The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2470
  • @rat9
    So, 30 new brass hog level, + mirror levels for any episode except eggs, eggsteroids and Danger zone. That makes PB (30) + CC (30) + FMTTM (10) + Utopia (30) + RP (30) + PD (30) + CC (30) + BI1/2 (40) + BH (30) = 260. So, 290 new levels.
  • @rat @all Rovio just lost the plot
    Daily challenges, including "trying out" power ups, mirror levels, et al. Good God (sorry, should said Good Giraffe!) what have they done to Space. Mister Rat you'll be crying in your Southern Fried Chicken and Grits
  • I hear ya Mrs. Bunny. What is this? I've only played one level and it was hard to control. Looks like a lot of rinse and repeats. Yikes!!!

    Edit: BTW, I prefer Shrimp and Grits.
  • Good night @rat update me with the Space fiasco...
    If you haven't deleted AB and ABN by tomorrow. I wouldn't blame you.
  • Good night @Hunnybunny. I went ahead and did the other two levels of Brass Hogs. Imagine my surprise when I got two top scores and 1st place overall. (for the next five minutes) lol
  • *drags herself in, disheveled and dizzy* OB I'll have a SpacePigKiller please..
    I've been struggling still with CC7-16.. I'm am defeated:( *sniff*
    @Pa @sglouk Thank you both for the tips and help..i tried i really did made it up to #26 with 106k but that darn planet will Not budge from debris :( time to pi c k myself up and sail on..
    Good Luck all with the New levels..i need to do a backup before i download it probably row but jeez hearing horror stories Is it that bad?
  • @Kathy @SweetP -- I thought the only one who might sympathize with my "cold" day of golf was SweetP.
    For the Space update, I finished the daily objectives, the Brass Hog levels, the Brass Hog Mirror levels (those available of course), and the mirror of Pig Bang, most with 3* but not all.
    I can't even imagine how long it's going to take to 3* all, let alone get above average.
    @Rat must me in 7th heaven, or the 7th level of hell if he can't play.
  • Lol @mvnla today it was a little 'warmer got all the way up to 34° ;) hey a 'cold day in Cali golfing beats a 'warm' day of winter in Boston hands down.
    Nice job on the update.. I'll try it tommorow. .ehh maybe ?
    off to listen to my book I'm on book 12 i think in the series. It's very well read by the narrator really I'm impressed:) Bbfnmcblbidi
  • A little of both @Mvnla2. I wish I was feeling better. I succeeded in completing the three Brass Hog levels high enough to take first for the moment. But I don't think I can keep up with three levels a day. It was a struggle and painful today. I don't think I will continue being that stupid.
  • Night @Pa
  • Night Ma
  • Sorry @mvnla2, I haven't been able to keep up too well with all that's been going on here. And look at that, it's almost 11:00pm! Gotta get to bed as soon as I'm done.

    You're right, I do sympathize with you! It sure was very cold yesterday and I only saw the sun come out for a few minutes! At least it was nicer today, though. Nope, no golfing yet. Maybe this coming weekend, hoping it'll be warm enough!

    Darn, no time to read back the last couple of pages. I guess I'll have to catch up tomorrow before heading out to the market.

    Good night all!

  • @Hunnybunny @Kathy
    I do not like the Brass Hog level design, but some mirror world level are really interesting. Basically, if you enjoyed some ABSp episode, you'll enjoy their mirror levels. The problem, however, is that (i) most levels are larger and become hard to play on an iPhone (ii) the grayish screen make things even more difficult to see (at least on a small screen). I hope that at some point one becomes allowed to recover true colors in mirror levels.

