Went through the In-App-Purchase process via iTunes using my iPhone4s. Answered all the questions, gave the necessary account numbers, accepted to pay €0.89 for "UNLIMITED USE OF THE MIGHTY EAGLE", then all of a sudden, CRASH! And it continues, I'm unable to open AB RIO on my iPhone4s. Went one step further and re-installed the AB RIO app, nothing has changed, CRASH! My backup AB RIO highscores and settings on "DISKAID" are available but I'm unable to open the first level to start the procedure, CRASH! Why are things soooo (----ing) difficult sometimes???.

    Anyway, any good advice on what I should do now is greatly appreciated, phew!!
    Thanks, Marc

    Flash!! Just went through another iTunes control, had to create a new pass word, answered more questions and still, CRASH!

    And all I wanted to do was fling a few birds on this rainy French day. Hope this thread makes sense, my nerves are shattered, wish I could swear..

    PS ROVIO! You're very complicated, you've become far too sophisticated for this old "shooter"..
  • Hey @marc987. So you have a backup of your highscores and settings files? Let's try this:
    1) Uninstall the game.
    2) Restart your iPhone.
    3) Re-install the game.
    4) Play Smuggler's Den 1-1 and earn 1 star.
    5) Exit the game, and close it via the multitasking bar (double-click the home button, hold down on Angry Birds Rio until it starts to shake, then click the little "-" button that appears in the corner).
    6) Hook up to DiskAid and transfer over ONLY the highscores file.
    7) Open the game and see what the status is. In theory, all of your scores should transfer, but the levels beyond 1-2 should all be locked. The easiest way to see if this was successful would be if level 1-1 has 3 stars.
    8) Report back here to see if #7 is true, or if you "CRASH". If there's a crash, then this could be a very very bad situation. If #7 is true, I can definitely help you from here onward, but DO NOT proceed without checking in.
  • AMslimfordy, thanks! I'll go through the process again, give me a few minutes, I'll get back to you on this thread.. Marc
  • AMslimfordy, conformation on no. 1, 2 and 3. Its a no-go on no. 4, 5, 6 and 7. The problem remains the same, I click on app AB RIO, the screen goes black and it returns back to the app screen page, the game does not load. My app AB RIO is still alive and well on my iPodTouch4, although I must admit, I'm afraid to access iTunes via Mac incase it too would crash thanks to the security of iTunes (!)..
    Still can't believe this has happened! Hard to be "shooter" with over 153 AB million points to my credit, you think they would know me better by now..
    Thanks Slim! Tell me what you think, Marc..
  • Wow, so crash occurs as #4? I wouldn't have guessed that...

    Unfortunately, I might not be able to really help at this point. I'm very confused as to why a clean install would fail to load. I'll try looking into this a little bit, but I'm stumped for the moment.
  • AMslimfordy, plugged-in my iPad to access iTunes via Mac and went one step further, purchased AB RIO HD (€2.89), played the first level and installed the "highscores.lua" and "settings.lua" from my "ABRIO BACKUP" via DiskAid, no problem there. Fortunately iTunes did not delete or contaminate the iPad's AB RIO. The AB RIO iPhone app is dead however, contaminated after many complete deletes and re-installs. Nothing, I too am at a dead end street. At least ROVIO/iTunes made some money today.
    Slim, I'll continue to watch this thread for any news, good or bad..
    Thanks for your efforts buddy, Marc..
  • AMslimfordy, plugged in my (new) iPodTouch4 to access iTunes via Mac, no problems there, no deletes or contaminations. The entire problem rests solely on the iPhone4s, the AB RIO app remains dead. It was alive and well when the In-App-Purchase process via iTunes was selling me the "UNLIMITED USE OF THE MIGHTY EAGLE". The rest is history, everything crashed!
    Time for a glass of wine, its dinner time in France (19.00 hrs) and after the day's mega hassle, I'm hungry, thirsty and frustrated! After all, its my game, my iPhone and I did nothing illegal but, something screwed me out of 24 million points! Ouch!
    Bye-bye from rainy France.
    Thanks, Marc..
  • That's super super strange, @marc987. I'm still trying to figure out more about this, but there's honestly no reason why a full uninstall/reinstall should fail.

    That said, on your iPod Touch 4, you should be able to purchase the Mighty Eagle for free using the same account.
  • AMslimfordy,.."Went through the In-App-Purchase process via iTunes using my iPhone4s. Answered all the questions, gave the necessary account numbers, accepted to pay €0.89 for "UNLIMITED USE OF THE MIGHTY EAGLE", then all of a sudden, CRASH!"..

    That must be it, iTunes asked for the "Titles" before my name and confidential credit card code numbers in "red print" on their credit/security questionnaire, I answered in English and of course all of my accounts are in French. There is a language difference. This happens sometimes to an American living in France, perhaps they thought my iPhone4s was stolen and froze the app that's now in a frozen suspension/crash. Is that possible? Received lots of emails from iTunes after the CRASH but, they assured me all was in order and life would continue. Not so...
    Time for bed, sick of AB, iTunes and life in general, far too many controls! Goodnight ABNest and thanks again SlimFordy.

