The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2472
  • @kathy
    Remember, when Rovio cleaned the Game Center, they also removed all the people who had a suspiciously high score on Pig Dipper because of the well-known glitch there. This removed all the best flingers from the Game Center Leaderborad (Rat, Romo, etc.). So maybe with the update they also reset your score on this level , so that you can now complete it in a glitch free version and regain a rank in the Game Center. Maybe you could ask @rat whether his crazy score survived the update.
  • @rat
    That's true, the way one has to perform the 2nd shot in 9-4 still eludes me. I have tried many things, and I do not know whether I missed one obvious efficient way, or if I did not get the lucky fluke when shooting at the correct place.
  • @rat
    Oh, and I also got a message from burpie, who was busy the last days. He is soon going to join the Brass Hogs quest, and will probably be a better challenger for you than I or anybody else. I also saw that Sigrid is back also.
  • oh yes @sglouk i Do remeber that but i do not have the gamecenter as i am on android. but my score on the nest board is there just in the game itself my 3 stars are missing?
  • @kathy
    If you visit S-15, do you have a highscore already set?
  • @kathy no problem, I had to go out for a while too. Have fun with Brass Hogs!
    I've had one mission for 10 points to improve a score, it was in Danger Zone. Not even a very impressive score, nothing like @rat would have, but after trying for an hour and not coming close I gave up & asked for another which of course was worth a lot less.
    @hunnybunny so you enjoy a nice haggis too... I guess it can't be that bad as so many people enjoy it. It's just that it sounds so yuck.
    And wow, I can't imagine finding out what you did about having a half-brother. I'm sorry you never got to meet him.
    @jlz666 my hubby passed on the Burns supper this year but my Dad is out enjoying it. Without my Mum of course.
    It's strange, with the Mirror levels - I know a lot don't like how they look, & on a small phone screen it must be even harder to see what's going on with everything so gray. But on my old ipad the levels are very colourful, just slightly different shades from the regular levels. Mvnla noticed it on her old ipad too. Wonder why it's different.
  • no @sglouk my stars and high score are gone..weird cuz i just recently completed pig dipper again on my new run through space. no big deal i guess I'll just have to do that 1 level over again.
    @karen68 I'm only on level 3 atm i haven't attempted any missions yet should I be? can i go through an then go back and do the missions and the mirror levels?
  • o.k cancel that question @karen68 i cannot unlock level 4! says i have to complete missions!
    OB i need a strong one:/
  • o.k there's 2 hour glasses and a thing that says' try power ups' i dont like this
    Ob make it a double
  • @karen68 @Pa @sglouk AnyOne Helllppppp? i did the mission try all power ups And Level 4 still locked! !!!
  • @kathy you have to get enough points from your missions to unlock the levels. Look on level 4, there should be a number, like 5/6 or something like that - the first tells you how many points you have & the 2nd how many you need to unlock it. I don't think the 1st 3 missions give you enough points to open more than the 1st 3 levels. You have to wait for your next missions.
  • nice date fix trick @fenikus ;)
  • thanks @Karen68 :) I'll have to check that out.. but fir now i tried @fenikus switch the date to trick the game into giving the missions. .he saidon the previous page. go to settings and unchecked auto date then set it for tommorow ;) it worked now i have 3 missions to complete ;)
  • @rat9 on level 4 when you say on the 3rd bird 'redirect to the roof' do you mean the roof of elevator or top of crane?
  • @fenikus we didn't get that much snow Friday night but definitley expecting the ' worst we ever had' tommorow :( stay safe and warm.. at least your pups like the snow if i remember correctly?
  • @Rat, thanks for the tip on 9-8 -- I haven't had the patience to wait for leftover debris to destroy itself after the first bird though. I waited good 30-45 minutes and then sent the second bird for a decent 185K score. How long do I have to wait for everything to self-destruct with 1-birder? I assume that's how you and @Sglouk got your scores.
  • @Kathy, it was lovely powdery snow that fell Friday/Saturday night. It was really nice. As for ? feet of snow we're supposed to get, the bigger dog loves it and she "swims" through it (I have a video of her swimming through 4 feet of snow). The smaller and older one is going to have trouble though (he sports an old leg injury).
  • @Sglouk, I'm all too aware of @Rat's feistiness when it comes to battling for episode top spots. The two of us had an epic battle in Rio Blossom River, but if memory serves correctly, he did eventually yield to a better (Rio) flinger ;-)

    Getting 155K+ in FMTTM level 10 does seem like a difficult task though so maybe I should pick another battle. I did try to challenge him in Cosmic Crystals but got turned off by the fact that level 7-5 was changed and now yields about 10K less than before the change.

