The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2241
  • @all, the reason I'm going to sit back for now is that it's not clear yet whether using the new bird is allowed or not for leaderboard purposes. Who am I kidding, I'll probably fire up Rio on my android phone as I don't care about scores on that device. But I'm also waiting for a couple of important business calls on that phone. Hmmm, which takes precedence, Angry Birds or business? It's a close call.
  • @fenikus
    left / right
    wrong / right
    business / pleasure
    You pick

    @Kelani p2238
  • Leaderboard is live, let the Sheriffs come.
  • @bernersenn two sheriffs waiting at my door, two poor top scores from me :-)
  • @hunnybunny at the time I am on those levels you bettered them. Came till #5. Doing my first round, hope that I remember my strats. Tomorrow I will add them to the comments - when they differ from the video's. It's really fun, don't you think? And, argh, it's almost bedtime.
    The seasons will have to wait, I liked them also very much. Rio rules
  • @fenikus It's a powerup. I don't see any scenario where it would be allowed, even on Level 3, if it's a one-time offer thing. Hopefully PU and non-PU scores on that level will be easy to tell apart.
  • Sorry I popped off for a brownie and ice cream!
    The leaderboards and walkthroughs are up? Jeez here we go! Just finished kissing the feet of @xebic88 for very helpfully posting his vid of how to 3* level 20! Wouldn't you know it after about a dozen shots I got it!! Going to take a look at the boards before bed but will post tomorrow. My eyes are killing me. Really shouldn't spend so long flinging :(
  • Pecan brownies and ice cream? Me please! I'm feeling a little better and this downpour has cooled this oppressive heat somewhat. I think I've got maybe an hour of flinging in me before I'm on the sidelines again. Since I'm about six weeks behind everyone in Beak Impact. I'm going to forgo Rio and see about that Kelvinator guy. I wouldn't worry too much @Kelani. I'm good, but not that good. lol
  • Hi @all -- Finished first pass through both new Rio levels. Guess I still have a couple of golden gears to capture. Some of them are very difficult. Been waiting for leaderboards to come up, but they are now live. Now that they are don't have time to check 3* mins.
  • Ha ha two top scores, two sheriffs have knocked already..........
  • yay, ipad's home.
  • I am really confused. I (of course) downloaded the update on my android phone and gave first 4 levels a try. The new "power up" bird, which is Blu that "unlocks the flock" is freely available as the first bird on first two levels but then starting with level 3, it becomes power up. @Hunnybunny, @mvnla2, are you seeing the same thing on iPad?

    Edit: I mean I'm confused by the fact that "unlock the flock" is a regular bird on first 2 levels.
  • lol, the 2nd tip on #1 that you have to watch ad or pay for is the same as the damn free tip.
  • @fenikus I think they'd call that a tease. It'd be OK on #1 and #2 since it's a default bird, and on #3, not allowed.
  • @fenikus @kelani tried the blue bird on #3 but I wouldn't know how to tell, never used a PU before....

    Edit: can you tell on GC? Or is it just taken on trust here in ABN that you haven't? I know that to be the case in Seasons, so in Rio?
  • @hunnybunny On some games, there's a separate power-up score on the level select screen, but other than that, I think it's the honor system and common sense here. What I want to know is, if I waste all my accumulated powerups somewhere, will it get rid of that nag screen every 20 attempts?

    btw, once you've used the free hint, and watched an ad for another, that option's grayed out. It's pay only. Dunno how long that lasts. Not liking how often it prompts me, though, or the placement of call the flock button.
  • @Annifrid good analogy. (SF). I guess the only problem will be weeding out the #3 scores that got lucky the first time.
  • @Kelani SF came to mind the first time I accidentally called the flock when I wanted to restart the level. That's exactly how I wasted all my Electric Bomb PUs. I don't like the placement of this button either.
  • @fenikus @kelani @hunnybunny -- Yeah, I used the blue bird on #3 the first time because I didn't know how not to use it (I play on iPad). I can't see that Rio does anything to distinguish PU scores, but I'm sure the admins know it you can tell or not. I don't know if the 3* score I got on #3 was with or without the blue bird. I got 3* on some levels on the first try.
    As for the hints, after the free one and watching an ad, you can pay for additional hints with your PUs, of which I have several, although I think I turned daily free PUs off if there was such a thing.
    @kelani -- So I take it you have your iPad back?
  • @mvnla2 yeah, I think you're forced to use it on #3. There should be a distinct difference between flock/non-flock scores, though. The using PUs for hints may be a great way to get rid of them without "using them", as it were.

