inactive trophy room Page 1
  • Hi,
    I went through all the levels to 3 stars, all the fruit I found. I'm not active in the trophy room levels. What to do? Help ;-)
  • My trophy room looks like in your photo, but it is inactive, it means that when you touch the icons I can not open it, and it seems to me that I should. Am I overlooking something?
    And if they are not active how do I play these levels:

    P.S. I use the google translator, because I know only the basics of English, so I apologize for any errors.
  • BTW, can I download angry birds somewhere in space for android?
  • @olkiolki Your translator is working well. I will try to use proper grammar as well, to ensure better accuracy.

    Do the three stars appear below the icons, just not filled in? Are there any labels under the fruit, such as "14/15"? (If possible, can you send a screenshot to help me diagnose this issue?)
  • Actually, there are no stars below the icon. I have a label, all of the "15/15" (hidden fruit) or "90/90" (earned three stars in level). To be honest, I do not know how to take a screenshot of smartphone (Nokia 500) and show it to you. Maybe if it tells me how, then I can.
  • Can you go to the main screen and click on the "i" in the bottom corner? It should bring up the credits. At the beginning of the credits, it will say v1.x.x. Can you tell me what that number is.
  • You mean version of AB Rio? This is version 1.4.2.
  • Aha, then that's the reason. The Trophy Room levels were released in v1.4.3. You should check your AppStore for an update -- likely Google Play or Amazon.
  • Thanks for your help! I thought I was doing something wrong, but when you can update your game, it is good. Once again, thank you. greetings :-)
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