The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2506
  • Happy Birthday E-star I hope you had a wonderful day!!
  • Awww sniff look at all that baking skills of you! It looks yummy! Just dropping in for a quick visit, auntie and uncle just left, expect my parents to drop in any minute. But saw you decorated the place, love the tullips @jlz and kathy those balloons brighten up the place! Oh and that amazing banner mumsie made is magnificent. You guys are the best!
  • You sure did show me up @mumsie lol! Great banner!
    @kathy that is one yummy bag of munchies! That's just reminded me to phone Mum and get her to send more mint Oreos over. She brought some back at Easter and ohhhh goodness! We just get original and double stuffed over here.......I think? I've tried to find the mint ones but no such luck. If @mumsie or @hunnybunny know differently please let me know. Actually on the other hand maybe it's safer if they are on the other side of the world!
    @estar maybe I'll try to whip that cake together with my new gadget?! Haahaa yeah right,it's not a magic mixer!
    Off to eat some tandoori lamb :D
    Have a lovely evening peeps!
  • @estar Gelukkig Verjaardag!! I hope you're having a wonderful time celebrating your birthday, here & in real life. Wish you many happy days ahead & thank you for everything you do here in the Nest :)
    @jkz666, @kathy, @mumsie what lovely decorations.. I think I'll come back later for some bubbly but maybe sneak a piece of cake right now.
  • Hi @Karen68, @JLZ666, @Mumsie42, @TomPuss, @Kathy, and especially the Birthday girl, @Estar. With all these ladies in the bar today, I have expected to turn and see Kimmie. Does anyone know how she's doing these days? I hope all is going her way.
    But enough about people that couldn't make it. How was the skydive birthday Star. Glad you didn't turn into a shooting star. They're beautiful and burn bright for a very short time. But we like you the way you are. Still twinkling.
    twinkle twinkle little star
  • And just for old times @Estar
  • On other threads
    @rat, no problem, I spend virtual money quicker than the real stuff!
    @jlx666 can't help on the biccies
    Anyone (@estar) playing Tropigal? Any Thoughts?
  • Tropigal Mrs. Bunny? The name alone oozes cooties.
    Virtual...Real...It doesn't matter. Raised in the Deep South, my palate was weaned on only the finest of wines. If we could afford it on a Saturday night, we drank Boone's Farm, Strawberry Fields Forever. Mmmm mmm Expensive! But I'm worth it. ha ha ha
  • ahhh I hope i havent missed All the fun!! had some things to do suddenly but I'm taking a little break..
    Looove the banner @jlz666 and @tompuss & @@hunnybunny the delicious cakes!
    happy you could pop in @Estar star of the day..ii agree with Pa glad your not a shooting star just keep twinkling around the nest!!
    @jlz666 What Baby! !! who could be lucky enough to be born on estar bday?
  • hey @karen68 nice to see you could pop in..we miss ya around come by later and share some bubbly..I'll start lol..*clink*
  • @rat if I'm ever down that way I'll treat you lol
    Tropigal is the new Seasons. Not impressed. Crazy one birders. But I've only played four levels so far....
    @kathy quote "hope I 'hedgehog' missed anything" I'll have what Kathy's drinking....
  • LOL I was trying to decypher @kathy's message too with the hedgehog thing... another glass of bubblies @kathy ;)
  • ((((((hugs))))) @ Estar..yrp i think the Shampagne went to my headd hee hee;)
  • aww thanks * clink*
  • [[hugsss]]] @kathy *clink* here is too many more bubblies!
  • @estar you're right, it's definitely like Rio
    @ksthy ,clink!
    Thiws shmpers ish
    N ice
    I thwnk
  • Ah @estar have you had too many as well! Is that a secret rat code or did your HTML go badly wrong?
  • Parents have gone home, so I am going to watch a movie with hubby and enjoy some time with him and fling some, maybe the new update needs to grow on me... or should I return to Finn Ice and get it over with... hmmmm would be better as I know I would enjoy flinging in the new episodes more, knowing I am not that behind with my videos.
  • @estar have another glass of bubbly, snuggle up to Mister EStar, watch your film, enjoy your birthday, and don't take me too seriously when I mention your html. You know more about that stuff than I will ever learn

