The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2537
  • @Karen68 -- Thanks! It's been a good day!
  • Nighty night all happy Friday :)
  • Very sorry I'm late but I think it's still before midnight in Cali? Happy Birthday @mvnla2!
    Super cute kitty @tompuss. I know how she feels. That's me at the fridge 20 mins ago trying to start my day ;) Hope all is well x
  • @JLZ666 Hi! Yes, all well, but am very late with PM. . Have had several trips to hospital, nothing serious, but very time-consuming. . Main news is that we have been adopted by a Siamese cat! Where he comes from is a mystery. Did you finish the decorating? Sure you painted something wonderful on your ceiling -:) xoxo
  • @JLZ666 -- Your BDay wished posted on 9/10, so you made it in time.
    @all -- Yet again I'm thankful that my birthday is the 10th and not the 11th.
    @TomPuss -- What a precious pic!
  • Sorry @tompuss,it's been a long day. Yes I've finished the decorating but I'm getting a new boiler/heating system put in in 2 weeks time and I'm praying they don't make too much of a mess. Oh and the only thing I left on the ceiling was my hair! I ended up looking like Lily..........Munster that is....not my cat ;) Hopefully your appointments will start to ease off a wee bit but better to keep on top of things. Who on earth has "lost" their Siamese?! I think word has got out that you'll get spoiled at tompuss's house! My cattery owner has 2 and they are just beautiful but my God they are loud!!
    Glad I made it in time @mvnla2 I can't believe that's 14yrs ago. I do think about the babies born or the people married that day. It will always be the first thing people think of.
    Need to pour myself into a glass of wine and watch TV....i.e take a few sips and pass out catching flies on hubby. Have a good one @all
  • @tompuss I'm not a "cat person" I prefer dogs
    I can hear hisses across the BP...
    But that is one cute cat
  • I am so sorry @mvnla2 for missing your birthday!!! my sincerest but way overdue Birthday wishes to you! Hope it was a splendid day.

    Haven't been around much lately, still working my way up... but the good news is up is becoming a closer and more achievable goal with each week I continue the fight :)

    But even with the rocky road of the past few months, the nest will always be a place to call home for me whenever I venture out into the world wide web. So I am pretty sure once I am "back" I will be "back" here as well :-)
  • @Kathy
    I made this vid for you:

    On the episode selection screen, you see my non PU score (2.446M, matches the one I have entered on ABN) and below my PU total (2.104M). Then, I go to the level selection page. All the levels that could be completed with PU's (i.e. all non egg and non boss levels) have their lightning bolt, which is consistent with my PU total being large.

    Then, I visit level 8-1. At first you see my normal highscore (78220, the one I have entered on ABN), then I tap the Wingman button, and you see my PU highscore (89370), and you know it is a PU highscore because there is the lightning bolt besides. I then complete the level with Wingman, with a somewhat lucky outcome which beats my previous PU highscore.

    On the level completion page, it is said that it is a new highscore and you now that it is a PU highscore instead of a non PU highscore by the fact that there is still the lightning bolt (in case I'd have forgotten I had used a PowerUp).

    Then, I reset the level, and I see again my unchanged non PU highscore (78220). If I tap again the Wingman button, then I see my new PU highscore (89590). You cannot make any confusion between the two and no screenshot (unless you edit the picture) can be misleading about this.
  • Thanks @sglouk for going to the trouble to make a video explanation for me, unfortunately i can't view it ,i get a message saying its private:(
  • I'll be back soon,...
    Hi @Estar sorry to fly by my friend nice to see you shining a little bit☆☆
  • @Kathy
    It should be ok now.
  • That's okay @kathy I was flying by myself as well, but wanted to pop in real quick to wish @mvnla2 a happy belated birthday and tell OB he is doing a wonderful job keeping the BP spotless for all of us birdies.

