The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2539
  • Like, mon, i played trombone in a touring Reggae band mon! Opened for Ziggy Marley, Mighty Senators, Bunny and the Wailers, Fishbone, Neville Brothers, etc. actually on an album that gave Mighty Mighty bosstones their big break. Yes, kids on bus in AM and off 2 wrk. Nite
  • No Way @knichy You Opened for Ziggy and are Actually on an Album of the Mighty Mighty Bosstones!! Those were my younger days but Wow I'm impressed!
    Really gotta go to sleep soon..
    Nighty night Pa ♡
  • Another puppy up for grabs today, if anyone's interested...
  • @knichy -- Thanks for the info. As you can tell, I know nothing about popular (i.e. non-classical) music. Do you still play?
  • @kathy was about to call you for the puppy challenge but can see you already there, and not far away. I've got a name for your next one!
    @Bonneypattycat @jlz666 puppies are available ...
  • Lol @Bonneypattycat didn't just win a puppy, she wiped the floor...
  • @mvnla2 Occassionally with some guys from the neighborhood, we play at some local clubs. last "semi-pro" band was about 8 years ago. Now that my son is old enough to learn on my old drum kit, we may do some jammin'. to busy with coaching and kids and all.

    An Jah Mon, @bonneypattycat cleaned up! I think she'll hold on to that one a while. My first challenge, I am down in the weeds but at least on the "improved" board.
  • Hi @knichy she certainly did! A great flinger. Keep trying. I played through 36 levels to actually open the challenge. But a new puppy! When I get a little tired of flinging (Seasons Back to School is certainly peeing me off) I go on a puppy hunt
    We haven't spoken before, but may I ask a question? Can you do the reggae smooch? I haven't found a man in thirty years who could do a good one lol
  • Aww @knichy you looked so lonely. No ABN friends! I sent request
  • @Kathy @Rat you should have a look at the challenge, an easy puppy is there.
  • @Sglouk I'm sure I've said that already! @kathy is flinging away @rat not interested, I suspect...
  • Hey everyone @hunnybunny @sglouk and all who me mentioned me in the Puppy Hunt, i actually started this morning at work lol, got a pm from a freind And went right to it ;) Damn didn't i Get 80k off the bat, BUT went to take a screen of my angle and lost it!
    The way my tablet is set the is on the 'recent windows ' tab and as soon as i press it the screen shrinks, so the game didn't close out ,but my score didnt tally up, had to restart:( so i have to wait for the closing screen b4 i csn take a screenshot!
    Anyway back to it !
    Great flinging all who have puupies so far and WTG @bonneypattycat!
  • OMG OMG !!! @karen68 @hunnybunny @bonneypattycat!!
    I just got 91k !!!! WOOOT ....
    Sorry @bonneypattycat :(
  • OMGiraffe! 91k. OB break open the champagne! My tab!
    Woo Hoo
    Woo Hoo
  • Thanks @hunnybunny :) *clink*
    I Do love the name DewDrop but i was leaning towards cookie as i passed it up last time. Hmmm I'll think on it again lol..
    It is a cool name ,and beautiful pic btw ty:D
    Oh my you shoulda seen my face, my jaw just dropped!
  • @jlz666 Get yoour Arse in here, i don't care What time it is! ! You don't wanna wake up swearing again!!
  • @kathy woohoo!!! Puppy #3! That's one heck of a score too! I'm happy to celebrate with some bubbly :)
  • Thanks @hunnybunny Nighty night Sweet Dreams
    Thanks @karen68 :) help yourself *clink*
    My 3rd i wasn't interested much in puppies I was happy with my one, but 2 in one week, it's addicting hee hee
  • Well @jlz -666 will be kicking herself again in the morning:(
  • Thanks @hunnybunny, first "real" friend request, of course accepted. Got a bunch of spam requests, REJECTED!

    BTW that is a tres cool photo, i may have to search and post a few florals i did a couple of years ago when i had time.