  • @Sglouk
    I doubt they ever restore color to the mirror world. You're stuck with it.
    How many levels opened for you after the time expired? Just one for me.
  • @Hunnybunny
    I agree the latest development in Space is disappointing, but let's face it Rovio are a business
    and need to make money, 290 new levels with power ups, that will be a handy revenue stream.
    Whatever next "character swaps" " telepods" ?
  • @rat
    Then I'll have to purchase a device with a larger screen. I have opened this morning levels 4 and 5.
  • @rat
    Oh, and one can obviously do much better than my temporary top score on lvl 3, but you already know that, I presume.
  • @Sqlouk
    I don't know how to open up #5. Got #4, but no #5. ?????
  • @rat
    Maybe all the missions do not give the same amount of points. Among those I had to complete, there was smash xxx blocks, and three-star M2-3. Block smashing was easy, but M2-3 was quite challenging (well, for me).
  • @rat
    Confirmed by amslimfordy
  • @Sglouk
    I had to complete two mirror levels and use free trail power-ups. I three starred both mirrors and cleared the trail levels on all power-ups. All three timers are ticking but no level 5. ??? I'll wait...
  • Interesting, my daily challenges are different than @Sglouk; mine are: Complete level Cold Cuts M-7; complete level red planet M5-25, get 3* on level pig bang M-24). Just discovered that once you have completed tasks, the game won't tell you what they were. ATM I haven't completed that many of the mirror levels, so still possible to tell.
    Another interesting thing: My mirror levels aren't that greyed-out. It's actually difficult to tell them from the regular levels based on color. Don't think I did anything in particular to change color???
    @Rat -- Not sure what you mean by got #4, but not #5. Did you complete all the daily tasks, both today and yesterday? Levels in Brass Hogs open depending on how many of the tasks you've completed. Levels in the Mirror of Brass Hogs only open if you 3* the corresponding regular level. Although I think it is possible to pay to open them all.

  • @Rat -- Just saw your post. I would try hard closing all apps, and maybe even a hard shutdown and restart of your iPad.
  • Whaddaya hear, whaddaya say? New Space episode with some interesting novelties from Rovio. I've completed the first 4 levels and am lukewarm about them at best. Also, as @Hunnybunny said, daily missions are a turn-off. The first daily mission made sense from marketing perspective (forces you to try all power-ups), but the second one only forces you to complete levels in other episodes (some mirror, some not), which I don't know how it helps Rovio's bottom line.

    @Sglouk, don't forget about 5 "Fruit Loops Bloopers" levels for the grand total of 295. They actually seemed fun to me.

  • BTW, I'm in the same boat as @Rat re: level 9-5. After completing the second daily mission, only level 9-4 opened up for me. Info screen says "To unlock Brass Hogs level 5: 8/9". Confused here.
  • @fenikus
    No Froot Loops for me, it seems its appearance is country dependent.
  • Well @rat @fenikus @Sglouk @mvnla2 I get 1 2 3 5 and then they go berserk! I think I'll stick to Seasons and Rio, Space has never been my favourite
    And @fenikus see you reclaimed another Rio episode. Well done my friend.....

    No froot loops either......
  • .
    Long time since I've seen "."
    My post all went wrong.........
  • @Mvnla2 You know better than to ask me to post on my first pass at an episode. I don't look at walkthroughs until my second pass. It keeps my perspective fresh. But I will tell you here how I got my score on Brass Hogs level 4 here at the BP. Btw, I'm not happy with this approach. There's got to be a better way. lol

    1st shot: Aim at sling cable just above gravity field. Redirect to crane operator just prior to hitting cable.

    2nd shot: I don't know what to do with Red bird. He doesn't bring a lot to the party. I normally fling him into the left side of wooden blocks to destabilize them.

    3rd shot: Aim above the crane elevator and redirect to the roof.

    Lots of room for improvement on score. I didn't spend a lot of time perfecting the shot for top score. I was , and still am, more concerned why I can't get access to level 5. Whaaaa!

    Edit: Is this how the other flingers attacked this one?

  • @rat Thank-you for the strat! Got me temporarily into second place!

