The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1818
  • @kathy and @kimmiecv what have you done to me?
    I thought I'd never see TorT again. But I just had to pop in, saw some woeful scores on my behalf, and started flinging there again. No. No, no......
  • Sorry got distracted by Hubby, owww nooo Bunny... you let them lure you back in to T&T?! good luck with that!
  • I was going to sit in my favorite booth and fling me some birdies, but I just remembered I was still in the process of commenting my videos in ermmm wrech the halls... want to finish that before I head over to the next.
  • Hello again. Is anybody present?
  • Ohhh @E* your such a busy bee..heee hee i know you love it, where are you flinging now i know making videos in wth but beside that..¿
  • Hey everyone. Just checking in to say hi. After a lot of driving, caldron cakes, water, beach, and more driving... I'm back in New England. I'll be re-joining normal duties on Tuesday (perhaps loosely tomorrow), and I've missed you all very much.

    Sorry, but not quite as much as I'm missing the Caribbean now. It's close, but you guys can't quite compete on that one.
  • Ohh my! Lol @Amslimfordy i was just thinking of you like an hour ago..wondering how your cruise was:) Welcome Home:)
  • I am ABSM, well kind off... in the walkthroughs of Wreck the Halls right now.
    Kathy, well to be frank, the commenting is not my favorite thing to do. It is time consuming to read thru the comments, check what I did and make a comment. But I know it helps soooo many people and you and Kimmie are on your way as well, so I do want to have the highscore videos there so you all can find them more easily :D
    As for where I am flinging... I am not... haven't flung (flinged/flang/or whatcha ma call the flinging I did) a bird in a couple of days. I am kinda OCD like that, can not allow myself to fling relaxed knowing I have the commenting to do. But when I am done, I am checking Mooncake. I skipped that, but I think there are a couple of levels there that could be done better ;) After that it is on to the next... ehhh Year of the Dragon.
  • @AMSlimfordy !!! You are back!!! Whoooohooooo see me jumping from joy and grinding to a halt, sorry for being happy to see you, knowing you rather kinda maybe want to be back in the caribbean! Missed you as well, kinda scary the halls of the Nest without our amazing and always watching out for the nesties Slim!
    Please do share a photo of the gorgeous scenery you have had these last few days... I am picturing a beach, two pairs of feet, the sea and an amazing sunset!
  • I'll try to get some things posted in a few days, gals. For now, I'm too exhausted after driving from S Florida to New England (about... 1300+ miles) in under 36h. Not sure we have any pictures of sunset with feet though... I don't really find feet as aesthetically pleasing and therefore avoid them. There might be some piece wise get the job done though! Will keep you posted.
  • Curses. She specifically took a picture of a sunset with our feet in it without my knowledge. Fine I'll post that one too. I'll try to get some posted tomorrow. Cool?
  • Hahahaha nor do I @AMSlimfordy , but I figured that way you are still showing a personal photo with you and your girlfriend in it, without actually showing to much personal stuff :D
    WOW, did you take turns or did you drive all the way? Not that it would change anything, being cooped up in a car for such a long period of time is always exhausting! So rest up, everything is fine in here, we didn't have a huge keg party while you were away LOL
  • :( aww sorry E* that you feel like that:( but it truly is a great help..and all the Nesters love you for your hard Work..
  • WHahahahahahahaha Whooooohoooo!!!! Creepy, but cool! And duh, you need to rest up as you know we will always be here :D So just let us know when the slide show begins hihihi
  • Don't have to be sorry Kathy, really! I said least favorite, not meaning I dislike it that much and of course all the love I get back for them makes it all worth my while. So again don't feel sorry for me honey!
  • Cool @Amslimfordy can't wait to see the pics,, even with feet lol..
  • Its all good E* i know you do what you do...:);)
  • That's a long drive..Fla to Ma in 36 hours I've never done it but I've heard.
  • Hi @AMslimfordy! Good to see you in here!
  • *E-Star sneaks in and rushes her flashlight and leaves in on the table where Kathy was sitting, leaves a note "I wasn't here way past my bedtime, really! could you give my flashlight to Kimmie for a nice buff and new batteries? Thanks! [[huggs]]]"*