    And @Kathy, 91K, seriously?!?!?? I haven't had a chance to get back to flinging, one at piano, one at girl scouts, running about ... still in the 71s. I may have t work this one even when challenge is d-u-n-n done done done
  • Lol Thanks @knichy :D Help yourself to some bubbly, *clink*
    Keep flinging at that spot ,you'll get it, @micromax video helps. .
  • O.k i was torn between cookie and dewdrop but i like Tia, so cookie will have to wait,and I'm going to combine Tia with Dewdrop and call her Tiadrop (teardrop) maybe ? Or just Tia and save dewdrop and Cookie *sigh * the downfall of being a Libra especially in the fall lol
    @sunshine would unerstand :/
  • @Kathy -- Where did Tia come from?
  • @Mvnla2 it was a suggestion from a friend , and i used to have a cat named Mia soo it kinda struck me as cute, And that's what I'm going with Tia ;)
    @hunnybunny i do love the name Dewdrop and that will be my next , cookie is on the waiting list for now, providing I ever win another lol..
  • @Kathy -- Great name!
  • @hunnybunny -- I love the name dewdrop. Great photo also.
  • I'm gonna have another glass of champagne, seeing as i haven't had a visit from the sherriff :D
    * clink *
  • Prefer a cold malted barley beverage myself, calling it a night. @kathy - ridiculously awesome fling!
  • Nighty night @knichy and hey whatever your drink preference *clink*
    Ty again, And really the mighty mighty Bosstones !! I've been thinking about that all day lol
    Oh and please accept your official 2nd friend request;)
    Sweet Dreams
  • Oh guess that's not something you say to a guy. .oh well its said I'm not editing haha
    Speaking of guys ,@Pa wth ya been?
    Hope is well,?
  • Congratz on Tia Ma.
    I'm still smoking, but not flingin'.
  • Thanks Pa ,good to see you:) I'm off to dreamland Nighty night ♡
    Night all and thanks again for the bubbly @hunnybunny and the congrats everyone. Night
  • Sweet Dreams Ma
  • Thanks for the heads up on the Challenge @Sglouk. But as you know, I haven't been flinging for quite a while now.

    I'm worst off than I thought. Mrs. Bunny has been in the BP a number of times and I haven't mentioned her roots were showing yet.
  • @Rat
    Well, you did fling a bit to take back the lead on CC, didn't you?
  • @kathy Thanks again for the shout out but I missed it again. Having a crappy few days and crabbit doesn't come close to my mood at the moment so flinging isn't a priority. Congrats to all the new puppy owners. I'll get back into the nest when I'm feeling better x
  • I tried to give you a reason to fling in CC a few days ago @Sglouk, but I'm afraid it wasn't much. I'll get back to flinging soon. I've been feeling better daily.
  • @Rat I have lost quite a lot of time on some levels I dislike (e.g., 2-23, the one with @Kathy's incredible top score). Obviously, that was not the fastest way to get back to the top. Maybe I should seek the miraculous one-birder of 2-24 instead. At least for this one I know already that it will take a lot of time.
  • Good luck on CC-24 @Sglouk. My score was a two birder. I've never seen an explosion of the TNT on the first shot, let alone a good one-birder score.
  • @Rat
    I had in mind that you were behind me on this one some time ago. Therefore, I presume that you recently improved on that one at some point. It is good to see at at least a 100k score is possible using the standard method.
  • I considered CC-24 my nemesis. And yes @Sglouk, I was behind you on that level and CC again until the end of last week. Saturday night, I think? You might want to look at it again. I left a few crumbs for what they're worth. Not much. he he
    But if you know 100k is possible using two birds, you've already seen the crumbs.
  • @Ma
    I agree with Mrs. Bunny. Dew Drop is a great name. I can just picture you outside yelling for her at the top of your lungs. Heerrre Dew Dew...Here girl. Might I also recommend Gum Drop, Tear Drop, or Lemon Drop for your next puppy.
  • @rat virtual puppies, virtual...
    And my roots are perfectly coloured, thank you!

    @jlz666 things will be good soon, I know, life goes up and down. And then my friend you'll be flinging like a demon, as always xx
  • @orangebubbles -- I got an e-mail saying you asked for help, but the link went to the "Gone to Rio" page. I'm not sure why you can't post comments in the Bloated Pig. @admins -- Can you help Bubbles?
  • @Mvnla2 , @orangebubbles hmm maybe need to sign in ,or refresh the page?
    I know you can read comments in forums but cannot comment unless you signed in.
    @mvnla2 where did get the request for help?
  • You're welcome @Hunnybunny. Btw, I know the puppies are virtual. Did I paint a picture so well that you thought it was real?
  • It really annoys me when a 'respectable flinger ' who one who's score would never be thought suspicious Doesnt Post How they acheived that score :/!
    OB I'll have something ,uhmm hmm anything you dream up.
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