The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3197
  • I think Dan went to a 'special ' school where Charles Xavier was head master.Normal rules don't apply.

    What are you and the Bunnyman up to tonight? I'm sure the entertainment won't be as good as last night.

    Famous quotes:
    "I'll have 2 pints of blood and a packet of crisps please."

    Count Snacula
  • Yes, it was a bit odd, billed as 50 years since we started the third year. Stephen Hawking was an earlier pupil. Perhaps he distorted the time space continuum.
  • How was the reunion @desperatedan?

    @BrianN I don’t do badges, that honour belongs to @sweetp.

    By dancing hat do you mean the big hat that looks like a fruit basket? If so it’s GE 20 in Summer Pignic.
  • Fangs a lot for the humour @BrianN
  • Unfortunately for you @ixan57 there's plenty more great quotes from the Count:

    "I'll have the stake and chips"
  • Hi @karen68 I thought you did everything around here.Give @sweetp a nudge for me.
    Not the rotating fruity buffet Karen but dancing hat glitch is all I have and it's supposed to be in Seasons.Anyway nice to hear from you,drop in more often.
  • Hard to recognise anyone after that long @karen68, but it was a great evening. When I was 11, the school was known as Direct Grant, long since abolished. This meant about one third of the pupils had a free place (including me as we were not wealthy) and the rest were fee paying. In 1971 the termly fee was £200. It is now £7500 for everyone. A somewhat different intake now, I feel.
    Most prestigious of my contemporaries probably the television director who, amongst a host of other things including University Challenge, did 4 Olympic ceremonies and the Queen's funeral.
  • @BrianN could it be summer picnic #20 golden egg you are thinking about.
    Your joke was bloody offal
  • Oh just realised it is the fruity hat thing, back to the drawing board
  • Thanks for taking the time to look @ixan57.Could be that one I really don't know what i'm looking for though I see a hat it doesn't appear to be dancing.
  • Surely not as prestigious as being No.1 in ABO @desperatedan.
  • Bar tab open on me. I think I may have got the 40th pup for a badge. The uncertainty is about 40, not the pup. Also, back into the lead on Bad Piggies but if @asher cashes in today, he will overtake again.

    One of those fluky days - took about 5 mins. When that happens it's impossible to get a proper feel for how difficult the level is. I think it's a potential puppy parade, there are 3 of us already. But we aren't doing anything differently from in the past, so it's a bit of a mystery and I know I will have spent hours on this before today with little joy.

    Anyway drink up (but go steady @hunnybunny, give your liver a bit of a rest).
  • And there we go, as I speak, @asher has hit the top spot and reclaimed his Bad Piggies lead. Oh well, I had 30 minutes of glory. Just have to hit back again.

    Also means that the trophy for Bad Piggies 21-11 has been held by 5 different people in one day. Up for it @brianN?
  • Talking about schools: mine had only one notable pupil the (hardly) famous Alun Wilkins, a barely known sports reporter, until the sports teacher decided to up the game, and produced Sam Warburton, Geraint Thomas and Gareth Bale, all in the same year

    Safely home from sun, fizz and food; looking forward to Welsh Drizzle for the foreseeable future (other than tomorrow morning, which is going to be busy: dry the remaining holiday clothes on the line, and tidy the garden)
  • You''ll be ready for another holiday after all that @hunnybunny.

    Did have a go at the challenge but couldn't beat my old best.Congrats on the pup and the badge @desperatedan but don't get carried away-The Real Badger-accept no substitutes.
  • That's quite a sporting trio there ,you could argue a case for Bale and Thomas as being the best Welsh exponents alltime in their relative sports and Warburton is not too shabby.
  • Moved all the rest of my wanted stuff from Derby house to Wales house today. So...I now have a piano. Having done my 10000 hrs on Angry Birds, maybe I should switch to music. I have never played (it was my wife) and have no discernible musical talent. That doesn't seem to have stopped a lot of current artists.
  • I must point out that the 10000 hours does span about 14 years so it's not as bad as it sounds. Hang on, that's about 2 hours a day. It definitely is as bad as it sounds. But would watching 2 more hours of TV a day have been any more productive? Discuss. Use both sides of the paper if you need to.
  • @desperatedan congrats on puppy #40!

    @BrianN I've no idea what the dancing hat glitch is in Seasons. I know the hats in Birdday Party sometimes behaved strangely but that's the wrong game.
  • Watching TV while playing Angry Birds is the solution.

    Further info received @karen68:hard hats and contraptions involved.So perhaps @ixan is right with Pig Days 3-11.Though I can't see anyone referring to 'dancing'hats.
    Did also come across a level in ABO where pigs buried in hats would spontaneously explode sending the hats into orbit but as you say wrong game.

