The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2346
  • @kelani please tell me you don't actually think Helen Mirren should go out with a paper bag over her head to protect the general public!
  • I actually only wanted to provide a link not post the pics!!! See still the numpty in the class!
  • Oooooooooh @mumsie I only wanted to stick my head in the door and have a peek tonight but Oh My big bloody Giraffe! You are stunning! Look at that bone structure in the first pic! Wowsers.....that's my mumsie!! How can you have 5 kids and oh I forget how many GKids? Is it golf? That's it........I'm ruining my hubby's life and taking up golf!!
    P.S where is that beautiful bridge?
    PPS don't you dare move those photos!
  • @Kelani, did you find a PC screen video capture program that will let you record only a portion of the screen you specify and also let you cut out what you don't need *before* saving to a file? I think that's what @bernersenn needs.
  • The bridge is in a gorgeous little village called Graiguenamanagh in County Kilkenny in the Republic of Ireland - we stayed there when we went over for my nephew's wedding! I think it's all down to my genes! A picture of my very own Mumsie at 35 looks a lot younger and absolutely gorgeous! She had 3 children and was expecting her fourth!
  • Sorry I got sidetracked watching Ice Age :) never heard of Helen?
    Hi @jlz666 nice to see ya ;)
  • @Mumsie -- Put a tiara on your head, and you would outshine Kate! Good looking 63, no wonder you're still a demon at golf.
    @Kelani -- I played Bad Piggies, the game, including the sandbox. I lost Tusk 'til Dawn, and apparently never got 3* in one other level (unless I lost that as well). Haven't played since I completed the last episode. Fun, but there is now a known cheat that allows you to get ~0 sec in any level, and I'm not into building contraptions like Pigineering does, although I have enjoyed running a few that they invented.
  • @Mumsie, what an attractive young lady…and the first (black & white) photo is not bad either ;-)
  • @Mumsie Is that who I danced with? Va Va Voom! Wasn't I a lucky cuss?
  • Do you have the MS photo @mumsie? I have a gorg photo (not to hand) of my mum holding a 6 week old me,she's wearing a tight sweater and a mini mini skirt! It was 1972 she was 20yrs old and UK size 8!
    I'll try to pronounce the village and ask my SDad about it,it's gorgeous!
    @kathy I'm not really here....shhhhhh. No offence to anyone but I've a headache that should be keeping me away from the small screen ;)
  • @fenikus - how charming thank you!
    @rat sorry it was the second photo you danced with!
  • K @jlz666 mums the word hope your headache gets better.
    Wow @Mumsie lol your photo brought all the lurkers out of the walls lol!!
  • @jlz666 I'll look it out and scan it!
  • I was looking at the second photo @Mumsie.
  • @Mumsie I meant the second one, of course. She's a beautiful woman, and you look like her younger sister. :) btw, those Estar pic size directions had some kel-input so if you need me to explain how to change it, just say so. :)

    @fenikus I haven't found a good program (under $500) that does both. Recorders record, editors edit. Fortunately, there are some good, free editors that can do the job. If bern has the same setup as you, it sounds like he needs what you have. How are you editing and adding in your little hollywood goodies? :)
  • Thank you kindly @rat! You are truly a gentleman!
  • Hey, @fenikus and I were also gentlemanly.
  • @Kelani, @bernersenn, I indeed use QuickTime Player to both record and edit my videos. It comes preinstalled on Macs so it was free. PC has a version of it called QuickTime Pro but I'm not sure it has the option for screen recording anymore (I noted one of the reviewers said he only bought it for that reason and was sorely disappointed).

    Reflector can record videos but I didn't like that I had to save huge recordings to a file (takes a long time) and then use something else to trim out un-needed parts. But if there is not good a equivalent of QuickTime for PC, a simple free editor that can trim out the fat from Reflector recordings should do just fine.
  • @fenikus Bandicam can do it (avoid huge recordings), but I think it costs around $30. I'll check the other screen recorders I have and see if any of them also create multiple files when you stop and start recording. That takes care of most of the unneeded video, but any fine editing does need the free editor.
  • @OMgiraffe Why Does my Phone not like your name Kelani!! Yours is the only one my auto word won't come up with. .I can do @fenikus @Mumsie @jlz666 @Estar @rat9 no problem
    @Kelani whoa it actually did it that time lol.. but now i forget what i was gonna say:/
  • Oh @kathy I love your phone!!
  • Ohh I was gonna say yes @kelani you and @fenikus are very gentlemen also:)
    But it's not becoming to point it out; )
  • Lol thanks @Mumsie ;)
  • Can your phone try this one? ıuɐlǝʞ
  • Back..@fenikus how you doing in Hh on the 2.7 ? Last i checked you had picked up a few more.
    I got a measly 150 in level #1 today big
  • Uhmmm @Mumsie ? How'd you even make that upside down 'a' ?
  • @mumsie beautiful
  • @Kelani, stopping and starting recording after each level attempt was not feasible for me. Just to clarify, I let QT record while I play and I only stop recording when I get a score I want to save into a video. After stopping the recording, QT lets me trim out the fat *before* saving into a video file. It just seems odd that there isn't an alternative program out there that lets you do the same on a PC.
  • And 'k' not only upside down but backwards? Me confused. .lol
  • @ kelani - apologies I had said thank you to @fenikus thought I had said it to you too! Thank you!
    @hunnybunny thank you also!
    @mvlna - @jlz666 thinks it may be the other way round i,e the golf helps!!!
  • @Kathy, picked up few more points today. I seemed to be "in the zone" today but unfortunately, no more flinging for me until tomorrow. At least you shouldn't feel "lonely" up there anymore, I'm right behind you -- approx. 1,500 pts.
  • Cool nice flinging @fenikus !! We'll get there! Perseverance pays off!
  • But WOW @mumsie I see you have turned some male heads here in the BP and WOW I can not blame them! You looked and look stunning! Thank you for sharing those!
  • Hi @Estar (((((hugs)))) yep i loove your comfy booth.. always have; )
    And i agree. .don't think I'll be sharing any photos lol..
  • @fenikus there may be several that can do it, but they're not free. I've been looking for one to come out since 2007. btw, the stop/start after every attempt is much less of a problem w/bandicam, because there are no prompts. If you use both hands to fling, I guess you'd have to lift a finger and tap F12 twice, but still way better than the other recorders that prompt for a filename each time.

    Also, the free editor I'm using is Avidemux:
    It's been around a long time, and still updated. Can't beat open-source.

    edit: another good one is: Virtualdub
  • Like mister @rat ... he picked me out in this crowd in a couple seconds flat ;)
  • Hee hee @Estar :) now I'm gonna try to find you. ..I promise i won't blurt it out;)
  • I think I know not absolutely but pretty sure.
  • @estar All I know is you're definitely not one of the boys. :)

    edit: WOW the kid in brown at far left looked exactly like me.
  • @estar how cute! Mmmm think I know.......
  • @estar my image of you might be completely wrong, but in my mind the little Estar is third from right, front row, knees pulled up
  • hahahah @hunnybunny if you mean the one on the ermmm kart?! the one with short dark hear... that is actually a boy hee hee
  • LOL @kelani so you could have been a Dutch boy called Rob :p
  • @Kathy I saw your PM, but sorry ... you guessed my best friend in ermmm... primary school is it?
  • Aww @Estar I was almost sure lol.. I'll try again. .
    I may be able to find a primary (elementary) class pic..this could be fun. .
  • @kathy Thanks, that was the word I was looking for... elementary!
  • But a very pretty boy!
    In my minds eye you look like the teacher, and the pretty boy looks like a young teacher
    If that makes sense!
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