The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2500
  • @bernersenn I'm confused :/ i think you meant someone else asking the meaning of 'bulbs'?
    i think maybe @mvnla2 was wondering how to preserve the tulip bulbs?
  • Jeeez with the page changing Princess that's 2 in a row!
  • Wow 2500 pages!! and i think this page will bring us up to 125k comments!!!
  • @Bernersenn So all those "supposed" Dutch tulips originally came from Turkey? @Kathy's right. @Estar is going to be happy about that. The Netherlands claims tulips. Biggest growers of tulips in the world.
    How long before your hand is 100%?

    Heeeyyy @fenikus. I took up your challenge and started playing Mirrors. I'm about done with Brass Hogs if you want to play.
  • arghh @rat9 lol What am i right about? i don't recall or see looking back me saying Anything about bulbs ? or @Estar being involved in any conversation about it? What ?
  • to quote a quote from @hunnybunny who quoted from a quote

    " I think I'll get up early tomorrow and go to the gym.
    And I might win the lottery.
    The odds are much the same"
  • You said @Estar wasn't going to like him calling tulips Turkish instead of Dutch. They take great pride in their tulips. I plan on going over to see the fields one day.
  • I didn't say that @rat9 @bernersenn ? you guys have me confused with someone else i know Nothing about Tulips Dutch or Turkish or anything :( ??.??
  • @Ma If I get 17 top scores in Brass Hogs Mirror, I'll work out too. We both have about the same odds. Come on!! Nobody can get that many top scores months after the release of the episode.
  • Well Ma. You should have said it. I'll say it. She won't be happy.
  • Lol @Pa you almost have them
  • I feel a conspiracy under foot with me being the fall guy lol.
    @Estar In my defense I never said nothing concerning Tulips except to thank @BPC for the beautiful video!
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Night Ma
  • @mvnla2 On the twenty-something-th of March, all European countries concerned by CET (Central European Time, equivalent to UTC+1), including France, switched to CEST (Central European Summer Time, eq to UTC+2). So when I write this post, it's 1.07 PM (CEST). I'll see the time displayed.
    Edit : So ABN displays 12.08 PM, so it's still on CET. I don't know if the problem is created by the Nest or by the IP address. The second one is almost impossible. Google often localizes me at 2-5 km from my city, but I don't think it could think I'm in UK... So if the Nest has a problem, it should be fixed.
    PS : Ask @sosich or @angryde, who live both in the CET/CEST zone, to be sure.
  • I glad you figured out what time it is @zackvoyager. It's important to know. It's 1:17am here and 12:17pm in London. So good afternoon to you and everybody else on that side of the pond.
  • @mvnla2 - About preserving the bulbs, as I've done this before (and this also works for many bulb-type flowers).
    I used to think that they needed to be frozen to simulate winter, but when I talked to someone at the local nursery where I used to buy from, I was told it was unnecessary, and to leave them in the ground. I was pleasantly surprised when they started sprouting the next spring! There were some bulbs that I dug up to plant elsewhere and stored them in a mesh bag until I planted them in the fall.
  • @sweetP @Bernersenn -- You guys all have me confused with someone who is an avid gardener. Leaving tulip bulbs in the ground and hoping they will flower again the next year is fine. Digging them up and replanting every year, whether or not you put them in the refrigerator / freezer / closet, is just not happening.
    It is true that I used to spend hours in the garden, but that was decades ago.
    I am considering getting someone to dig up our grass and replace with draught tolerant plants, but it hasn't happened yet.
  • Hello Guys, good afternoon.

    Just have to get rid of some confusion:
    @Kathy yes, I was talking about the tulip bulps

    @rat thanks for asking. I think it will be never 100%. Functionality is ok, there is no pain, no harm happened. But two light red spots remain; they hurt when I walk the dogs and its cold outside. Just put the hand in my coat and pain is gone. On the other hand, much, much more damage could have been happened. Also possible was a broken nerve or sinew.

    And no, all these tulips are not coming from Turkey. The wild predecessor (the right word for it?) was growing in Turkey. Then some Italians brought them to Italy. Again, Dutch people picked it up and have ennobled it. More colors, more sizes.

    @mvnla2 I suppose your gardener will be right. I respect other peoples opinion, even if they are not right.

  • @Bernersenn Great that there appears to be no permanent damage to your flinging hand. From how you described your symptoms, it could have been a lot worse. That will teach you to run with the (pick one: Big, Top, Alpha) dawg.
    "Dutch people...have ennobled it". I like the way you put that. The Dutch took something that was foreign, tweaked it, and owned it. They sure did make em purdy.