    Yup, she left work 15 mins early to run it by. Smart girl! :>

    @Annifrid when you accidentally hit the button, I assume you reset anyway. Did it put that one back, or take it away?

    edit: The bulldozer on #5 cracks me up. I love it.
  • If anyone saw me knocking on their door as a new sheriff, it was a mistake. I was entering scores from Hidden Harbor on the Timber Tumble leaderboard! Aack!
  • They sure are being free with the powerup gifts today. I've gotten 3x in 10 mins on one level.
  • @Kelani Take it away. Both times.
  • Okay so to sum it up: Blu with unlock the flock powers is allowed on levels 1 and 2, and on level 3 I should chuck it to the left side and waste it. Then replay the level 3 with Red bird.

    I still think this is going to be messy. A lot of people (like @mvnla2) are not going to know how they got their best level 3 score.

    I seem to recall Slim coming in here few weeks back and hinting that ABN is working on changes where we'll be able to upload our highscore files directly to ABN and that ABN will be able to tell if they're achieved with PUs or not. But he also noted that it is not possible to make this distinction in Rio.
  • Sorry @Kelani. I missed getting all the levels into the top ten by ten lousy stinkin' points before my thumb gave out. I may try later to get those ten just on principle. You're still very safe in the big chair by a large margin. But there's always hope for tomorrow while you're in Rio. Hope to see ya soon.

    Is this a Blossom River update?
  • Note to self and Team @BugSquash remember to check later and see if they fixed the good 'ol DCB this time.

    @Annifrid Thanks :) That's kinda mean for them to do that, but I bet you didn't mind much. I know I wouldn't.

    @fenikus and it's not a cure-all, due to those multi-device troublemakers. *cough* :) It may be messy. Hopefully the PU/Non-PU scores on that level will be different enough to tell. I guess worst case, they could do a score curve, so if the Red scores are 101k, and the blue scores are 110k, anyone scoring above 101k gets assigned 110k or something.
  • @Rat nope, two all-new episodes. I'll still be ipadless and in Space during the weekdays until this comes out on PC. Not tired of Beak at all, and just started my replay of #1 last week. :)

    edit: I think I missed All-top10 with one level. #32 on B2
  • @Rat, how lucky you are...I was starting to gain some traction on Beak 1 and was determined to use the extra free time now that the World Cup is done to catch up with you and Ollygod. But now, there is a new distraction. Lucky, lucky, lucky!
  • Evening all! Didn't have time to really pop in and I just skimmed the last pages. @jlz no I didn't do the 3* videos this time as I was at work. But when I got home I did help the guys with the feather bonus levels, so feathering the levels to reach the 2 whole levels... took me ages to get the 15th, as @kelani mentioned, Rios has the knack of having one significant little piece of debris that needs to be crushed... and this time they put more of those levels in. Anyway I have been busy with the update as well, just not as busy as the guys.