    Have to turn in soon anyway too, new regime to fight my way back to the top, getting to bed on time. With the total drainage of the mind and body, that hasn't been a problem for me ;) not sure if and how I will maintain this "early bedtime" when the nightowl is up and running again... hopefully real soon hee hee
  • Aww..Sweet Dreams my friend ♡ @Estar hoping the best for you
    Rest is the best they say..
    Thanks @sglouk seems to be working now, no time to watch atm but i will shortly
    Appreciate it :)
  • Ahhh o.k thank you @sglouk , so the lightning bolt is always there on the level selection page, but when you reopen the level it's not there ,it shows your 'clean' highscore. Only if you select pu again does the lightening bolt reappear. So you can screenshot your 'clean score' without the bolt.
    I think I've got it now. Ty so much for the video,and explaing it. And I'm sorry if you think i was question your integrity of your boards, more or less i was just defending rat9, which i really have to stop doing honestly lol, it just gets me in trouble and he's a big rat hee hee ,he can defend himself;)

  • @EStar -- Not too late. Thanks for the wishes and special visit.
    We're doing my birthday dinner tonight anyway, so you're early. : D
    Hope you feel well enough to be back full time soon. You're sorely missed.
  • I just gotta say in my own defense, I'm not a true blonde lol, but i did just 'touch up' my color and all came clear to me lol..;)
  • Ok i guess is time for me to call it a night.
    I've decided in the last 10 minutes that I'm Done with seasons ACB (to many questionable scores ) same with Pig Days plus it's hard and Back To school, well i hated school, maybe it's just late and i shall have more patience in the morning, maybe I'm just all flung out:(
    No what the matter is bedtime i guess. .
    A little Whhinnee before bed never hurt..Where should i Fling!! Wahhhhhh.
    Nighty night
  • @Kathy
    no problem. There is no risk of confusion between the two scores, whatever you do. Unless you suspect that some user faked some screen capture, the screenshot suffice to know that the scores are legit. As far as I understand, this is, unfortunately, not the case for ABO or Seasons.
  • Great explanation video for us dummies about power-up scores @Sglouk. BTW, how did you get so many Mighty Eagles? I've never used mine and still only have four of five hundred freebies. Have you been spending your lunch money on PU's? he he
  • I hate that I missed the shooting Star yesterday . They're so infrequent these days.

    @TomPuss It could be a descendant my Siamese cat. Mine disappeared when I was a young child. My mommy told me she went to live on the farm along with my pet rabbit, chicken, and duck.

    @JLZ666 Lily. That's funny because I can easily picture you wearing gothic black with the white in your hair. ha ha
  • @Rat
    When you have unlocked the last Brass Hogs level, which means that you have 360 mission points, every 10 mission points you earn gives you one power up bunch + 6 Space Eagles. So I refuse every mission that is not "beat your score on level xxx" and accept only those 10 pts missions. This gives 30 points per day, i.e. 21 Space Eagles (there is one Space Eagle in each PU bunch). The hard part lies in completing a 10 pt mission, but once you know that using PU to beat your non PU score allows you to complete the mission, then it becomes easy (not to mention that my mirror levels have been three starred only, this explains my low overall total). Basically, you just have to complete a level the normal way by doing at worst 10k less than your highscore and tap the Wingman button (without using it), so that it counts 10k as an extra bonus bird. This is how I feathered all the levels of game (except one).
  • @Sglouk I might as well give up now. You're part of the new group of flingers that knows how to really play this game. You've got your multiple devices and all the old versions of software and have studied their differences to your advantage. Me...I just go outside and fling when I smoke a cigarette. I don't stand a chance against you, do I? ha ha
  • @Rat
    As a matter of fact, I am still 838k behind you. This answers your concern.
    This vid shows what I was talking about with mission completion: I have to beat my score on Utopia 4-29 (109k), wich I do with heavy use of Power Ups (129k).This is not enough to beat my PU highscore (178k), but it suffices to complete the mission and recover the spent PU's, plus seven Space Eagles.
  • WWWwwwwwihhhhhiiiiinnneee 560 lousy points away from a new puppy!!!
  • @kathy keep trying. I was 30 points shy of a puppy til I finallly hit the jackpot. Fingers & toes crossed for you! :D
  • Here's one for @stocktoad who didn't think Brits would know who Donald Trump was
  • Wooot! !! The Whiine did the trick! !
    *jumps for joy, spinning wildly,, screaming...i got a puppy i Got a pupppy!!
    Woooot !!!..
  • @kathy I beat my own score for that puppy, and now every other puppy winner has thrashed my score. Keep going girl, you'll thrash me too xx
  • I posted too late. OB champagne for @kathy!
  • Thanks @karen68 @hunnybunny, now just waiting for a wifi signal to upload a screenshot. .
    Woohoo I'm so excited, Snowdrop has a playmate! !
    @jlz -666 Would you do the honors sinced you named my first?
  • Which link do i copy to put the link to my screnshot for proof?
  • Thanks for the bubbly @hunnybunny truly I wouldn't have gotten this puppy if not for you! !
    And your, and @karen68 excellent aiming points :D
    I'm not sure which link hellpp
  • C'mon guys Help :( Im sweating it out here, praying my wifi connection on tablet holds out long enough to post proof:(
  • @kathy either the third or fourth in the album list...
    Where is @jlz-666? She'll be mad she missed another puppy. It was her discovery that this one got easier. Kathy I called my pup Jules because of her.
  • Thanks @hunnybunny, i went ahead and took a chance and picked the 3rd one i think lol, then @angrychicken said that would be fine, It worked, i didn't get a background trajectory or debris shot:( I'll remember that iF i Ever get another pup lol.
    Havent heard from @jlz666, hope she's having a relaxing weekend.
    Thanks again for the heads up, i hadnt much hope at first the score varies soooo much, but the final whine did it:) *clink*
  • @kathy enjoy your new pup and the champagne. I'll lend you some ear plugs, because profane language is on the way when @jlz-666 finds out she missed another easy puppy.
    Good night xx
  • @Hunnybunny -- Loved the Trump video! The visit with Jimmy Fallon was on the news, but not the whole clip. Won't ask what Brits think of him in public (no politics in the BP, right?).
  • Huh? What Trump video @mvnla2, i missed it..looking back..

