The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2502
  • Taking a break to drink my Whiine while i watch @zebung video brb thanks for the wine zebung:)
  • awwww Princesss !!!!
  • Hmmm .....interesting video @zebung The song is awesome but hmmm..i missed the connection Maybe it's the Wine hee hee
  • @ZeBung Texas born & raised. Never left (to live anywhere else, have travelled lots). Nope not an Aggie. (Smile)...... Owl.
  • @kathy well 200 yards away from the cathedral, tucked up in bed, in the hotel
    Will catch up with everything else later.
    Good night, God bless xx
  • @kathy "Why does it always rain on me" - @rat is raining on my parade! I'm sure you'll both overtake me ;-) Good song though, video is a little odd, on the other hand...

    @ABcrazy Plano boy from before it became so big (my backyard was a ranch when I grew up). Guessing you're You-stn? No worries, like you anyway ;-) Miss the bluebonnets (and Spring, tornados, a good gullywasher, baseball-sized hail, good Tex-Mex, "darlin' " at Denny's or a diner, beautiful brunette Texas girls, baseball, HS football on a Friday night - long list). If you ever get a chance to see the 2nd season of "Welcome to Sweden" on NBC, look for me in the 5th or sixth episode. Had fun working with Greg Poehler (Amy Poehler's (from SNL and Parks and Recreation) brother.

    Anyway, nattinatt @everyone;_ylt=AwrB8o9JmzFVLAwAE3qJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIzc2hqbTF2BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANmMzQ0NmQ2MWEwZGE0MWQ2ZGU4MzMwYWFhY2RkYWNkMQRncG9zAzg3BGl0A2Jpbmc-?.origin=&amp;back=;w=1280&amp;h=979&amp;;rurl=;size=1799.6KB&amp;name=Field+of+<b>Bluebonnets</b>+under+Cloudy+Sky&amp;p=bluebonnets&amp;oid=f3446d61a0da41d6de8330aaacddacd1&amp;fr2=piv-web&amp;fr=ymyy-t-999&amp;tt=Field+of+<b>Bluebonnets</b>+under+Cloudy+Sky&amp;b=61&amp;ni=21&amp;no=87&amp;ts=&amp;tab=organic&amp;sigr=12nb08q7m&amp;sigb=13ecbfqeh&amp;sigi=12t7l1tsf&amp;sigt=11cgvccfi&amp;sign=11cgvccfi&amp;.crumb=7sIe9woAmPk&amp;fr=ymyy-t-999&amp;fr2=piv-web
  • Affirmative @Zebung I grew up next to JSC when it was surrounded by rice & cow patties. My dad was recruited from a well known European country during Apollo. I sorta followed some of his footsteps.
    I'm missing the Bluebonnets now. It's a great year for them but I just can't get out of You-stn to see them in their prime. You left herricuns off your list but I know what your sayin.

  • Beautiful photos @zebung
    and to you also @Abcrazy
    I'm surrounded by Texans !! Not a bad thing in my book :!!
  • @zebung Speaking of gully washers, we got a good one going on tonight. I never thought much about them because they come pretty regular in spring. 'April Showers' right? Then I had professional colleagues visiting from another part of the country a few years ago. A storm blew through while we were meeting in a glass corner office room. Poor guy is looking out the windows at rain pelting sideways, tree branches swinging every which way, and lightening bolts streaking. He asks, looking at us all calm, is this normal? We had barely noticed, yes, it's spring, these come through about once a week this time of year. He tries to accept that but looks at us like we are crazy. :-)
  • Night Pa♡
  • Night Ma

    @ZeBung Rain on your parade? Not me. I'm not picking on you. People I'm picking on know it. I have no subtlety. ha ha
    btw, my brother and sister in laws have lived in Plano for 30ish years.
  • @hunnybunny

    Rabbit destroys castle (Game of Thrones):
  • @HunnyBunny Bluestone has a lot of very nice beaches. Best beach? I've seen some really great beaches. A walk on the beach or on a coastal path...hard to fault either. Enjoy. Don't rush back. ha ha
  • awwww @Tompuss that poor little bunny it wasn't his fault!! lol I'm not familiar with Game of thrones what is it? whoever built the castle obviously made it for the bunny guess they shoulda used wood!
  • I know that one @zebung ! love that oldie but goodie
    @hunnybunny I'm sooooooo Jealous!! hope your having a wonderful time!
    your so lucky to be able to experience those sights that i can only dream of *sigh * ty for sharing :)
  • Oops, Misread something.
  • i know is not Tuesday but i feel like a little Wwwwwwihhhhhiiiiinnneee! !!
    OB i would like a SpacePigKiller with lots of Ice please!
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Night Ma
  • hey bartender! can i get a shot of bacon with a bacon chaser?
  • @Jkhab69 It's mighty early to be hitting the strong stuff. What seems to be the problem?
  • Oh wow... 2 weeks have gone by! So sorry people for dropping of the face of the earth, but besides the mystery pitbum I got floored with all kinds of crazy symptoms, one of them being without any kind of energy... and yes, much like the pitbum, this too is still a mystery :( But I regained some of my energy and ditched half of the symptoms, so my hope is on the last test the docs are doing or that it will magically disappear over the next couple of weeks... yeah right I know, much like the pitbum I am not holding my breath.