    Also @karen68 @fenikus I haven't forgotten your request for the album limit thing. And @kelani the DCB is also still on my list to discuss with BL. Just haven't had the time or caught him at the right time, with busy days like these days, the timezonesucks. Anyway, I won't forget, I have a textfile on my desktop to remind me!
  • @estar no problem. :) I know you're a very busy little star lately. Go ahead and put the DCB at the bottom of the list for now. I'll let you know if it still exists. Until then, just take care of all the other stuffs and be sure to get some sleep. :P
  • Sounds like a plan @kelani, let me know if it still exists and move on from there :)
    As for the sleep, well ermmm yeah... sooo..... 5 and 20 minutes left and we haven't started to actually go towards the pillow and as Mister @Rat experiment of last night showed... it takes us whole hour to actually have lights out O_o
  • @estar, it sounds like we have your ear for few more minutes…answer only if it's a quick answer -- you need your beauty sleep: Which program do you recommend to backup files from your iPad to Mac? The guide says iExplorer or DiskAid -- any opinion re: which is better (aside from the fact that DiskAid seems to have a free version which the guide says is sufficient for backup purposes)? Thanks.
  • Sorry about that @Estar, but it was for your own good. If I could get a full six hours, "Crazy Horse's" couldn't pull me away from it.
  • @estar yeaah, an hour so you say. ;) I was tempted to mention you just to see if you were still lurking. :)
  • No need to be sorry Mister @Rat I know I should do better... next time :p
  • Cool…thanks @estar! -- DiskAid it is ;-)
  • Oh my @Rat9, that didn't help at all you had to sit in such uncomfortable chairs. They probably didn't think too kindly of anyone there! The Radiology treatment facility (Kaiser Permanente) does not have treatment chairs, they have tables instead. After lying down with head nestled into an indented headrest similar to one on a massage table, the tech would place a wedge pillow under my knees to keep my back flat. They raise the table, then both arms get placed into arm rests raising them above my head. this is to ensure radiation beam can be directed to lymph nodes and initial treatment area without obstruction from the arms. Then the tech lines up the laser beams to the tattoo dots. After zapping from the right side first for 20 secs, the machine rotates to my left, the tech changes the plate, and then I get another 20 secs to the lymph nodes. Basically, the whole process from the time I get on the treatment table to when I get off is about 5 minutes.
    The chairs in the waiting room are comfy, and hubby gets to watch the tv, whatever show they have on. It's usually a morning talk show. They did have the World Cup games on, and Wimbledon matches.
    Yup, I'm done with it all, 85 miles round trip, 25 treatments, 5 weeks! Now all that is left is the peeling burned skin that I hope heals quickly, and the dark pigment should fade in a few months. Then probably in about two weeks the fatigue will be gone, also.
    The best part of all this is I kicked cancer in the butt! Yippeeee!
  • Well, time to cancel that State Farm Insurance. I just got a powerup courtesy of them. :P Great to know an insurance company is buying Ad space on a game where all you do is destroy things. Can you imagine how much the marmosets' yearly premiums must be?

    @SweetP Yay! :) I'm so glad you're done with that, and that you did all the buttkicking. :)
  • @Kelani, you read my mind! I was just thinking about those DCB's. I'll have to place a little dinger on the contact's IM, and will let you know as soon as I get an answer.

    Speaking of glitches, I already found one in TT. When I tapped on the >> from the scoreboard screen in #2 to advance to level 3, the window for the bonus macaw flock appeared, but when I tapped on the x to close it, the level was frozen. I couldn't do anything except to go to the task manager and close it the restart the game.
  • And on the dot... One hour and no i didn't time it :/
    Night night all!
  • @SweetP I'm gonna check if it's fixed after I get some food. Ya never know. Maybe we'll get lucky. :)
  • Timbler Tumble sure has some beautiful graphics. Coming from Beak Impact, it's like you've gone to some beautiful vacation spot.
  • @fenikus agreed. I think they finally discovered what the Contrast plugin does.

    edit: arg. I just borked a 198k HS on #15
  • Hey everyone:) looks like i missed all the fun with the new update:(
    OB I'll take a PigKiller please. .idk if I can catch up with everything once again i've missed soo much! :(
  • Crap, I knew this would happen. Got 111K+ topscore on level 3 and now everyone is going to think I cheated, lol.
  • @Kathy, OB announced earlier that the special today is Marmoset Killer. Half off.
  • *flags @fenikus dubious score* :D Do you miss the aiming dots now?

    @Kathy you didn't miss anything. This one will be fun for quite a while.
  • @Kelani, I know that I can probably find the answer by reading through the posts in the TT update thread…but I know you have a ready made answer: How do I unlock the secret episode?
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