The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2228
  • @Kelani -- I will put a note in the unstable levels forum, but you should post in the walkthrough if you haven't already.
  • @Rat maybe not, but 30 seconds ago I got 103,280 with it. :>

    edit: @Rat in your screenshot, what took out the upper right pig?
  • It's a good strategy for 103k scores @Kelani. I should know, I posted a strat to go that way. But screeching doesn't improve the outcome. It might make it easier to attain, but you're still limited on how high a score you can get to 103k+.
  • @Rat It you're trying to hit the top right pig, it does help. You screech to make the rocket fall over, which detonates the bridge, red hits top right pig, bounces over the east side and takes out bottom right pig. All that's left is SW pig-in-a-box.

    edit: and which south route? the planet-ice box chip shot, or hitting the other corner on the same side? Both seem to have potential in different ways.
  • Is anyone going to update to Space v2.0.1? I never experienced that crash on load bug.
  • @fenikus I thought that was just an Android fix?

    edit: nevermind. Guess it fixes the other ios bugs, like vanishing planets and crash on egg impact.
  • Abcrazy sulks in quietly, heads straight for the storage vault. Pulls out a large box of noise canceling headsets, verifies the batteries are still good, turns them on and solemnly hands them out to the patrons present. Sorry, it's not whine Tues. but I just gotta vent.......

    10 LOUSY POINTS! You gotta be kidding me! I missed top score by 10 measly little points! Whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnneeeeee! (Throws self on floor, beats fists, kicks feet, screams incomprehensibly)...........

    (Slowly gets up, wipes face) sniffle... Thanks, that feels better now.
    (Gathers up headsets and returns them to storage for safe keeping.)

    Move along... Nothing to see here.....
  • @Kelani, they just released it for iOS, a week after android:

    Maybe ABN just copied description of the android fix because in official Rovio version details there is no mention of crash on load bug. I certainly never saw it on iPad.

    Edit: Where did you read that it fixes vanishing planets and crash on egg impact?
  • @ABcrazy, did you say something? I thought I saw you on the floor few minutes ago but didn't hear anything ;-)
  • @ABcrazy living up to your username, I see. ;) What level's responsible for the tantrum?
  • Oh (sniffle) Hi @fenikus @kelani! :-)

    I got a really nice score on ABSW DS2 17. Just shy of the top score by (sniff) 10 points. It's ok though. I can't complain. (Looks at floor). Oh..... Yeah. I'll go get a mop. Brb
  • aw. @ABcrazy when that happens to me, after I finish kicking things, I just tell myself if I'm able to get that close, surely I can do much better. Gotta love delusion.
  • Did someone just kick my ankles?
    Ah. I see now.@ABcrazy get up off the floor, come here, dry your tears, have a hug.
    Reminiscence with me "great scores we nearly had"
  • Yeah @kelani usually I'm pretty content just to get into the top 10 and will move on. Missing #1 by just 10 pts smarts a bit. (Looks away mildly embarrassed) I've already wasted some trying to make that 10 pts since I wasn't sick of the level yet. Now I'm sick of it. Time to move on. #2 looks good and I won't even get a new sheriff in town message later.....
  • Thanks @hunnybunny I'll be ok. Kinda silly really.
  • @ABcrazy well if it makes you feel better, SW2 confuses the hell out of me, so all your scores are waaay higher than mine. :) I can't even find that level you're talking about. I'd say "I must be getting old" but people twice my age doing quite well in it.
  • @all and especially @Kathy who asked what I thought about the new SW II episode.
    Reporting back; I've now mastered my destiny in SW II (3* in all levels).
    All in all, it was worth playing and a very different challenge to figure out which of the characters you had in good supply would give a good score. However, if you haven't diligently been collecting carbonite melts, you are unlikely to have enough of the really good characters to get 3*.
    I started with
    ~446 birds and
    481 pigs and
    less than 1700 coins
    I ended with
    344 birds
    429 pigs
    1640 coins: I spent 299 on permanent swap of pork-side characters into bird side (already had opposite swap), and collected some of the coins in the levels. Will try for the rest, unless they require really valuable characters.
    You get free gifts of characters with each in-game achievement, but happens too fast to tell which ones unless you are keeping meticulous track of how many of each character you have.
    Doesn't sound that bad in total number of characters, but the numbers of useful ones are seriously depleted. Lando is totally gone, and I still have 52 Jabbas (who turns out to be useful for passing levels, but not necessarily for getting 3*).
  • @kelani -- @ABCrazy meant Star Wars Death Star-2, I think, not SW II.
  • Hi @kelani I'm still playing SW1. I'm working on Death Star II which came out, in Dec?

    tried SWII, but just couldn't get into it. Too many options I suppose, or I just didn't give it enough time. By far my best scores are in SWI which is where I got hooked on high scores although I have and do play the other games. I just don't have enough time to play much else at the level I'm willing to post scores on.
  • Yes @mvnla2 that's what I meant. Congrats on getting through SWII! I don't think I even made it through the first or second episode of that one.
  • @abcrazy Ah, well I agree. Too many apparently identical chars and weird rules. SW1 is also confusing, but at least I can 2* some of those levels. :)
  • @kelani SWI is not that different from space. The characters are a little different in what they can do and their powers occasionally improve upon advancing through certain episodes. That can make it fun to go revisit earlier levels.
  • Hi ABcrazy. Living up to your name? On the floor? Really?