    I do see I missed a lot since easter... no chance of me catching up, so I am not going to even try to hit all the marks. But I am smiling big time seeing our beloved @TomPuss back in the BP with her wide variety of videos! Love it (although I don't see them all), mainly because of the variety, there is always something there for everyone!

    I also see I missed the 125k mark, we could have celebrated that, shoot! Oh well, maybe we make a big ball of a party for the 150k :)

  • @jkhab69 long time no see! How is life treating you? how is the kitty (still love that picture of the bigeyed cat!)?
  • (((((Hugs))))) @estar So nice to see you pop in..
    lol Really that's funny the game of thrones is the most popular t.v show and i know nothing about it hee hee showz how much 'regular t.v' i watch. .now I'm more confused haha Whats a bunny in a make believe castle have to do with it :/ I'll have to look it up thanks.
    right now I'm watching Madagascar 3 that's my kind of t.v haha beside my soap opera of course Days of our lives:)
  • @jkhab9 nice to see you also! any time of day is good for Bacon anything lol!

    hi Pa;)
  • Estar sorry i didn't let you know if the 125 mark i almost missed (well i did actually )
    but for abcrazy notice:/ yeepers we will celebrate 150 for sure!
    i gotta scoot out to the store.. bbinab
  • I have no clue either @kathy why there are bunnies in a fantasy drama haha... I am a series junkie so I could have easily fallen for Game of thrones, but I am not a fan of only violence and nudity and in the trailers that is what I got from it, so it never "hooked" me.

    Me, we signed up for NetFlix at the beginning of the year and I am just trying out all kinds of old series that I never watched... currently started with "Haven" with a mix of "Midsomer Murders".
  • Going to get of my pitbum and make sure I turn in on time, busy week up ahead, so better save my newly regained energy to get me thru next week. After that we have a lot of holidays coming up, April 27th (our KingsDay), week after that May 5th (Liberation Day WWII), week after that May 14th (Ascension Thursday) and 2 weeks after that May 25th (Pentecost Monday), all days we get a day off from work :)))
  • Lol @estar @kathy's favourite saying translated into "bird speak"
    @rat you've been to Bluestone, the one in west Wales?
    I'm home now, but Devon next weekend, and possibly (probably) a cruise two weeks later.
    Searching for bluebells.....
  • @zebung uploaded bluebell picture to ABN, for reasons I cannot explain, my old iPad and the ABN album are not friendly at all. They fight. Have failed miserably to get any sort of thumbnail or link here, but should you be interested, the bluebell wood picture is in my album. Like bluebonnets do you think?
  • Hi @Estar. My brain hasn't engaged yet from my nap. I read all your comments wondering what pitbum is. I even googled it. Excuse me for a minute while I check my bed. I must have left my brain there. Yep! There it was. Still resting on the pillow. OK, now that I've ingested some caffeine, a little light has finally gone off in my head. Pain-In-The-___(bum). Duh? At least I got a few hours of sleep.
    Your not the only one who hasn't seen Game of Thrones. I don't pay for HBO or any of the other alphabet channels on my TV.

    @Hunnybunny I lived in England for two years but never made it over to Wales, let alone Bluestone and it's beautiful beaches. But I have seen a few spectacular beaches. I was just asking if you are sure that yours are the best in the world? I wish I had your energy. Devon, then a cruise in a few weeks? I'm lucky to get to the supermarket lately. Moving kinda slow.
  • Oh Drats! I missed the Sunday night rush while looking for my marbles.
  • @rat
    Our beaches are as good as any, and close to home, which makes them a hundred times better than those which you have to fly thousands of miles to see...
    And energy, got to use it up while it's still with me and Mr Bunny
    Hope you find yours again (and the marbles)
    Goodnight all xx
  • @Hunnybunny Close is good. Mrs. Rat keeps making noises about a secondary beach house. I like the idea but still not sure I'm on board with it. Sounds like a lot of work.
    Good night to your side of the pond.
  • Night Pa !♡
  • Back at ya Ma
  • @hunnybunny Bluebonnets are wild lupins - I'd never heard of them till I saw those lovely pictures posted by @ZeBung, for which many thanks.

    @all Here's the best Rube Goldberg machine I've seen so far:

    Hi @EStar, @kathy Game of Thrones not my scene either, but bunny seems inspired by the theme music to raze that castle to the ground like a pro!
  • anybody awake yet?
  • @rat we have two friends with second homes. One a cottage on the beach in the UK, the others have a villa in the mountains in Spain. If you have a couple of hours I'll bore you to death with what has gone wrong with them over the years (boiler blowing up twelve hours before flight home from Spain was the latest). Today's tip: find friends with second homes, enjoy all the benefits with none of the problems.
    Nighty night
  • @TomPuss -- That Rube Goldberg machine is impressive, except for the fact that it isn't real.
  • Night Pa♡
  • You were so successful with your i-Pad that maybe you could scare some of my electronics Mrs. Bunny. I've had nothing but problems for over six months. I know. I've got your picture. I'll show that to the trouble makers. That ought to scare em. he he

    Good night Ma

    Good morning @Jkhab69
  • @mvnla2 Oh, dear, I was very gullible, wasn't I . . *blushes in embarrassment* -:(
  • Nobody's that gullible @TomPuss.
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