    Night all! Have a fab Labor day all of you on the other side of the pond!
  • We were just taking our last swim in our grandparent's pool, and out of nowhere a huge gust of wind blew everything not made of metal into the pool- towels, leaves, plastic cups, etc.- and we had to get it out. So that put a surprising end to the summer for me and @BubblesLover. Not a bad summer, now that I look back on it :)
  • * picks head up off table..hmm a note..
    places E* flashlight in the safe for @Kimmiecv handiwork*
    Funny i never saw E* here..way to late for her..i musta been dreaming lol;)
  • Wow @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster that's quite a ending lol..i can just imagine everything flying into the pool lol..scramble time..
  • happy birdday @fbb!!!!
  • Convict still at large.
  • @Hunnybunny @AngerManagement -- AM couldn't possibly have meant Mondrian! Oh no, not possible! Mondrian is one of my favorite painters! There is someone else besides Rothko and Albers. I can see his paintings in my mind, but don't come up with a name.
  • Really Ripsy ¿ The Guy probably long gone by now you think? And he's not a threat right..?
  • OB i need a PigKiller please:) hmm and a aside of crispy bacon bits:)
  • @Ripsy i started a new word game.but i had no i passed..your turn;:)
    We been doing pretty well:)
  • @AMSlimfordy -- Cauldron cakes, really?! I've never seen one in real life, what are they like? Did the ship make them?
    Or do you just mean you ate more than you can believe?
  • @AngerManagement -- Where did you see the paintings you think a 4-yr old could do. They don't seem to be on the National Gallery website, and I doubt they're in the Portrait Gallery.
    I don't suppose you remember who painted them? Obviously, your dislike is causing me some distress, because I really like art in general, and modern and some contemporary in particular.
  • I find it ridiculous that they still think he is in the area. But then again, not to bring up any bad memories, the Marathon Bombers stayed in Boston area after they did what they did. So, who knows?
  • Yep @Ripsy your right.they did..difference being they were terrorists..not petty thieves..¿ But i imagine depending on his age, background he could still be hanging about very unsettling..but as long as your safe the more time passes i would believe he's hiding out with friends like you said earlier;/ he has help from someone..
  • *poofs in buffs and shines e-stars flashlight replaces batteries and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    @Ripsy sounds like he for sure had outside help if he's still at large and likely loooong gone from the area, we hope!

    @hunnybunny don't let Kathy fool you, she's a great flinger and will sneak up on you before you know what hit you! ;)

    @Kathy you got tomorrow off eh! Niiiice!!! :) Me gots to work :( Enjoy your late evening!! :)

    I'm a popper again so BFNIMCBLIDK ;D
  • Ohhh welcome back @AMslimfordy!! Sounds like you had a fantastic time! Can't wait to see the feet and sunset! Too funny your lady took one of those! LOL loved your comment about it!! Hahaaa :D
  • @Kimmiecv lol pop pop!! ;) hnn i thought labor day was a country wide holiday..:( sorry you gotta Work:(
    OB a PigKiller for me and my Pahtna..thanks Kimmie for the confidence boost..i so can't keep up with you though;) nice flinging.:)
    Sorry @Hunnybunny that's just how it goes..
  • How do you delete drafts again? I completely forgot how to do stuff in the forums.
  • Thanks @Kathy, @rdnzlrips82 and everyone else, I had a wonderful birthday yesterday, and I'm really appreciate everything you guys did for me :)
    Welcome back to the Nest @AMslimfordy
  • Soooo, I hear tell there's going to be a new Star Wars game out soon and I am just now starting the first one! Only about sixty levels completed in the last few days.... can I complete all episodes above average, or at least close to average, before the new game is released? The race is on!
  • *Annifrid sneaks in ... gives everyone earplugs ... excuse me*

    Sorry. I felt like whining. Not having problems with a level of AB, it's just that today is the beginning of the school year :/
    The only good thing about this ... it's the last year of high school, which means it's only until April, then the big feared final exam, and then I'm outta there ;D
  • Same like me @Annifrid, but mine is the last year of middle school and the big exam will come in May or June I guess.
  • Whoops i fell sound sleep lol..
    @blahalb09 i forget myself how to delete draft, but you know you can edit any comment.
    @bonneypattycat good luck with finishing ABSW before the new update,
    crap on toast @Kimmiecv there goes our places lol
    @Annifrid and @firebombbird good luck with finals and congrats on starting your new years of classes:)
    OB another PigKiller please:)
  • Happy Birthday @firebombbird have a really nice day :)
  • Hey @harrystar6, long time no see:) And, @mvnla2, I honestly haven't heard of any of the artists you two have been naming, but I never saw any of the squares in the good galleries in London, which is why I regard them as good, because they don't have any paintings like I described;)
  • First day of Y11 for me too @firebombbird and @annifrid:( Miss my holidays already!
  • Hey @angermanagement it's been a while how are you?
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