The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2240
  • @SweetP Will PM later with explanation! C u soon!
  • Hi @everyone! It's been a loooong time since I've posted anything. I've been extremely busy with all the studying. Actually at the moment I should be reading a book for an assignment...I also should be prepared for a test and everything.

    Yay, we bought a boat! Well, it's actually a sailing boat, but it has a motor too. So far we've spent one weekend at the lake, but we've decided to take another trip next weekend. Hopefully the weather will stay as great as it has been :D

    How is everyone? I promise I'll try to pop in more often!
  • It might have something to do with me being a dirty old man @TomPuss. Why would a young girl want her picture taken at the Crazy Horse? Hmmmm? You look great for someone in her fifties. lol

    Yea! Last time @SweetP. Are their chairs comfy? Mrs. Rat didn't enjoy the treatments but said at least the plush power recliners were comfortable. Much better than the uncomfortable junk they had in the cramped waiting room for me.

    Edit: Hi @Lisko. I didn't see you on the next page. I hate when that happens.
  • @kelani yeah I knew you were 39,it's just that I hit the big one nearly 2 yrs ago so I decided I was still to young for all that "big" nonsense and raised the bar to 60 ;)
    Nice to meet you @chimichangachick! Actually scrap that.....I haven't met you yet so Hi! Welcome to the nut house!
    Hey @lisko! Hope things are well with you and the little monster? The boat sounds great! Sorry,hope I didn't interrupt the studying.
    @dirtyolerat Hi!
    @tompuss you look fantastic!
    Well I thought the new Rio update was fun with a new bird to play with but it looks like the scoreboards are gonna be a mess :( New blue is a power up of sorts. Looks like you only get 10 then maybe you pay for them? Shame really,he's fun! Intend to 3 star without him but you have to use him on the first 3.
    Feel free to correct me if any of the above is wrong.
  • Hi @Lisko. Good to see you! I've been popping in & out as I can. It's been a busy year with lots of changes. Funny you should pop in now, I was just wondering how you're doing a day or two ago. What are you studying?
  • Hello @Kelani What a shame, missed yesterday, lots of work and other concerns. I'm deeply sorry. Still hope that you had a great birthday. Again, sorry for that. Argh
  • Good Morning everyone; ) fire alarm went off at work. .we are all standing around outside hope it doesn't rain:/
  • @JLZ666 Wrong tense, I'm afraid. . . For "look" read "looked". (But not too bad really, considering. . could be worse!)

    Funny, @all you guys 'n' gals going into conniptions whenever a zero hits your age - you're scarcely out of grade school, for heaven's sake!

    Hey @bernersenn, @lisko, @chicka, @kathy, @EStar, @mumsie, am scrolling backwards, don't want to miss anyone!

    @mvnla2 Glad to revive your Paris memories! Oh, we had super fireworks last night - we get a great view from the bedroom window (and an even better one at Chinese New Year).

    @hunnybunny So sorry about the toothache, aaargh. Good ((((vibes)))) if they can help! (Or maybe not, vibes too reminiscent of dentist's drill.) Hope they fix it soon so you are pain-free. Love that wonderful Matthew Bourne production!

    Rio - don't have Blu-Ray machine. Whiiiiiiiinnnnne!

    OB! Free beers all round, please:

    OMG, I never realized OB was so cute!
  • @TomPuss the video's killing me. Great laughs here, thanks
  • Don't cry @tompuss :( You don't need Blu ray,it should be in your Apps for update right now!
    I wonder how many of the peeps would've sussed it out if they'd been sober ;)
  • @JLZ666 Tx, just updated!

    @bernersenn Started packing? Stuff for hot weather, stuff for cold and wet. . .
  • @estar, don't tell me that the video's are ready yet...
  • @rat @fenikus @kelani and of course all the others, this Rio is fun! Rinse and repeat as @hunnybunny said? Don't think so. New bird introduced.
  • Hey @bernersenn I pity the poor admin that has the task of doing the walkthroughs for these today! I'm sure it's not @estar thank goodness or she'd be bald by the end of the day! I was flinging away quite happily with easy 3 stars until I hit a wall! Level 20 is a joke! I'm up at 275k on 1 bloody star and @dmsral has just said he's up over 300k and still on 1*! I'm seriously hoping Rovio aren't making it impossible to get through unless we use the bluebird PU:( Surely not.....
    Ok....back to banging my head against that wall.
  • Hi @jlz666 you played already all of them? Got stuck at #1, got more points with 2 birds as with 1. And please, don't bang your head against the wall, it will hurt you. And no, don't think we have to use PU's - in that case we are not allowed to use the leaderboards. We don't need PU's, no.
  • @bernersenn I never said such a thing! Too busy playing! On level eight at the moment......
  • @TomPuss love the pic! If you say your equine association ended beside that sign, I'll take your word for it ;) How long did it take you to notice the gentleman behind you was checking you out?

