News & Rumors (Moved to the "New Forum"!) Page 28
  • Here's hoping that this means all the updates will be following right behind it. I'm dieing to play the new ABSW world and the new Seasons update too. The excitement of the few facebook tournament levels we get weekly only lasts for a couple days.
  • Since I remember buying Original Star Wars figures (barely), I am excited about this news. They look great.
  • @BirdLeader -- I keep expecting to see a big announcement about Pigineering. Did I miss it?
  • @mvnla2 - well, they did get a new site: and are partnered with ABN..
  • @DrOmega -- I know, I just expected more fanfare.
  • Does anybody else think Rovio has been strangely quiet lately? Hopefully we can expect a big update for Space, since there hasn't been a new level added since January.
  • i think there working on the cloud update..

  • Wow, it gonna open on my country, but to far from my home, around 300km.
  • Cool @pjng not too long to wait, only a year. Interestig that Rovio found interest in opening theme park in Indonesia, they probably came to conclusion that they have potentialy large market in that part of the world. Actualy I know they have parks in naitive Finland and China and not sure if they have parks in the USA. Openning park in Indonesia is a bit strange (if they didn't open it yet in the USA) but definitely great for Indonesian fans.
  • @Cosmo2503 -- All the AB-related parks I know about have yellow pins on the Members' map. The ones in the U.S. are at NASA centers and are related to teaching about space. Needless to say, Finland appears almost yellow on the map.
    ABN celebrities also have yellow pins. I think more pin colors are available now, so might be able to give the celebrities their own color.
  • @PJng -- The new AB theme park will be on map in next update. Would like to give more precise location, but not sure what to look for on map. Right now will just be Johor Bahru
  • @pjng @angermanagement sorry for mistake, I thought @pjng is in Indonesia, sorry again, I hope you are not offended by any means.
    @mvnla2 I just checked map, I never realized that yellow dots stand for theme parks, I thought they are for celebrity people (whom I couldn't care less).
  • @cosmo2503 -- The theme parks are a relatively new addition. The celebrities are not the ones you would expect; they are only celebrities in the context of AB and ABN. : D
  • @mvnla2, I never go to JB, so i'm not sure where is Johor Baharu City Centre.

    @cosmo2503, nevermind for that, but where you see my country is Indo?
  • @pjng I didn't check your location just from some previous posts and discussions I came to wrong conclusion that you are Indonesian. What's funny your nick seemed Chinese to me that at first thought you live in China or Hong Kong. When I finally realized that you are not Chinese I thought you are Indonesian. That's all. Sorry.
  • Great news! Google annouced Google Play game services, an app that similar to Gamecenter. It includes leaderboards, achievements, matchmaking and also cloud saves! It also cross-platform between iOS and web. But unfortunately games on Google+ (like AB Google+) will be closed :( . For more details, here it is:
  • @Birds Google play games has been out for a while and some android games already has it :)
  • I noticed that too, @slim. Maybe they also have some new ABSW 3D video on the line?
  • i hope so! more star wars levels would be great!
  • WOW 3D animation would be awesome. 3D Boba Fett could be a sign they will have 3D animationsd in cutscenes (well maybe).
  • Latest tweet by Angry Birds :
    "To everyone at #E3: Don't forget to watch your Twitter feeds too, we'll be tweeting about our next big thing shortly! #E32013"

  • @aman i wouldnt be surprised if its the Rovio Stars announcement. We have to remember that even though we've heard about it on this site the general public has no idea yet.
  • Looks like I was wrong. The evolution of Angry Birds is "Angry Birds GO". Picture looks like its a runner game.
  • I agree with @LostGreyBird. It looks to be a runner and/or some type of racing game.

    Angry Birds Starwars Update 1.3.0 out now for iOS. 20 New Levels. Power Ups included :-(
  • @lostgreybird Title Looks very cool!! Angry Birds Go!

    @CCJolly And they included power-ups in ABSW..........
    It was the only AB game without PUs'
  • There is a power up differentiation system. No need to fret, guys.
  • and it looks like both power up an non power up scores are shown all the time
  • Power-ups again, why are they do that to ABSW
  • @sparty83 I haven't updated it yet, I won't untill I come back home, but that's really cool if both scores are shown differented. As I don't use them I don't know how they are handled in ABSp.

    In this screen cap you can see 2 scores. One without the the lightening bolt and one with. this is how all versions should be
  • Got an AB newsletter that says has a special offer for PC users. Maybe a way of apologizing?
    Get 3 PC games for the price of 2, including Angry Birds Star Wars

    Get even more bird-flinging goodness with the new 3 for 2 PC game offer! For a limited time only, you can buy 2 PC games and get the third one for free!
    Get new PC Games
    And make sure to take a look at these two lovebirds: get a special offer on the Han Solo and Leia plush toy bundle!
    Get the plush toys
  • @firebombbird

    I also don't understand how ROVIO entered pUps to Star Wars now :-(
  • @ccjolly you have your own thread complaining of PUps dont complain here too. If you're really that shocked that they came to Star Wars, the only game out of the AB bunch that didnt have them, then I don't know what to tell you. If it was coming to 1 it was coming to all it was just a matter of time. They are here to stay, end of story. I think we can all quit complaining about them now.
  • From Facebook: BREAKING NEWS:Red Bird Will have a special power soon.
    The photo indicates that a new update for angry birds classic coming soon. So, what do you think this new power could be?
  • If you look at the level selection background in the image you can see the red bird very fast.Is he maybe getting a speed power like the yellow bird?
  • Which facebook page? I didn't see image on AB page.
  • Go to the link that @ripsy has uploaded in the BP, it goes to AB Twitter with a really small image of an ipad, with ABo open with a post-it-note saying "coming soon" on it pointing to a new episode, @mvnla2:]
  • According to rovio's news they are planning to focus on female customers with Stella Bird products. I wonder what it could be. Just guessing it could be orientated to teen girls with make up and body care products. Any other ideas????
  • Rovio wrote on facebook that Icebreaker is coming out in the appstore (iOS) on Thursday!
  • @cosmo2503 - There is already a line of Stella cosmetics by Lumene. They even have a great original animation:
  • Regarding the PEZ dispensers - Page 10 of the "catalogue" on their site has the images:
  • Does anyone know if it is coming to android?
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