Spies Page 1
  • All I see is a red bird, green bird, and two white birds. Nothing out of the ordinary; nothing to see here...

    (I'm Pig Leader, and I approve this message)
  • I looked at this photo for like 20 seconds, and thought "i dont get it"... then BAM! INTRUDER ALERT!
  • Wonder how the heck that happened?
  • That's funny. Took me a few seconds to see it too :)
  • @altamarc, I threw a bomb to his right and it blasted him left. I looked over and there he was pretending he had wings. Sneaky son-of-a-gun.
  • @FujiToast The pig's mistake is obvious. If he had actually studied his combat report and paid any sort of attention at his platoon's briefing (instead of day dreaming about stone, wood, and volley balls), he'd know the enemy (know internally as the "Angry Birds") doesn't actually have wings, despite their oxymoronic* nomenclature. He was simply trying too hard to fit in by pretending to have wings (one of which was misaligned regardless, having somehow wound up on his face), when he should have looked around and noticed the lack of wings on the claimed "birds." Tricked the birds? Sure, of course he did. Fooled them? Hardly; his masquerade only lasted a few seconds (one reporter, @bradnapier, claiming for roughly twenty seconds).

    *Oxymoronic is, in fact, a made up adjective form of "oxymoron" designed specifically to save time having to reword the sentence in which it was used.
  • LOL especially at the oxymoronic part.
  • @RLZIII, That's hilarious! i died!
  • @RLZIII Your first comment made me think, "Hey he's stealing my name!!!"
  • Lol! Unfortunately my pig always dies when I try to do something like this. If only the pigs could die more easily in level 6-12
  • @FujiToast,in which level you make it like that?
  • This is a funny post. But I don't think the pig stayed hidden. Got beat up by the White Birds... embarrassing.
  • @RLZIII I'm so sorry pig leader, yet the flightless capability of the birds (all the same oxymoronic) with their special abilities, have given them the capability of exposing the true personality of your pigs, daydreaming and all, hidden in their carefully crafted buildings made of glass, wood and stone, using a variety of materials and objects in order to steal the birds eggs. Yet many people believe that the birds are angry at the pigs because of this. Actually, as ex-pre-vice bird leader, I have learnt that the true intention of the birds is to eat your minions, after careful observation. Exactly why the birds use their abilities to destroy your mindless structures, to eat the pigs. Pigs are loaded in vitamins B, I, G, B2, I2, R and D, giving them the capability to reproduce using the eggs and making them grow big and strong, just like big brother. Sometimes you wonder on why our arsenal is so limited, yet that is only because we are loading them up with vitamins. I am so sorry again, your spy has failed for the 312th time.
  • I think that members of the nest should know - it isn't just the pigs who have spies, or operatives as they prefer to be called. Who do the pigs ignore slinking around (or pretending to sleep)? Who has the ability to find and enter hidden lairs? Who would not be suspected of helping birds? Yes, the barn cats. These undercover cats will be very loyal for the occasional reward of catnip, easily delivered via bird beak. Perhaps you have noticed that my avatar is in fact a candid shot of one of the operatives delivering intel to a messenger bIrd. Pigs beware! We will find you. We will pop you. We will celebrate our victories and recover from our defeats.
  • how do you post pictures, because I have some pictures like this myself
  • Hey, Queen Bird here and just wanna let u know i'm thinking... what if that pig just wants 2 fling himself outta the flingshot?
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