facebook golden eggs #6 Page 1
  • just finished #5. information says go to surf and turf and find egg in cave. did that, played the game, got it completed and not able to get the egg. please, what am i doing wrong???
  • Facebook eggs 1-5 are click and unlock eggs. #6 is an egg that you need to hit with a bird or with falling material. This is the way most of the golden eggs work.
  • yes, i have watched the videos that will work. one i wanted to see, #37 with the egg in the lower left corner would not work. I played #37, got three stars and still cannot figure how to get the egg. the birds fly forward, so can't hit the egg. help. so frustrating. love this game, but the problems with moving thru the levels is getting wearisome. i am sure this is my fault, but have tried so many times. also, hard to know what egg i am playing next as they have played out of order since the first one. again, thanks.
  • Now you're talking about two different things.

    Facebook Golden Egg 6 is in Surf & Turf level 6.
    Facebook Golden Egg 7 is in Surf & Turf level 37.
  • thanks. i know where they are, i just can't get them, even after i have gotten three stars and completed the level. (don't even know if i need to do that) before, i could just find the egg, hit on it and it would go to the golden egg patch. I just wonder what i am doing wrong or worse, why i can't figure this out. i appreciate your patience.
  • Let's just try Egg 6 as an example.

    You don't need to pass the level, or 3-star it, or anything like that. Open level 6 of Surf & Turf in AB:Facebook. You should see the Egg next to the barrel in the cave on the right. (It's gold now, instead of an Easter Egg.) You MUST hit the Egg with a bird, or with debris, to obtain it. Once you do, it will scroll vertically up the screen. Then go to the Golden Egg "Episode" on the main page, and you should be able to play it.
  • The big thing I think your missing about these 2 eggs is that you need to actually hit them with a bird or have debris fall on them. Tapping them with your own fingers does not activate them like the rest. Focus on finding a way to contact them with a bird. Try these tips below or watch the walkthroughs they'll show you a visual.
    On Surf & Turf level 6 shoot your yellow birds up high so you can get them to come down in the center of the far platforms. After one or two tries it should fall and then try to get one to pass through or cause debris to fall on the egg.
    Surf & Turf 37 shoot the white bird backwards and drop the egg right after the platform to have it land next to the egg.
  • thanks so much. i have moved on to egg #8. i am amazed at scoring 493+ then 495+ then 497+ and not able to get three stars to advance. i think maybe this game just eludes me. i love it, but don't understand anything so defeating. if you score higher five or six times from your original score, you should g
  • okay i have now cleared this level about 50 times. aim shot same place and clear with different scores. what is the small red bird for? they give you two shots, but the second shot never adds anything??? this is strange. why do i want to keep clearing this and watch the score stop just short of the needed amount to move off the level??
  • You always get points depending on destruction of the level & how many birds you have left at the end of the level. It is better to use less birds to complete the level. The level your talking about only has the pigs to defeat so you have to find a way to kill on the pigs with that first bird and then not shoot the second.
  • i have killed all all the pigs many many times with one shot. i try to hit about the same area when i shoot and even if it appears i have done that, the score is always different. my first score was about 495+ and I am now at 498 and cannot get it any higher. this should have given me my third star, but did not. i just don't get how they score. if you clear the birds with one shot three times, you should be able to move on..... I realize that you have to get it cleared with one shot, but am wondering why we are given a second bird to shoot when it does not matter. you cannot improve the score if you only need one or two more pigs and get them with the second bird. just saying...
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