  • my mission to open level 5 is to find Viking Lander in Red Planet !! problem being is I dont know WTH a Viking Lander is Or even if i did what freaking level of Red Planet is it On???!!
    OB you know what I need; )
  • @fenikus that's my kind of snow the light powdery stuff (not so good for snowball but pretty)
    as for feet coming ? i don't think even the weather man knows ;) we shall see and it will be what it is;)
  • now even with @fenikus time date trick i still have to wait a half hour because i refused the mission:( how was i supposed to know Where to find a Viking Lander? they dont even give you a clue:/
    yeppers OB is one of 'those' nights
  • @sglouk idk but you somehow hit on something indeed with my missing stars from Pig Dipper S-15 i could understand score being removed but actual removing stars from the app? strange but true..anyone else notice this happen? i got my 3 stars back now
  • @Kathy -- I haven't left many breadcrumb, especially ones that are mine as opposed to someone else's. @Rat is actually playing, so if you are having a lot of problems, I'm sure he would help.
  • @kathy the Viking Lander is in Red Planet 5-3, it's Eggsteroid E-11. If your mission is to find a Lander or a Rover or spaceship it's one of the Eggsteroid levels.
    You can find them here -
    You might see that mission pop up again, I've refused one only to have it reappear the next day.
  • ahhh Thanks @Karen68 :) lol what would i do without you♡ your the best
    OB keep handy the special stock for Karen and 2 glasses cuz I'll most likely be joining during this episode; )
  • @karen68 -- I'd forgotten Robbie Burns didn't write "modern" English. But happy Robbie Burns day!
    @Hunnybunny @JLZ-666 -- I'm totally confused by this talk about haggis. What on earth is Macsween's haggis?
    @Hunnybunny -- Interesting what family secrets come out eventually. Does your half-brother have any descendants?
    @Rat -- Interesting -- I've never gotten a 1 point mission. What are they? Strange that you haven't gotten any 3* a Mirror level.
    @TomPuss -- Hope all is well and we see you soon.
  • Oooh @kathy I didn't know you liked the good stuff! :)
    It took me over an hour just to get a 1-birder on the very first level. I hope that's not a sign of things to come. If it is, Ripsy's special stock will be gone by the time we get through this episode.
  • Hmm -- Just googled Macsweens haggis. I always thought haggis would be something somewhat disgusting, but this actually looks good. I guess they didn't say what parts of beef and lamb are included.
  • I'm not even trying for the one birder for now just trying to figure it all out
    the mirror levels are tricky i notice they are exctatly the same as original but backwards and double ?
  • I'm baaaacccckkkkk. Where to start? Questions all over the place.

    @Sglouk I still have no Game Center ranking on Pig Dipper or on the overall Space ranking because of the missing S-15. It bothers me not.
    I gave you a very good clue on 9-4. I assumed you'd incorporate it within minutes and have beaten my score already. I normally don't give out exact detailed instructions this early on . It takes the fun out of the puzzle when you know how to solve it. OK, I'll be detailed. But first, @Ma, shoot the top of the elevator, not the crane you silly goose. Back to you @Sglouk.

    Brass Hogs 9-4 directions (spoiler alert).
    1st shot: Aim at about the second break in the cable and activate just prior to hitting it. Redirect to the crane operator. This does three things.
    1. It pushes the horizontal wood plank to the left causing additional instability for later.
    2. It clears the cable for an easier shot at the elevator
    3. It collects more points from additional damage of the crane cab and from the destruction of more stuff from the falling sling. Glass blocks, etc. Scores above 30k are good.

    2nd shot: Aim Red at the end of the lowest horizontal wood plank. Shoot at medium full power. If you go whole hog (ha ha) on the power as most flingers tend to do, you won't get the destruction of the concrete block and a partial collapse of that area. You must destroy that block to score above 110kish.

    3rd shot: Reduce your speed to make this shot easier. It must be exact. Aim above the elevator and redirect straight down at the right roof and stabilizer bar. Maybe a pixel to the left of the intersection. You want the elevator pushed down before gravity pulls it to the left. And, if possible, you want it basically intact. The lower trajectory increases the speed of the elevator and gives it a great angle to drive into the TNT and other stuff. This clears a lot from the right side allowing the destabilized left side to fall to the right (the center of gravity).

    I haven't played it much but I think scores in the 120k range are possible. Say good bye to another top score Rat. Did I get the stRATegy correct @Mvnla2?