  • AMslimfordy, good morning!
    After an early morning complete A-Z iPhone restore the problem remains the same, the AB RIO won't open. At least Game Centre still shows my total score! Think I'll give ROVIO the details, perhaps they can help me?..
    All this crap to collect Feathers to unlock a few levels because of ROVIO's new and exciting, "in app purchase" scheme, bravo!
    Thanks, Marc..
  • AMslimfordy, as we continue the day, I'm now in the hands of ROVIO's "Contact Support Team". Hope they can restore my AB RIO, I've tried everything.
    They've acknowledged my support request with the following:
    Your request (#375179) has been received, and is being reviewed by our staff".
    Thanks to all, Marc..
  • After reading this, I'm going to have nightmares tonight... If I ever get to bed...

    Good luck marc987, hope you get this straightened out!
  • @marc987 You are one of the best player in the world, I'd had heart attack if something like that happened to me even my scores are so poor. Hope that Rovio could solve problem, good luck.
  • @marc987 -- Sorry to be the one to throw a bucket of ice water in your direction, but the response from Rovio's computer is standard. I hope they actually answer you quickly. I assume that @AMSlimfordy has contacted people he knows at Rovio directly???
  • I have once contacted Rovio's support and first I got that same answer what Marc got. I think it was the next day when they answered personally (it could have been already during the day when I sent the e-mail, I'm not sure). So my experience was that they are answering pretty quickly especially when they've probably got a lot of e-mails all the time :)

    Marc, hopefully they get the problem fixed asap!
  • @BPC @cosmo2503 @mvnla2 @Lisko
    After tons of correspondence with ROVIO, a flock of Mighty Eagles charged to my iTunes account, hours of google searches, iPhone4s and AB RIO back-ups/restores by the millions my problem remains the same, a monster AB Rio crash!
    Tomorrow, its off to the Apple Store Genius Bar, hopefully they can reset my iPhone4s so that finally AB RIO will open, load and at least allow me to use this very special, Mighty Eagle that I now possess.
    BTW, thanks to everyone for their kind words, its good to have AB Friends!
    Shall keep you posted with the continuing saga of,.. "The AB RIO CRASH"..
    Thanks again,
  • @mark987 please please tell us if they are able to fix this and what the remedy is, I'm now in terrified mode of purchasing unlimited MEs! So not worth losing my hard earned scores! As it is I'm always worried something like this will happen!! Good luck and I hope you Do get a prompt answer to this horrid nightmare and all your scores are back to rights!!
  • Phew I think we were writing at the same time @marc!! I wish you the very biggest best luck for tomorrow!! :)
  • @Kimmiecv
    As I've already deleted and re-installed the AB RIO app in an attempt to resolve my total crash, for sure my score lines for AB RIO will be "bye-bye", all will be re-set to zero. Fortunately, I have my "highscores lua and settings lua" backed up on my Mac. Some good advice for you, please check out "DiskAid", it is an application that will save your progress and allow you to transfer scores between iOS devices.
    Thanks again, Marc

  • @AMslimfordy
    Continued playing AB RIO on my iPod Touch 4 which downloaded the in-app-purchse of the world famous, Mighty Eagle with absolutely no problem, a very simple procedure. My iPhone4s' AB RIO is still on crash mode, no news from ROVIO. Though my iPod Touch4 is DiskAid orientated and used primarily as a back-up device, I'll have to wait for tomorrow's appointment at the Genius Bar / Apple Store when hopefully they'll reinstate the AB RIO app on my iPhone4s enabling me then to update it with today's scores, that's assuming of course it'll then function.
    Great to be a soft hacker, thank you DiskAid for saving my scores!!
    Hope my AB RIO Bonus Scores are accepted, if not there's no problem. Tomorrow's another day in the life of an Angry Birds "shooter". Too crazy!
    Thanks, Marc..
  • @marc987 Thank you, I forgot e-star had that up! I'm going to have to ask her to tell me in kimmie speak what needs to be done (thankfully I have her on speed dial!!) :D
    I'm really hoping we all here great news from you soon!! :)
  • suddenly my screen name looks ominous
  • Good morning!
    To make a long story short, a man from the Genius Bar/Apple Store was able to sort out my iPhone4s' AB RIO crash syndrome. Basically he reset the iPhone4s to zero, tapped in a few secret codes, accessed my purchased iTunes apps file and simply reinstalled AB Rio, presto it opened! Finally, all I had to do was, complete the restore from my mac's backup, play the first level of AB Rio's, Smuggler's Den and reinstall the highscores lua and settings lua backups from DiskAid. Eureka, it worked!!
    Many thanks to the guys and gals at the, Genius Bar/Apple Store, AMslimfordy, the ABNest forum and DiskAid that saved my scores when all were deleted.

    @AMslimfordy, please put this thread to rest, enough has been said..
    Thanks to all,

  • Yeay!!!! Just had to say that!!! :D
  • Good to hear, @marc987. They may not be real geniuses but I suppose they are smart sometimes ;). Happy flinging!
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