    Found it cancel above lol..
  • Roflmao, got no time to finish but funny to start lol..
  • WTG @Ma. A new puppy. Are you going to call him Snowflake? Or Raindrop?
    I was too busy getting tortured at the Spa with the wife. A massage, pedicure, and dinner out instead of a puppy. I'd rather have the puppy and eat the wife's cooking. She sees it differently. ha ha
  • Thanks @Pa sorry you had such a totureous day:( lol..Dinner out a massage and a pedicure OMGiraffe that sounds absolutely Awful!! Hee hee, I spent the morning in the same torture ,a mani/pedi in a massage chair then treated to a,sub for lunch and pizza for dinner terrible i tell ya..but i made up for it by getting my pup. Not sure what to name it yet waiting on @jlz666 she named the first so it's only fitting for her to name the second, I'm not as creative as she. But hmm raindrop to go with snodrop doesn't sound bad; )
  • @jlz666 lol I never even gave a thought about that interpretation. It was meant as a compliment
  • @mvnla2 I've no idea on Trump's politics, but we know him here. Sort of sad, but extremely rich, makes you cringe and jealous (of the money) at the same time.

    Here's another one for @mvnla2 Jonas Kaufmann at the Last Night of the Proms. One of the greatest British traditions. I seldom insist on watching anything on TV but this a must (Mr Bunny will watch the most awful rubbish, ever)

    And anyone who likes music and a good looking man, it's for you as well.
  • Haahaa! I've been called worse @hunnybunny so I'll take this one as a compliment!
    @kathy I have to say that Snow drop and Raindrop do sound very sweet together!
  • Time to clean the kitchen. It's my Sunday tradition. Prep the lunch, walk to pub, a G&T or white wine. Home for Sunday lunch. Mr Bunny upstairs (our sitting room is one floor up) me downstairs in the kitchen diner. Cleaning, music, dancing. Uses up those G&T calories...
  • @jlz666 I've been called far worse. Wasn't your dad or a relative in the police? After 30 years serving I could write a bloody book on names I've been called. And, strangely, two curses put on me by so called witches. One of whom wet her knickers every time she was asked a difficult question.
    Sorry, a bit too much information there, but I can tell an awful lot worse, and sad, and just plain horrendous
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