    Sorry Kelani. I missed your edit. The flux capacitor explosion took out the upper right pig. Good score btw.
  • @ABcrazy yeah, I was reassured by seeing the grav fields and some other similarities. It's definitely next on my playlist after Beak gets played out.
  • Wow @Kelani. Picked up my iPad, threw one bird at 8-29 using the southern strategy I talked about earlier and got a 107k top score. It wasn't as high as it could have been, or should have been, but it proves the approach. And now @Kathy is going to call @SweetP over my score instead of @Dennis1978's. Higher scores are possible Ma. I see 113k+ at least.
  • Meh... @rat if you can't go crazy here, where can you?
  • @Rat 113k was my guess also. Congrats! Which Southern one did you use? top left corner of ice box (on the planet), or bottom left corner?
  • Wouldn't you like to know @Kelani. ha ha
  • I agree @ABcrazy.
    BTW, for everybody except @Kelani, I posted the stRAT in the walkthrough.
    No peeking Kel. *snicker*
  • Only popped a little today, but just love how everyone thinks a high score is "false" "powered up" "some photoshopped imagery" until @rat smashes it

    Goodnight all
    See you Sunday, off to Somerset, National Trust properties, gardens, meal and drinkies with friends :-)

    Still laughing @rat :-))))))))))
  • @estar Yay! I know two words now! anyway, thank you. Maybe he did it after all? :) Kinda moot, since Rat spanked the score. Goody.
  • @Rat No peeking because you used my shot? :P I see how it is. :) Anyway, very nice job, and the photo you (eventually) posted means nobody can harass you for ambiguity this time!

    edit: whoops. spoke too soon. What exploded the flux capacitor, exactly?
  • Just 2 words @kelani and here I thought you secretly was studying Dutch in your free time LOL. Graag gedaan! (I think you can handle 4 words in one day right... it means You are welcome!)
  • I can't stop laughing Mrs. Bunny and Kel. You both tore me up with those comments. Loved it. ROFLMAO

    Hi @Estar. Great to see you as well. I haven't been in much. You haven't been in much. Hard to connect that way..
  • I know, right? Mister @rat ! I already haunted @Kelani (which he did and if he did his speed reading thing, he has an nice mental image of the Orange Support ladies team whahahah) for a PM, don't make me go after you too LOL....
  • Eventually Kel? I stopped flinging and immediately posted a picture without trying to improve my score first. Very dangerous to my ranking.
  • Sorry @Estar. I've been in the dumper. I don't feel any better today except when I was laughing over the recent comments of the Dangerous Duo.
  • Speaking of not feeling well, how's the PITA @Estar? Better I hope!!!
  • I know Mister @Rat I know! I am sorry you are in the dumper again! Glad the dangerous two could make you laugh, I skimmed the last few pages so I must have missed it.
  • I've got this mental image of Kel hunched over his iPad, in front of his computer running a flinging program on 8-29, trying to get that new high score. It'll come Kel. It'll come.
  • @Estar I was referring to their recent comments about challenging a score until the "Rat" gets it. Then it's OK. Ha ha ha ha
  • PITA is still annoyingly present, but steady at 50 to 60 %. Still working on the wii fit every evening for 1 hour (almost 3 weeks straight) and riding my bike to work (13 kilometers a day, 4 days a week), it does keep my energy levels up, but unfortunately the PITA isn't slowly fading away. Maybe sometime next year it will be all better?! I hope, but in the meantime I am not letting it get to me anymore. I am sick of it, so I am planning on keeping up the bouncing around on the Wii Fit and riding my bike and if the PITA shows no signs of leaving by August, I am going back to the doc and ask her to do more tests and/or acupuncture. Thanks for asking Mister @rat!
  • @Rat your beating that score also made me feel much better. But that went away when I saw it was the same shot I've tried 50 billion times before. :P
    By 'eventually', I was talking about your '3rd time's the charm' link posting :).

    @estar wow 4 words in one day. Are you sure? :D If I get those and my other phrase down (Deze mevrouw betaalt alles) I think I'm ready to roam around and stay mostly out of trouble! btw, I never use kelspeedreading when it comes to friend mail, but I will get to it shortly. :)
  • Ahhh that's why I missed it Mister @rat Any score/challenge related comments are usually skipped, sorry...
  • Whahaha "lolbroek" @kelani that will keep you out of trouble for sure, uhhuh uhuh.
  • Hi everyone:)
    Sorty @ABCrazy i know how that feels :( you'll get it next time around:)
    Sooo you've figure out the #29 mystery eh' @Pa nice going! ! I won't sick @ sweetp on yaa lol.
    Really @Kelani and @mvnla2 you think the anchors away is unattainable ? That stinks but I wouldn't have told slim now theyll stop the badge which isnt fair to others who might have an older version.

    Have i mentioned iHATE my keyboard! !!!!
    OB a PigKiller please! !
    *going flinging* cant type!
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