    Btw, are you prepared to announce your newly celebrated age? I'm guessing 39
  • Happy Birdday @EStar :))
    (Barely, but I made it in time!! :D)
  • No worries @hunnybunny probably better not knowing where I can get them. I'm doing ok first play on tropigal but it's doing weird things on iPhone. I can't zoom out full screen. I pretty much can't look up,even with moon shots. I thought there was only one golden egg until I went to leaderboard. I'd never have found the one way up top if not for nest help. So yeah it's great graphics,ok game play but once again crap for iPhone. When I have time I'll try to find out if others are having the same problem. Lovin the gorg apple cake btw!
    @kathy The new and very cute is baby courtesy of Prince William and Kate.
    @karen hi! Is B on the road yet?
    @rat I'm thinkin your kidin? The wine list is fake... No?
    Just watched Blair Witch,paranormal 1 and onto Ringu............ Thanks TP...I think ;)
    Ohhhh @hunnybunny she's a baby......*sigh* a few off 39
  • @hunnybunny :p you know me... I always take thing seriously hahaha, but ehhh you are adding 2 extra years to my age ;) but thanks for the unitentional reminder though, I needed to update my profile info, it still said 36.
  • Ooohhhh @jlz666 I didn't know !! Wow how fitting a Princess on @Estar birthday! ! Dyes l Does she have a name yet! ! you probably said but i missed it! argghh my keyboard is spooky lol
  • Ooh CCrap does our profile show our Age? i forgot that! !
    * scoots to profile * I'm sure my keyboard betrayed me gotta check lol!
  • Wow jlz don't think I will be joining you in your movie night, I wouldn't sleep for a whole month ;)

    @annifrid thanks for rushing and a yup it does say may 2nd on my dutchie ipad, so just in the nick of time, but than again, I live in so many virtual time zones with all you lovely birdies, the day never ends at midnight ;)
  • No kathy it doesn't, I just like to know stuff like that from others, so figured I would add it to my profile text.
  • @jlz666 what did you think of Blair Witch ? i was quite disappointed when i saw it years ago
  • But over the past few years it took me at least a week or month to remember to update it :p
  • Whew @Estar lol..i just checked and i did not put my age..ty
  • iPad is running low, so better connect it to some juice, night night lovely lovely friends, it has been a fun day and I feel so blessed with so much love from all over the world!
  • nighty night @estar Sweet Dreams ♡♡☆☆☆☆☆☆
  • Oops! @estar have good remainder of your day anyway.

    Nighty night @all
  • Good night all.
    It feels weird. I was up before @Estar and will be going to bed much later. And I know for a fact she doesn't spend too much time on her pillow. Oh well, I guess that means I'm not sleeping very much again.

    The wine is real @JLZ666. And we teenagers, which could buy it at the convenience stores at the age of eighteen legally (younger, not so legally), thought it was good stuff at a cheap price. We didn't drink the real cheap stuff like Ripple. But yes, I was joking about the quality. It's like fermented kool-aide. ha ha You have to start somewhere. Tax laws and drinking age limits have changed since then. Now you must be 21 to buy it. Their biggest market is still younger people in small stores but to be able to sell it there, the makers had to remove the wine content and replace it with malt liquor or beer. So it's probably even nastier than I remember. But it's still out there. lol
  • @EStar -- Happy Birthday! Guess I missed it in your timezone, but still have 5 hrs to go here. Hope you had a great day!
    Personally, I was surprised at how young you look / how young you are in the pics from your Rovio visit. May be a comment on my age. : (
  • Nighty night all
    night pa♡
  • @kathy @JLZ666 Blair Witch was the most useless thing I ever saw! Scary movie?? It wouldn't have frightened me even if I'd seen it when I was 4yrs old. . . It was just so boring *yawn*.
  • Really really can't stop as in the middle of family get together. Just nipped out for a quick ciggie as an excuse. Happy Birthday @lesleyg! Hope you have a wonderful day! OB could you please open more bubbly for this lovely lady. *clink* cheers AA!
    @kathy @tompuss Blairwitch was the biggest pile of tripe I've ever seen. We struggled to watch it through to the end. I've seen scarier adverts. Ringu however..........;)
    Gotta go
  • Hi everyone! Just wanted to pop in and say hi! ;D
    Oh! Happy Brithday!! @E*
  • @lesleyg -- Happy Birthday!
  • Happy Birthday @lesleyg have a glass of bubbly on me for your birthday, and a magnum for your wonderful strategies!
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