Level wise score to get 'Score Addict' Achievement on 'Go Green, Get Lucky' episode of AB Seasons Page 1
  • Well, I can't get halloween top score (91k off) and st vals top score (21k off). I've tried endlessley for weeks now and I can't budge one single score
  • My suggestion to those searching for their score addict achievement is the personal leaderboards here on ABN. Go to your board and see how far off average you are on the levels for that particular World and then try to get above average, This will almost always get you the score addict achievement. Good Luck!
  • Congrats Mighty Eagle! Oh, and I most definitely agree with FujiToast.
  • Thanks BL. :-)

    @FujiToast - Yes, 'average score' is of great help to get 'Score Addict' achievement. I figured it out after I posted this topic. :-)
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