    That soundtrack you linked is the Royal Philharmonic, which is the score and instrumental versions of the songs. There is supposed to be one with all of Nick Rivers songs, even the full version of 'Are you Lonesome Tonight?' they didn't use, and 'East German Natl. Anthem'. I know some form of it exists, because I've got 4 mp3s from it in my music archive, and there's no audio engineer on the planet good enough to have ripped those from the movie. :)

    lol. So I see they released a full Rio double-update? I bet everyone who bought the Blu-Ray feels really great now. As usual, I'm ipadless until tonight, so I'll sit here and pretend to be happy for y'all. :)
  • @bernersenn not a problem! I know you've had a lot going on in your life lately. I just hope work, your dad, and your health are all doing well. :)
  • I know @bernersenn and I'm probably going to kick myself when I find out how level 20 is done ;) I just get nervous thinking one day Rovio will expect us to pay in game. My gut tells me no however. Yep I've completed all 20 but haven't looked at the bonus yet and there's also a golden padlock to find. I've 3 starred first 10 but after that it gets tough. Have a few 2* and two 1* I'll keep plugging away as it's tons of fun with wicked new gameplay but I have to say I'm looking forward to some help!
    Hey @kelani and sorry @kelani...what I meant to say was that it's boring and you're not missing anything ;)
  • @JLZ mmmhmm :P I can tell you're all bored to tears with it! Even if it sucked, I'd play just for the timber aspect. I spend my winters deep in the woods with sharp cutting implements, salvaging pretty trees my idiot neighbor cut down to build his habanero greenhouse. Primitive woodworker is just a nicer way of saying 'tree fetish'. (Actually, wood fetish, but there's no way to say that nicely)
  • @bernersenn where did you get the Stella level select picture? Surely that's not been released already?

    @SweetP Once again, you live up to your name. :) I may take you up on that the next time I get in cooking mode :)
  • @kelani, look at the comments of @jlz666, she mentioned also @dmsral. I was attended to it because I got a email from this nest. Due to the fact that I have my Ipad in auto-update modus, I immediately could start the game. Just a peek, that's what I thought - played a few times #1. Then "go hell with this seasons, first things first". I think a lot more Rio-addicted as for Seasons. However, what @jlz666 mentioned that we perhaps have to pay within the game makes me worrying. iE a new feature is 'give a hint' - then the game shows where you could target your birds. The first one was for free, for the other ones you have to pay. Not our thing I know, because we have our friends here on the nest. I'm sure their advices are much better.
    OB, offer those people what they want to drink. So, no reasons for whining today, or are there?
  • I found the lock...

    Level 14, left of slingshot, let bird roll down and down until it reaches the bushes, and you get it.
  • @jlz666 ho can you tell that you have several #1 - I can't see a leaderboard for the new ones. I'm sure this is a episode special written for mr. @rat - hope his thumb will work normally
  • @seasonsking hi, nice to see you in here. Level #14 you said? That is a difficult game - I'm for sure. Till yet I came to #2. I know this sounds cryptical, explanation will follow later, much later
  • @kelani I know what you mean with that Ipad, you sneaky boy. (Would have done the same)
  • @SeasonsKing Nice job! That must be one high-scoring episode. It took me two months to hit 2.6M on BR, and you're already nearing 3.4M on TT
  • I released a Flock, what to do with this thing? Is this a PU or isn't it? @seasonsking any idea?
  • @kelani yes, it was #3. Don't know if we can/may use then. Don't think so. Anyway, the bird released itself (I think, but again, thanks to the gods of the birds one marmoset survived).
  • Thanks I guess @seasonsking........I was having fun looking for it lol! Never mind,that's bought me some more fling time ;)
    @bernersenn from the talk in the new Rio release page I think they'll be classed as PU. It's a shame that they didn't just introduce him as a new bird but I guess you'd blast through the levels far to easy. What level did you fire him on and what was your score? I could compare it to mine and see the difference. What's annoying is you have to use him on level 3 but when you go back to replay it,it's back to little red. Don't know how you can improve on that score with red? Also sorry for the confusion @bernersenn I meant 1* as in 1 star! Not top score!
  • Ok look up before you post Jlz. I see you meant level 3 @bernersenn so nope,no harm done,we all had to do it! Level 20 is a serious problem! It's just baffling! I'm at 303k with 1* and @dsmral has just said he's on 333k and still 1*!!! There has to be a very simple explanation and I'm going to look very silly when I find out lol!
  • This Rio update looks like it's going to be messy if that new bird on level 3 appears only the first time around. I think I'll sit back and kibbitz while @JLZ and @bernersenn break new ground.
  • @JLZ Not that I've seen that level yet {whine}, but I wonder if it's like some Eagle levels, where some insignificant piece of debris is the key? How many birds are there?
  • @fenikus well, at least we're all used to level #3 drama :P Thank the Roviogods it's not on all of them.
  • @fenikus it could be messy. If I had known I couldn't use blue again in level 3 I would've tried harder :( So there you go @kelani,you're one up on us now! Make the most of him whilst you've got it! Oh I just saw that slim got 3* with 360k but didn't see Cali moms post,must have missed it. Wow she did it with 4 huh? I'm at 303k with 4 and still 1* Ah well,I'll probably be in bed when the walkthroughs come out so I'll have to be patient I guess.
    @seasonking how did you get the gear on level 17? From your screenshot it looks like you've got them all. That ones a head scratcher ;)
  • @jlz666 Correct, again I had luck with that evil thing. As I once had in ABO.
    @fenikus, no problem my friend, we do the 'pathfinding' for you. Our knees and heads will be blue from all the hits on them.
    @kelani what you're talking about, you did already #20? Just came to #5 - and no idea about scores. Later, when we have the leaderboard alive - it will be shocking I think, just around or above average
  • @SeasonsKing on #13 waiting for fourteen, once I three star. Always three star before moving on......
  • Good night @all, sweet dreams xoxo
  • @kelani I'm sure I posted it first, with picture, anyway!
    Just opened the "secret level" thanks @SeasonsKing
    Just hoping @jlz666 prediction that three starring gets harder isn't true :-(
    Sorry @jlz meant knowledge not prediction, you've been there.....
    @fenikus come and join the party
  • @tompuss good night, sleep well
  • @kelani the video's are ready and published. @amslimfordy thanks for them. No leaderboard yet - shock will come...
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