The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2203
  • @Kelani, you're still reading Rat's write-ups? I gave up after seeing this in 8-6 walkthrough:

    "Speed is crucial. You want to back it off more than slight, but not so much you start moving the dots."
  • lol @kelani I'm just teasing !! I was speaking of @estar as the queen though seeing she is #7 And had time to make all her high score videos; )
  • guess I was wrong about the humidity! ! is pouring rain here now!
    @fenikus did you get rainstorm?
  • @Rat So thanks to you, (sort of) I'm gonna take down Jeff Beak for ya. :D

    @Kathy @Queen_Estar has a nice ring. But so does @Queen_Kathy and @Queen_Latifah :)
  • At half speed you're moving the dots @Kelani. I told you not to move the dots.
  • Don't do that for me Kelani. @angryyardbirds only has one top score. Actually he only has one decent score out of all his scores. You wouldn't take away his bragging rights would you?
  • @fenikus are you saying that speed ISNT crucial?
  • o.k I'm behind the conversation lol never mind:/
  • @Rat Hell yes I would! He's been here 2 years, so he knows the drill. He also didn't leave any crumbs for others to follow. Plus, I found a 60-70% repeatable way to get the 1-birder and will share it with photos. That deserves more than 33rd place. :)

    As for not moving the dots, I've never seen any power reduction until the dots actually start to move. On that shot, you just need the stuff to be pushed, and an ice chunk to hit the top pig. Apparently, there's more than one way to make Space Bacon.
  • @kathy @kelani @rat -- Thanks for the condolences. Yes I know better, but when I was working, backups were automatic. Can you set an automatic backup for every week on your iPad?
  • not sure about ipad @mvnla2 maybe @estar could help there..i only just learned how to back up with using p.c and helium. with help..
  • @mvnla2 I just hope you get it all back to normal soon. btw, I just now almost got an 0-birder on #8. That rightmost canister triggered at startup. I'll post in your forum in the morning. :)
  • @Kelani If you start reducing your power, nothing happens to the dotted guide line for a while. But once you reduce it past a certain point, the guide dots start to get closer together. It's a very valid power description.

    That was a good description of power use on level 8-6 @fenikus. How would you have said it?
  • @mvnla2, to automatically back up your iPad, go to Settings --> iCloud --> Storage and Backup. Select the ICloud Backup switch.
  • @Rat I haven't spent any time testing it, so I'll take your word for it as resident Space veteran. The only easy way to test would be for distance, like on a normal-gravity horizontal AB level, but there aren't any I know of in Space, so that's out.

    I admit, I've no idea how that power-use description could have been better. It's a tough one to explain. FWIW, when I'm posting strategies, like my joke post, I really do try to write for a 5yr old. Anything that could be interpreted in multiple ways needs to be addressed. My goal is to be so clear that nobody needs to ask me questions about it. Not my best skill, judging by the # of questions I'm always answering :P
  • @Rat, I don't have a better way to say it. If you're not moving dots, you're not reducing power as far as I can tell.
  • @fenikus It might do that when fully zoomed out. Could just be the reduced aiming resolution, though.

    edit: Rio challenge today. You're not in the Top 100 on that level that I saw.
  • lol. that Hardee's Pull-aparts commercial is just wrong.
  • Oh man. Feels weird playing Rio now that I'm used to no gravity.
  • @fenikus lol, I know. It seriously screws me up for hours. I also forget how to aim Chuck, and periodically try to redirect him somewhere :P

