The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2505
  • still nobody up?
  • @Jkhab69 Anyboy here. Can you hear me? I said any Boy is here. Why don't you want to talk with the females?
  • females are icky and they have cooties!
  • oh wait, Im not 6 years old, I take that back! lol
  • Ooo! You're in trouble.
  • sshhh! dont tell @sweetp I said that!
  • Ah-hah! I heard that, @Jkhab69! Just for that, you'll have to go and help OB in the kitchen for an hour.
  • @jkhab69 boys are nasty and have the dreaded lurgy!
  • Not the dreaded lurgy! How did that infection get out of Europe Mrs. Bunny?
  • @hunnybunny...there's something about you and motorcycles and Greece...What did you run into? I assume your injuries were pretty bad! But I'm glad you survived that horrible experience. HWDNF has gone down twice, the last one someone cut him off and he braked, but front end washed out and he went down hard. Broke the right collar bone, shoulder blade, and three ribs. $4k - courtesy of ins co. - in repairs and new parts and the bike is just the way he always wanted it, including custom paint. Take a peek at my album.
    Everyone keeps asking us if we stopped riding. Of course we always tell them we're not afraid to ride!

    Edit: thanks for threatening the dreaded lurgy on @Jkhab69! LOL
  • @hunnybunny , oh no! I dont know what lurgy is but it may explain my urges to howl at the moon and chase cars.
  • Lurgy is similar to the flu. Ewwww, don't come near us..
  • night pa♡
  • @SweetP I though "The Lurgy" was a fictitious disease akin to male "Cooties". Or a catch all term of old for a variety of mild aches, pains, maladies and such.

    Night Ma
  • well, I guess it could be a fictitious term I still wanna chase cars and bark at squirrels
  • Well, whatever lurgy is @rat, I surely don't want it. OK @Jkhab69, you can come out from hiding now. I won't bite, promise...just be careful you don't chase any riders on motorcycles or there'll be some bad consequences!
  • @sweetp my injuries were a lot less hurtful than when the motorcycle riding fiancé dumped me a couple of months later! Nice bike BTW

    @jkhab69 I used to be a werewolf, but I'm alright nooooooooooowwwww! (The oldies are the best)
  • @jkhab69 all i gotta say is hi:) Boys drool and Girls rule; )
    oh wait I'm a grownup now too lol..cancel that !! hee hee
  • Night all !

    Night Pa ♡
  • Well @Kathy, I don't care what age we are, we still RULE! And yes, men still do drool...
  • a huh *said quietly hoping to avoid showing contempt for those cootie infested girls*
  • Ah ha @rat what would you without us?
  • @all what happened to @kelani? Made more comments in two months than most of us make in a year. Shot up the leaderboards. Became an admin. Not been active in the last month.
  • It would be a boring world Mrs. Bunny. Very boring.
    Excuse me while I go look up the definition of "bi-polar".
  • Good question @hunnybunny..I feel like we've been used :( but he did meet a girl ♡♡♡♡
  • Night Pa♡
  • Night Ma

    I'm ready to move on to Cosmic Crystals when you are.
  • anybody here, cooties or not?
  • Cootie here, nasty!
  • Guess the time difference is blighting the BP, as normal.
    OB, my tab, drinks for @kathy @rat @jkhab69 @sweetp
    Goodnight all xx
  • Whew! I didn't realize how thirsty I was @Hunnybunny. I ran your tab way up. Sorry. Free drinks just taste better for some reason.
  • @EStar It's your birdday, sweet Dutchie!!! Here's wishing our lucky star ⭐⭐⭐ a wonderful time with lots of love and laughter!

    Fijne Verjaardag:

  • HAPPY Birdday @Estar ****
    Star of the Day every day;:)
  • Sorry lol i started early i was practicing before bed hee hee
    nighty night happy birthday Estar ♡
  • Night Pa ♡
  • It may be early here, but your birthday is 1/4 over at your house @Estar. I thought the stars came out at night. Are you going to sleep YOUR day away. Sorry but I'm headed to bed but not before I say "Happy Birthday" to my favorite star.

    Night Ma
  • Good morning @TomPuss. I normally like your videos. But that was painful. I love cats and it hurt. For someone who doesn't like cats it could drive them to do nasty things.
  • What was I thinking? @Estar's not asleep. She liked flying so much she's probably gone skydiving for her Birthday. Don't forget to pull that little cord.
  • Just a quick pop-in to wish @e-star Happy Birthday. :)

    Wishing you a wonderful afternoon and evening and hoping it is just as fantastic as the birthdays we are celebrating today. A sister and a niece.
  • I'll be back later with some flowers and cake as still at work but I see @kathy already opened the bubbly so I'll take a flute to go! *clink* cheers!
  • Oh wait! No you didn't kathy you were just singing lol!! Ok well OB must have put it on ice?
    @tompuss before I forget you'll be pleased to know we're having a curry and fright night tonight so Ringu is lined up! I'll finally get to watch it!
  • :)))))) What a sweet sight, to wake up and see my birdie friends celebrating with me! @tompuss thanks for the video... ermmmm had to turn the volume down as Jaapie thought they were being tortured... so did I kinda hahahaha, but I love you for finding it! @kathy you always sing in key, good thing I am not sing along side with you... I think I would have sounded like the cats in the video of TomPuss.

    LOL Mister @rat, yeah I started my day going on a plane and jumping off it. Just to feel alive, what a rush! I so love the virtual world, even a skydiving experience is fun ;)

    @Rambleberry oh wow, congratz with your sis and nieces birthday as well and thanks for making a quick pop in for me!

    Ahhh and thank you @JLZ666 for putting up the banner and I love that saying in your card! I know you send me that once and it is soooo true! You are always there, mwaaaah thanks sweetie! Sorry you can not have a national day off in my honor to celebrate with me, but maybe next year... using the excuse of the birthday of the new princess?! Congratualtions with the new addition of the royal family!

    I hope I can check in every once in a while, but will be spending time in the real world as well. Would be rude right, to not be there for the guests coming over :/

    Again thank you all for the love and congratz, it really warms my heart to know that the internet can be so powerful and make any distance look like it is not there.
  • All righty I'm talking to more bubbly for me ;) Back to work :(
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