if can get that..
  • Well @Wanderingstar @Heyyougetouttamyway I'm walking you out to the stable tonight.. let's go.*nighty nighty guy's...*places padlock on the stable doors* that oughta hold em'
    >>>>> *All locked up n monitor on.....
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡♡
  • @ixan57 Moonshine? You mean how bright it is outside late at night when you are shoveling six inches of snow in 10 degree Fahrenheit weather in a very quiet, but well lit up with Holiday lights neighborhood? I'm now settling for hot cocoa with Bailey's!
    Night @kathy and @gumby !
  • @catsnbirds, @kathy, @ixan57, @gumby, @all

    Now you mention it, I guess it's not too soon for Christmas lights!
    So let's switch 'em on!!

    Piano Guys:

    Super pix @ixan57! @kathy got a real art-gallery now!
    After the belly-dance (how was it for you BTW?), get into the festive spirit with a French can-can:

    Not doing so well on challenge, I've only been able to improve on three or four levels -:( Even then, the result isn't astronomical.

  • @all Purrrrrfect Christmas gift for cats!

  • @TomPuss I'll stick with the can-can
  • @TomPuss what's the one at the top up to. Checking out how to bust the padlock. Can you get BBC iPlayer in France. You confusing me i thought you where tyne and wear
  • Hey @gumby fancy the can-can girls at your place
  • @ixan Think the one at the top is saying "Bottoms up"!
    No I can't get BBC TV iPlayer here. But I listen lots to Radio 4 and Radio 4 Extra.
    We're expats in France since 1970, but still have links with home. I was born in Newcastle and was at uni in Durham. Have lived variously in Co Durham, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Newcastle, Tynemouth, North Shields.
  • Hey peeps!
    Hope everyone is well?
    Awwwww @tompuss as per,your vids are wonderful! X My fur babies would have sussed that swing out pretty quick. Only because they would have wanted to claim it as there own;)
    Hey @all. Yet again I'm waaaaay behind. A few questions....
    Where did the Hell did the horse come from?!!
    I'm assuming seasons is now defunct? :(
    We've a new bar?
    Sorry.......I'm useless in this place lately.
    Huge congrats to those who cared enough to keep the advents going XXX Personally I hate the snowy Hell levels but kudos to everyone for trying again!
    Awww the pic above of the sleeping rat was one I used for Tom a few years ago.......:(
    So @ixian I see you've now taken the mantle of the blethering Scot lol! I told everyone years ago that once I start,I can't stop! Sadly I'm not here as much but it's so funny to imagine you sitting at the bar,gabbing away to yourself! True Scot!
    Well I'm at the start of the banzai Christmas season. Work is mental and Mum is home for the holidays from the U.S. Plus side is the pressies are bought and wrapped,cards are sent,food is ordered and house looks like the Christmas fairy had a party! Down side is I've got long hours until I finish on the evening of the 23rd :( Would love to have a couple of days to bake,cook,chill out on sofa,drink wine and watch Christmas movies but heyho....
    Anyhooooooo Just thought I'd pop in as I had to reply to a post and realised I hadn't been here for a while.
    Mum is making dinner (bonus for having a guest) so better scoot.
    Hope to catch up soon.

  • @jlz666 it's my horse @kathy is looking after him till the 26th, i'm busy with the advent challenges that I'm useless at.
    The rat picture, the memory will never die.
    Well at least blethering to myself i don't have to buy a round. True scot. Lol
    Strangely here in the west central belt not a flake of snow but we getting rain on ice and more rain on ice, it's treacherous.
    Hope to hear from you before Christmas but if I don't seasonal greetings when they come
  • Heading off my 2 day's on start at 5am. Goodnight all
  • @kathy WASSSUUPPP
    @ixan57 I think the can can girls would bring in a bit of business
    @jlz666 hey stranger are you flinging the non-advent?
  • @Gumby Waassssupppp???
    @Tompuss Loving the piano man !!
    and the cat swing Great lol!! smart kitties :D
    lol I think
    @Ixan57 was right, the mousie up top is trying to figure the padlock Roflmao!!
    @Jlz-666 ((((Hugs))))) so good to see you pop in! yep figured why not a Horse, Ixan rode him in and hetpyyougettouttamyway took a liking :D
    Enjoy your holidays and visit with your Mum, sorry you have to work straight out :( But I'm sure as usual your Holidays will be a smashing time!
  • @Wanderingstar @Heyyougetouttamyway let's go.*nighty nighty guy's... Sweet Dreams
    *places padlock on the stable doors* Monitor on..☆☆☆
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
  • @kathy I know you like talking books, so I'm sending you details of this video channel. The reading is by Greg Wagland, he's really great, lovely voice, perfect diction, and I am GLUED to his Sherlock Holmes stories!

    @JLZ666 grrrrrreat to see you!! Have a super holiday! A Mum who cooks, what an asset! -:)
  • @kathy WASSSSUUUPP
    @catsnbirds sorry I forgot to say HI to you yesterday. My brain is frazzled at the end of a 12 hour work day.
  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp???
    @catsnbirds are you Flinging today's challenge? I gave up and Flung Space for a bit, but i think I'm going to try and finish , or at least try to figure out Bday party, i haven't even finished the first release i don't think
    *sigh* so much Flinging to do, so little time*
    i need to retire lol..
  • Hi @gumby !
    @kathy I too gave up on today's challenge. No progress, no sense of joy at the attempt. Went to an online jigsaw puzzle instead. Now the kitten kids are starting to remind me that it is time for their evening treats.
  • @catsnbirds lol kitten kids heeeheee!!
    hmm online jigsaw iI hadn't thought of that, i play word games, words with Friends and crossword. I'll have to check out jigsaw, I used to spend hours as a teenager working on jigsaws i loved doing them. then n as i got older, my ex husband would frame then for me, I've since last most of them :(
  • @kathy I do crosswords too. Just discovered the jigsaws, by Mobility Ware. I play a couple of different solitaire games from the same company.
  • @catsnbirds I'll look that up thanks :D takes the mind of the birds for a bit.. or fun to do when those video ads pop up!!
  • Alrighty Wanderingstar and Heyyougetouttamyway time for bed.. you can stay in here tonight..OB will have his eye on you.. no sneaking out even if your gonna be Hollywood stars, your not there yet! Settle down now Nighty Night Sweet dreams ☆☆▪
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
  • @catsnbirds I play that same Solitaire too! Daily Challenge!
    Also Shanghai, that's real brute, you have to remember which tiles are hiding underneath other ones.
    @kathy Enjoy the books!
  • @TomPuss The regular solitaire game and spider solitaire, both have daily challenges!
  • Quiet Day, today's chàllenge is another tough one!
    @Tompuss @catsnbirds I get my crosswords from Redzym There's a nice variety, and good mix of Hard, medium and easy, plus different sized puzzles, i like the 15x15 , the only thing is it doesn't sync across devices.
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please
    I trust the animals have behaved as i don't see any signs of commotion.. i hope they haven't trotted of to @Gumby's place!
  • Hi @all usually get my cross words from my boss.
  • And normally: what the f blank blank blank. Not again
  • @kathy don't worry about the animals there outside signing autographs. And that damned filly seems to be there groupie. And episode hasn't even been screened yet
    @everybody else hows it going?
  • *peeks out the window*
    My they seem to be popular already so quickly !
    Can't wait for the movie!
    gotta admit that Filly is a pretty young thing, WanderingStar could do worse!!
    Heyougettouttamyway seems to like her also!
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