The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2347
  • Next guess pink top centre of picture
    Are you going to tell?
  • Sorry @hunnybunny I am not anything like the teach, but she was my sweetest and best teacher ever, but maybe all 5 year old think that of their teacher at that moment.
  • @hunnybunny, sure I will, no fun in never telling right? But nope, that would be my other best friend I always played with. So so far you picked out the two friends I spend my years in elementary school with, funny.
  • Also there will be only a couple more girls left to choose from, so by ways of eliminating you would figure it out eventually.

    okay a (maybe give it away) hint... The little bacon bits weren't an enemy back than :p
  • @estar the one wearing purple in the red wheelbarrow is a boy?!

    Also, I bet the parents of the one who's flashing the camera weren't too thrilled.
  • @kelani I must have misunderstood @hunnybunny's directions, I thought she meant the third from the right on the bigger wheelthingy. The one you are referring to is indeed a girl hee hee
  • And sorry I am not really getting your second comment @kelani whatcha mean?
  • @estar right in the centre, on the trike, the one that kelani thinks is a boy?
    You got my directions spot on for the "boy"
  • Me knows me knows!!! She's the sweetest munchkin in there people!
  • @hunnybunny I think it is not your day to be lucky, as that is also not me. In PMs Mumsie did pick me out of the crowd, but to be fair, she already has already seen the real E*
  • JLZ!!!! mwaaaaah hey hon, couldn't stay away now could ya. hee hee, it worked folks!! We got her, not lock the doors :p
  • @estar I admit defeat
    @jlz666 comment didn't help. All five year olds are sweet munchkins!
  • @estar the girl at far right is having a *ahem* wardrobe malfunction.

    So many smiley-cute lil kids there. I have no idea who you'd be :)
  • Oops @kelani hahahahah Should I have blurred that out?! LOL but nobody gets the hint of the little piggies... as in piggiestails? But of course I could be way off with my english translation and it is called something else.
  • I'm trying so hard to stop peeking in @estar but I've taken meds,headache is better and hubby is watching TV so a pub lock in might be ok......for a wee while! Am I allowed to give a hint estar?
  • Before all my class photos from kindergarten to third grade, the teacher would do a zipper check (she'd call it a barn door check). Parents had been complaining for years about class photos with open flies, tongues sticking out, noses being picked, etc..

    @estar thank you for clarifying that! :) Bacon bits is slang for something else, and I was sure you didn't mean that. I was looking to see if any of the dresses had little piggies on it :)

    edit: now I know who you are. :)
  • Ahhhhh you said it first with the pig tails @estar!
  • Pig tails top right
  • I was thinking top left. Yellow shirt.
  • Ah @kelani didn't know that, hmmm must google that one. Those parents idea's never reached the other side of the pond, I can not recall our teachers doing a barn door check hahahaha LOVE that one!
  • Sorry @JLZ but I didn't want to make them guess every girl in the picture. Glad the meds are working on the pounding headache, maybe the relaxation is doing its thing as well! But happy to catch you real time tonight!
  • And Kelani is the winner :) I told ya @hunnybunny not your lucky day... only 2 pigtails in the photo and you had to pick the wrong one :/
  • Just googled the slang for bacon bits whahahahaha just learned a new slang expression hee heee
  • ow just got another explanation via the KelVines... WOW!! ermmmm not what I just googled, but ermmmm okay... didn't mean that either LOL
  • @estar Yay! I can see your teacher lined all of you up from most unique to least. It would've been really tough to beat the other girl to your left. Were you friends with her by any chance? My kiddie class had only one black boy, and he and I were best friends and BIG troublemakers. :)
  • @estar cute, but they're "bunches"
    "pig tails" are plaited
    I admit defeat again

    Oh, well

    Off to fling and crush.....
  • yah, that cockney rhyming slang is very confusing to me.
  • Congrats@kelani!!
  • I always thought I'd know a star when I saw one, but that wasn't easy. Every one of those little girls looked like they had a different part of @estar's personality :)
  • @hunnybunny - I think you'll find that our definition ’bunches' is specifically British English! (that presumably includes Welsh English -if that's not an oxymoron!)
  • very confusing all those different meanings or words in English @hunnybunny
    I googled the word pigtails and all I got are those I have in the photo. I always thought the same word applied to plaited and non plaited double tails at the side of ones head. But then again English is not my first language, so what do I know.
  • Congrats @kelani! Yep @hunnybunny is also right,we say bunches for 2 pigtails but for 1 it's a ponytail!! Could @estar,@mumsie & @kathy check their dings please?
  • Ah Thanks for explaining that @mumsie I was just about to google bunches as I never have come across that words with this meaning.
  • @kelani She was a friend, but not my best friend. And sorry I was never the trouble maker ... or party starter. I hate to admit I was always the miss goodie two shoes :/
  • Ok.....if my niece asked for a pigtail I'd do a ponytail, if she wanted pigtails I'd do 1 at each side......which is bunches.....ermmmmm if she wanted plaits she'd ask for a pig with plaits,a pony with plaits or bunches with plaits.......then there's a French plait...... Bloody girls ;)
  • The girl in the red shirt looks like the class troublemaker.

    edit: er... bully. I'd run from her on the playground.
  • I'm seeing a young John Cusack there @kelani! Nothing like the underground garage photo. Has grey snuck in or are you holding onto the dark side?;)
  • @JLZ So far, the salt & pepper's stayed below nose-level, and only appears when I forget to shave. I have had a LOT of gray hair scares, but they always ended up being Swipey fur :) I think he sticks them in there to torment me.
  • My phone went hoodoo on me while changing out battery sorry I missed stuff I'll try to catch up lol.. replied @Jlz666
  • @JLZ right!! I was thinking the same thing hee hee John Cusack... but the photo is too small to make out the details of the face. So that is Kel -8 years right... so you would be how old in that pict? 31?
  • Spot on @Jlz666 a young John Cusac!!
  • @kelani I do not remember her (maybe she moved to a different school?!), so I guess not... the troublemaker were the cute boy/girl Hunnybunny picked and the super blond boy next to the teach.
  • What's a'plait' @Jlz666 is it what i call a braid? Never heard bunches. .
  • Aww thanks @hunnybunny have to say though... my fetish with feet is actually feet in combination with a beach and a sea... the image I have of total relaxation :)
  • So I assume you actually did do white water rafting on a different river @kelani? I've only done it once - in Canada - it was very tame in white water rafting terms but great fun!
  • If you will excuse me, this Dutchie is now very confused about what to call a certain hair-do in English so I will stop trying to make sense of it all :)
  • Roflmao me to @Estar !!! Bunches braided pigtails ponytail !! Argghhh !!
  • lol bunny feet

    @estar noo, In 1996, I was 21 :) Every time I post a pic and nobody runs away screaming, I find one that's closer and more detailed to post...later :)

    edit: That can go on for awhile. The closest you can get is a 2048x1800 macro pic of my eye :)
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