    Level 5 opened for me when I completed the three daily missions (second set of missions). Do you think we have to complete a set for every level to open? Not a fan of this.
  • I did the second set @catsnbirds. Only level 4 opened for me this time.
    You're welcome and congratz on your 2nd place score. You're going to make everyone else envious that doesn't stop by the BP. ha ha
  • @Rat -- Just found out that not only do different people get different missions, but the missions have different number of points, and the points to open a level are cumulative from day to day! So even though you completed the first 6 missions you were given, I think they must not have given you enough points to open level 5. @Estar, and I think also Slim, got harder missions today, and were able to open level 6. I was only able to open 5.
  • @Rat thanks for the info on level 4. I forgot that you never post on the first pass. Your strat is not what is in the walkthrough, which helps explain why your score is so good. Off to try it.
  • @Rat -- Nothing wrong with your strat! Really great, in fact! I'm sure this is the first time I've ever been ahead of the Mighty Rat, even if he isn't feeling great. So Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
  • @Mvnla2 I told you there was room for improvement using that strategy. You sure proved that. Great score and you're welcome.
  • Only five months, 29 days, 1 hour, and 31 minutes of whining left before you beat my score on 7-21 @Ma. Good luck and stay the course.
  • Night Pa♡
  • Good night @all
  • Good night Johnboy
    Nite nite @AEX10
    Sweet slumber Ma
  • @rat
    I checked again this morning about missions:
    If you are asked to finish a mirror world level, you get two points.
    If you are asked to three-star a mirror world level, you get three.
    Therefore, I suggest that you refuse any mission that do not award three points (or more, if any), so that you unlock level as fast as possible.
  • @Sglouk You can refuse a mission??? I assumed you did what they asked. And I always three star the levels. How do you refuse/get them to change to a higher point value task?
  • @rat
    Well, you have a red "X" in the upper right corner of the individual mission window. Just tap on it, wait 30 mins, and get a new mission. Beware, a new mission might be "smash xxx ice blocks", that you may complete even not knowing it has started if you fling any level at that time (it happened to me this morning). So keep track of when a new mission will open, and stop flinging just before, so as not to have a bad surprise.
  • @sglouk -- I figured out how to refuse a mission, but didn't know about having to watch out for the new mission, so Thanks! What's even worse is that the smash blocks, etc. missions seem to be only 2 points.
    @rat -- Do you mind if explain your strat on level 4? People are asking how I got the high score.
  • Sure no problem @Mvnla2. Give em a helping hand. Just don't ask me to go there. lol
  • @Hunnubunny, I am 100% with you on the Brass Hogs space episode -- think I'll pass on it (unless at some point they make all the levels available) and continue chasing ernor for the Finn Ice seasons crown.

    My "daily mission" today?

    1. Freeze 30 pigs
    2. Earn Feather from level 1 of Pig Dipper (no idea how to do this)
    3. 3-star all levels in Fry me to the Moon (really? Complete a whole other episode just to continue with this one? On the up side, I completed FMTTM level one and got the top score!)

    Sorry for the non-tuesday whining but I've been away from BP for a while and earned some freebie whine days ;-)

    Edit: Granted, 3-starring FMTTM episode gives full 10 points.
  • Stupid question for ya @Funikus. How do you know you're top score on level 1 of FMttM if no one has entered scores there yet???
    Nevermind...That means any score is top score. I get it now. ha ha
  • Hey @rat , there is something I share in common with you: I just have been expelled from the Game Center because of a suspiciously high score. I presume that the "cheater threshold" that you experienced before me was not updated despite the numerous new levels, so that I am still well ranked everywhere, but I nolonger appear in the overall leaderboard.
  • @Rat, I was wrong -- I actually snatched the top score in level 1 of (original) Pig Dipper. I was trying to see how to get the feather and boom -- I lucked out with the score. But, to your point, aren't both PD and FMTTM old episodes and have lots of scores entered? Were you thinking of mirror world levels? My mission was to 3-star all original FMTTM levels.
  • @rat @mvnla2 @fenikus @sglouk one of my missions was to "feather" a level. I've never used the mighty eagle in Space. Am I right in thinking that once my "free" eagles are gone, I have to pay for more?
    I really don't like this at all
    Good night, prosperous flinging, all xx
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