    Just while we're on the subject does anyone recall (I think an egg level in ABS) where for a brief period a 0 birder was available when occasionally a spider hanging over a 'pot' would fall into it before a bird was thrown destroying all pigs?Packet of Werthers Originals for anyone finding it.@karen you're much younger you get a Milky Bar.
  • OK should've checked my PM's first just been sent a screenshot of dancing hats level and well done @ixan57 it was Pig Days 3-11.A years supply of beef tea is heading your way.
  • Never mind rain on today so did some scouting and it's actually an ABO egg level from as early as Mine n Dine so doubt if that glitch is recoverable.V 1.6.3 I think-Have you gone that early @desperatedan?
  • No, I have been having a good old effort to go early using Nox and the best I have managed is 5.2.0 which isn't early enough for me re Flock Favorites, I need 4.2.0. I can actually load up 4.2.0 but when I start it complains that I didn't get it from the Amazon Appstore, which is no good, because it's not in the Amazon Appstore any more.

    As far as early Bird Island, which I also need, I can get 6.2.0 but any attempt to get back to 6.1.0 fails. 6.0.6 is too early. It's all very frustrating.
  • Hold the bus right there! I have got V 1.6.3 running in Nox
    What I need now is a list of levels that have got harder, so I can work out what levels might be work playing for more points. But as far as your glitch goes @brianN, can you confirm what I should be looking for.
  • And there was Gove at lunchtime, the obnoxious little toerag, denying over and over again that there was the slightest chance of a General Election announcement today. I'm chalking that up as a very bad start to the campaign.
  • Ah, Dan, I’m slightly right of Atilla the Hun, but this lot are a bloody joke
    But don’t get me started on Kier Starmer, who single handily broke the criminal justice system when he was the DPP
    Politics is banned from BP, so I’ll leave it there
  • 6 weeks of keeping quiet @hunnybunny. Let's see how long that lasts. Anyway, calling Gove a toerag isn't really politics. It's just a fact.
  • Version 1.6.3 has given dividends on the very difficult Poached Eggs 1-2, which you made several posts on @brianN. It was one of just 5 levels out of 699 that I hadn't made the top 100. I scraped another 40 points and crawled up from 113th to 97th. Result!
  • I'm probably left of Atilla the Stockbroker but can we agree they're all a bunch of self obsessed bumholes and not worth our time unless humourously taking the pee out of them?

    PS had no idea Michael g=Gove was Tuareg,he looks far too peelywally.
  • Judging by walkthrough comments the glitch on GE 24(found on Mine n Dine 16-9) went on for some time so some later versions would have it.That said if v 1.6.3 works on Nox 6 it should work on my Nox3.

    Basically one of the dangling 'spider pigs' would detatch itself causing a chain reaction sometimes leading to a 0 birder and an obvious 10k bonus.Guess it's just a case of resetting and waiting,not sure if it's fairly immediate or not but maybe others who remember it can help.
  • As for PE 1-2 though self confessed drivel the problem I alluded to resurfaced on the recent Bad Piggies challenge level(the one where everyone got a puppy but I couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo-maybe I should've played Piggy Farm?).
    Went back to my old laggy tablet and my top score was showing over 78k which is impossible for that level.If it was the Post Office I'd suspect Rovio of having remote access to my device but knowing the Umbrella Corp. they would've lowered my scores.

    You guys know I would never use PU's so any suggestions as to how it got there would be appreciated.On said device my scores are linked to Rovio Acc.
  • Do you have 4.2.0 running under some config?
  • Just found out I am sitting at abruptly.bearable.animated according to What3Words. More like dog.hungry.pestering.
  • Oh, dogs.hungry.pestering is in Indonesia.
  • My god, Dan with a piano and now Brian with a banjo. The nests answer to Chas 'N' Dave
  • Just had a Korean vegetarian snack: Not Poodle
  • Deleted
  • No comments required @hunnybunny.

    Yes I do have v4.2.0. running @desperatedan.
  • Super Twiggy climbed Snowdon today. Snoring on the sofa now.
  • Can you remind me how you have 4.2.0 running, @brianN, thanks.
  • Wordle streak 601. But unlike @hunnybunny, never got it in 1.
  • Well I downloaded it and it works @desperatedan!?
  • AS for what3words Irony.Likes judge.
  • It was meant to be Bob Dylan (darned autocorrect)
  • What I really meant @brianN is, where did you get it from and which platform/version are you running it on? Thanks.
  • I have scores of old versions on my pc including 4.2.0 .I downloaded it ages ago I presume from the usual site.When you mentioned it recently I put it on my older version of Nox and it plays fine (V3.)It was the oldest one I could get to work.
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