    Get some supplies before the weather hits @Fenikus. It sure looks pretty. I'm not the expert on 9-8 but you're welcome. I only shot at it four times before I got my current score. Stuff (points) kept flying out into Space on my first three tries so I let it collapse slowly when I noticed the connectors were all destroyed. It took about a half hour and went so slowly at times that two of the blues poofed out of existence.

    BTW @Fenikus, I remember Blossom River differently. I was in the lead when my body gave out. I tried to bow out graciously but you wanted to kick a man while he's down. I forgive you. Are you ever going to take 1st place at the river? I would if it meant anything to me. lol In FMttM you have the same chance I had. No update advantages or disadvantages. And as you said, it's only ten levels. ha ha ha Good luck.

    Did you ever find the lander @Ma? He's on the Eggsteroids planet. Last page.

    And you're correct @Mvnla2. I'll always help if asked.

    I'm sure I missed some questions. My ears were burning all evening.

    And last but not least, Hi @Karen68. Enjoy your haggis. What am I doing? That haggis is long gone. Yum yum

    Edit: @Mvnla2 You can cut the strategy for 9-4 and paste it in the place I dare not go if you'd like.
  • And now for a little flinging.
  • @Ma I just read my notifications about 9-4. Do you doubt the Mighty Rat? ha ha ha ha ha
    Thanks for taking up for me @Mvnla2.
  • Never Doubt Ya Pa :) was just Curious; )
    Thanks for the details on 9_4 and no i didn't look fir the rover but @ karen68 told me whare to look so next time ;)
    i gotta call it a night now
    it's a night
  • See ya in the morning Ma, Nite nite
  • @Sglouk I looked at the Brass Hoggs update and played the first three levels. I won't be changing my phone's calendar to speed up the challenges so it'll be a long while before I complete the episode. If I ever do... I don't enjoy jumping through hoops to unlock levels. Presumably Rovio expects me to play mirror levels while waiting for the next challenge but I'd rather gnaw my leg off.
  • @burpie
    The most point awarding missions are those where you are asked to beat your score on some level. As far as I can tell, they are given to you only if you have already 3-starred the level. Now, you cannot easily beat your score in any preexisting level, for obvious reasons. Therefore, I would recommend that you make a quick and dirty pass to 3-star as many mirror world levels as possible, then reset each mission that do not ask you to improve your score on such levels. When done correctly, you can get 30 pts per day, and unlock everything in two weeks.
  • @Sglouk Thanks for the tip. I'll consider 3-starring as much as I can in an evening.
  • what!! how come the mirror levels i complete yesterday now have No stars!??
    good morning all Happy ugh..Monday :(
  • @burpie
    When you reach M2-14, let me know, I have not been able to three-star this one. I presume that some one-birder solution exists for this one.
  • Just got the ABSp update some hours ago. completed first 3 missions and then after hacking (thanks to @fenikus) I got a 10 points mission which was saying to beat my high score in PB level 1-3 ! need some hard work.....
  • woohoo !! comment magic !!
    got a high score :))
    didn't knew luck changes that fast ;)
  • woohoo @ayorymita !!
    i am still kinda confused by it all but I'm getting it slow but sure:)
    have a great day all:)
  • are there walkthroughs for the mirror levels? or at least the mission ones @Estar? and ty for the greatest walkthrough videos^☆☆
  • @kathy
    nobody gets the same missions. The chosen level seem to vary from one people to another, although I wonder they could be partally determined by the player's activity or leaderboard.
  • @rat
    Thanks for all these details. Actually what I wrote earlier was more a status report than a request of help. I had tried more or less all the aiming direction at full speed, to reach the conclusion that something else was needed. I was suspecting that aiming close to this stone block was the right thing to do (if it was there, there had to be a reason), but I'll never know if I would have been able to find it myself.
  • @Kathy the mirror levels are a work in progress as you might understand knocking out 260+ videos isn't a small job... I have been working on the BH levels and unlocking them (with the same trick as mentioned before, I learned of it in CandyCrush and was happily surprised when it worked in AB Space as well). I think the Guys are or have uploaded them by now. The missions are random for everyone, so there is no way we could just do the mirror levels reported in the missions. So it's just one level at a time... but they will eventually all be here in the nest.
  • oh and pardon me, hellooooooo my fellow flingers, sorry for my absence! Same oll same oll... winter blues, real life obligations and still dealing with the pitb. But other than that it's great to be here :D
  • Stay safe everyone on the snow side! brrrrr, OB can I have a hot choco? thanks
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