    Oh crap, I think I just hurt TSL's feelings. :/
  • Maybe I'm crazy @Kelani, @Fenikus. But I see numerous power settings in Space between full and moving the dots. It's part of the finesse of Space play. But I've only had a few hours of testing this. I 'm not experienced like the two of you. lol
    As far as a new strat on 8-8, yea! I never liked the approach I'm using in the first place.
  • Hello guys, good afternoon to you all.
  • @sunsine
    Thank you for the BD wishes.
  • Good morning @bernersenn and @Sunshine.
    And a great big "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to @wrw01. I see you've been busy this morning. Your junk drawer should be empty now.
  • @Kelani and @fenikus. What you said last night about my numerous stRATegies being hard to understand and @wrw01's nominations got me to thinking. Maybe there's a reason I don't have a "Share the Wealth" badge. lol
    Oh well. No incentive for me to confuse you guys with my "unappreciated" stRATz any more. I'll just play by myself. There, you fixed that problem @Kelani. ha ha ha
  • @rat9 good morning!!!! Have you recovered from your B-D??? ;)
    @wrw01 a little coffee and burnt toast with BP&B??
  • What about confusing? Updated seasons on my Ipad - took the afternoon off and I'm happy with it. It's nice and it's again completely different. What do I say, it's nice? It's great.
  • @bernerseen Thank you for the BD wishes, never too late
    @sunshine burnt toast with BP&Garden CC would be great but in a hotel till next Monday so will have to wait
    @rat9 Sorry I missed your BD, better late than never; I need to check into the BP more often, between fling'n birds
  • I was feeling pretty good until I got attacked last night by @Kelani and @fenikus over my Space expertise @Sunshine. They're telling me I don't know what I'm talking about.
  • @rat9
    The Share the Wealth badge does appear in your profile, black pot with gold, so your strategies read great.
  • @wrw01 I changed my avatar to celebrate your birthday...Grasshopper!!!! ;)
  • @wrw01, Happy birthday!

    @Rat, Your "Share the wealth" badge is the icon of the fruit fly with the beret. Or something. Come to think of it, maybe it's supposed to resemble a pot of gold. And please do keep posting those walkthroughs. Your tip for S-23 is another gem (Play the usual shot one, only get reeeeally lucky. The end.)

    @bernersenn, Good afternoon. Still no soccer :-(
    And good afternoon @Sunshine!
  • @burpie, no tomorrow, 2 matches, saturday again 2 matches.
    good afternoon to you
  • @sunshine
    It is 5:00 pm somewhere, would enjoy one of those right now...nice touch
  • @burpie
    Thank you for the BD wishes
  • Sorry @Sunshine, @wrw01, and @Burpie. I was so irritated that I said "Share the Wealth" instead of "Helping Hand". But it doesn't matter. I'm not blatantly trying to get a badge. I'm just saying I'm done helping those two flingers that think I'm stupid.
  • @burpie hi!! How are you today?
    @rat9 I had noticed last week that you didn't have helping hand....
  • @Sunshine, just twiddling my thumbs, waiting for Holland vs. Costa Rica.

    @Rat9, You've been nominated for Helping Hand... long overdue. But, eh, what kind of miscarriage of justice resulted in you getting a High IQ badge? ;-)
  • @burpie best of luck! Bring home a winner!!!! :)
  • @wrw01 Happy Birthday, may you have a great one :-)
  • I noticed you got luckier than me on S-23 @burpie. Miscarriage of justice? Cute!
    Hi Mrs. Bunny. Your doing great in BI #1. Wow! That didn't hurt at all to say.
    What happened to you in part two?
  • @Rat9 Nope, You're ahead of me on S-23. I do have a tiny lead on 8-23.
  • 8, S, there both 23's. Close enough for my tired brain @burpie.
  • I've been out and about without WiFi or a sufficient amount of cellular data, so I haven't been able to check in here or update my Beak Impact leaderboards. I see the competition is still going here! I hope to update my leaderboards sometime today, as I've kept track of my scores and I've beaten every one that is posted on the Nest!

    Reasons Comics Pack 3 has been backed up really badly due to the flurry of iOS 8 apps being submitted. We hope to get it out before July passes- but no guarantees. Android and iPad (Reasons Comics HD) versions are also officially underway.
  • Happy Birthday @wrw01 :) sorry i can't stay.. will pop in later♡♡
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