    Hi @SweetP. I have to agree with @Mvnla2 on this one. If, and I mean if, I get bulbs in the ground, they're on their own from that point on. Live, die, flower, don't flower...they'll get no more help from me. ha ha My thumb is not green.
    I use it for flingin'.
  • @Bernersenn Except for Mirrors, I fling with my left hand. How do you do otherwise?
  • @rat I fling right handed whether I'm in regular or mirror world. Since it entails reaching across the screen for all regular levels, I often use my little finger since that covers up less of the view. I have tried with my left hand, but it just feels wrong. Sure does make mirror world feel natural, and fun!
  • Thanks @@bernersenn for the Beutiful Flowers :) Yellow Roses are my faviorite :)
    Woot ! 2500 pages :)
    I'm sorry folks I'm beat Tgif !
    Nattinatt all ;)
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Night Ma
  • How do you get accuracy bringing your hand over the screen @catsnbirds? I need to have my hand feel like it's part of the I-pad to get stability. Some of the shots are only a few pixels wide.
  • @rat We seem to have our favorite positions to play. I'm in a recliner, iPad on my lap with the case angling it up, left hand holding it steady, right wrist resting on my waist and either index or little finger flinging. Cat in lap may add another degree of difficulty and change that setup a bit! (Hello, my name is catsnbirds and I'm an iPadaholic.)
  • @Rat I am extreme right handed. Meaning that my left hand is just good for holding the Ipad on its place. As said earlier, I don't get three stars on #2 (the right hand version) - so this will end into a disaster (I think). But, never give up
  • @rat, I still need help please! When you said "joint of the wood and concrete slabs..." do you mean the slanted plank the pig is sitting on?
  • Ermm, @Kathy those are tulips.
    Thanks @bernersenn for brightening up the BP. I love tulips, they're gorgeous!
  • Ha ha ha ha @SweetP
    More or less correct. This shot is a lot harder than the walkthrough or a straight down shot but you can score an additional 5k this way.
    You're aiming for the end of the wood plank where it overlaps the angled concrete slab.
    And you don't need to travel all the way to the pig. Your angle can be a little steeper. But it was the best landmark to get my point across.
  • Morning @all I will be leaving the ABN, Not because I want to,
    Because I am Very Very Busy, and have no time
    to come on :(
    I will try to come on when possible
  • @SweetP Let me know what you come up with as a second shot. There were loads of points left for the taking on mine. Good luck, but not enough luck to beat me please.

    Edit: @Ma and I are trying to get all levels in Brass Hogs to third place or better. Beating us on this one would send us back to flinging. lol
  • We'll miss you @AEX10.
    @SweetP You said you had trouble understanding my directions on Brass Hogs Mirror level 4 because you're mind is frazzled after playing Utopia. But I can't find any scores input by you for Space or Mirror Space Utopia. ????
  • Woot! Woot! Woot!
    I got it @Ma. Top three or better on all levels of Brass Hogs Mirror.
    I know it doesn't have a huge number of flingers playing it. But it has been out for over two months. So I'm going to go ahead and award myself charter member of the "TOP THREE CLUB". And they said it couldn't be done. But I forgive the naysayers. I didn't think it could be done either. ha ha ha ha ha

    What do you think Ma? Go for Top Two?
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Night Ma
  • @Aex10 -- Sorry you can't pop in more often, but I do understand. Sometimes the priorities of real life just take too much time. Good Luck! Hope there is some fun involved in whatever you're doing, and pop in when you can.
  • @bernersenn interesting read on the Tulip Wars

    @Estar @kathy @TomPuss @Rat @mvnla2 New Swedish funny expression for today:
    "bra fart"

    Translation: good pace/speed (heard watching a football/soccer match)
    "bra" = good, "fart" = speed

    I'm a sucker for bathroom humor hihihi
  • Awww sorry to hear we are losing you @AEX10 :( but yes Real life takes precedence over gaming! its good you can keep things in perspective that will help in your future.
    Good Luck with school and all your endeavors. .ddo please pop in once in a while to let us know how things are going:)
  • @ZeBung What guy doesn't like a good speed joke? Ha ha ha
    I don't think that song fits you @Hunnybunny. Retired, house on the bay, boat in the slip. Nope. Doesn't quite fit.
  • Hey @rat can you believe this? 229k on Brass Hogs 9-8 with TWO birds! I wish I had been more patient when I suspected that he crumble had stalled and decided to use a 2nd bird.
  • @Sglouk No, I can't believe it. Two birds? Really?
  • @rat The "agonizingly slow crumble" as you said started when I got to bed at 12:30am. When I woke up, at 8:30, the score was 161k with an impressively large chunk of debris. Only one pig "cell" was still more or less intact, with one wounded pig inside. In maybe 90 minutes, score slowly climbed to 173k, and then it seemed to stall. The chunk of debris did not seem to have changed, although part were probably more damaged (hard to see on a small iPhone screen). After 15 minutes, I decided to end the process and sent LB through the middle of the chunk. Everything was destroyed in a few seconds, giving me an extra 36k, plus 20k for remaining birds.

    My impression is that these slow crumbles do not prevent pigs from being killed in the process, and the level usually ends far before crumble is completed. This time I was lucky that one pig had survived till 173k. Should I have waited, maybe the crumble would have restarted from the apparent stalled state, but maybe the pig would have soon died, giving me around 210k (an already respectable score).
  • @sglouk don't! I leave 9-8 running every night. It was 101,000 before I went to bed one night. More or less all intact. Mr Bunny gets up before me and uses ipad, reports that it was on 150k or similar. I rush in to shoot second bird, and Rovio had shut down Space! Arrgghhh!
    You are right though, amazing scores available there. Perhaps someone should leave it running when on a four month tour of Australia and New Zealand, or some such.... lol

    @rat no boat for us, enough money to live on, comfortably, for the foreseeable future (sounds like the Rat family?) Just liked the song!!
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